To Eric's Webpage!
I am the pastor of
Harbor Baptist Church, administrator of Harbor Christian School and I moderate an email list for Pastors called Pastor2Pastor. I would like to share some of my favorite links with you!I have spent considerable time in theological studies and pursuing spiritual matters. Here are some religious sites that contain some very valuable information that I would love for everyone to know. I have also included some theological school and seminary web sites.
Institute for Creation Research
Western Seminary (my alma mater)
A Message For All Who Are Seeking
I have also been an avid Backyard Astronomer and Star Trek Fan (the two don't always go together!) for many years. Here are some of my favorite Links in these two areas. They include many good resource pages as well as sites that allow you to actually remotely control a telescope so that you can do some real observing yourself. Try some of them out!
Webstars - Fantastic Astronomy Links on the Web
Sky & Telescope Magazine Online
A U.K. Star Trek fan's excellent site
A compilation of Star Trek sites
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