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The next Event is our Bus Day-Trip for a Garden Tour of James van Sweden's home near St. Michael's, MD. For more details, click on the picture of the garden below. . . . . . . . . . . . VÄLKOMMEN to Drott Lodge #168,Vasa Order of America. . . . . . . .

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DROTT Lodge Monthly Meetings

St. James Episcopal Church
   11815 Seven Locks Road, Potomac MD

Usually the SECOND Sunday  of the Month

Usually at 2:00 PM

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If you don't have any gold navigation bars on the left, click here to display them.


To learn about DROTT LODGE, click on the gold " Greeting & Guide" bar on the left.


For the details of the next meeting, click on the gold " Scheduled Events" bar on the left.


On 4/18/09 the Exec. Board approved the cost to obtain www.drott-lodge.org and hosting
with unlimited space for pictures. The Picture Gallery is currently out of space. The current
website address (www.geocities.com/drottlodge) will be linked to the new one soon.


Join us on May 9th for a Garden Tour of
James van Sweden's
Ferry Cove. The Bus leaves
from IKEA lot at
 9 a. and returns at 5:30 p.m.
on the garden picture for more information.
For the Registration Form, .click here .

You can view the Swedish Folk Art PowerPoint presentation made by Janet Johnson
on January 11, 2009 at the Drott lodge monthly
meeting. Click on the mittens to see it!

To view pictures taken at the District Convention at
the Marriott at Metro Center Hotel on September 26,
27 and 28, 2008, click on the picture on the left.
Some pictures are missing as we ran out of space.
Pictures taken at the Genealogy Seminar on April 11th will appear on the new website ( www.drott-lodge.org) when it is available (soon).

On Saturday September 12, 2009, Drott Lodge will tour Ellis Island. Our tour will be Tom Bernardin (see his biography and other info by clicking on picture on the left). Cost includes the tour bus, movies on the bus, the guided tour and the ferry ride to Ellis Island. For the Registration Form,.click here .


















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  This Web Site was originally designed and created by Gerry Schueman in July 1998 with inputs from Ron Carlson  and reworked in December 1999 for the new millenium. The Picture Gallery was added in 2001.

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