Hi! My name is Jeremy
and I am 3 years old. My mom isn't even going to pretend that I am helping her with this page but I would dearly love to punch some buttons on this 'puter. I loooooove punching buttons!This is me on my new swingset in September, 1999! It sure is fun! But what I like best is to just slide out of the swing…it scares Mommy and I laugh and laugh!
J Below are some of my accomplishments to share with you!My Mom and Dad have their own pages and you can visit them if you want but they really only have grown-up stuff there. My big brother, Jimmy, has his own page…'cept mine's better! (I say that 'cause it really bugs him!)
Let me tell you what I can do:
My vocabulary is exploding! Sometimes I still burble along for a sentence or two…but I KNOW what I'm saying….and that's all that matters! I'm speaking in whole sentences and starting to imitate people! AND IF YOU ASK ME (and even if you don't) MY NAME IS … BAMAN (Batman)!
I've mastered the art of manipulating adults. I like to play with various facial expressions….all designed to pluck at your heartstrings and get what I want! I'm especially good at throwing myself to the ground in a puddle of despair - parents HATE that!
I don't like sitting quietly for anything anymore except for "Boppo" which is what I call our Veggie Tales movie….which I would watch all day! And I REALLY like "Wuboy" (Larry Boy)
I like to climb and run and jump and wrestle with Daddy. I also like to dance! I like to play Sords (Swords) with my daddy or brother (a.k.a. "Beat") or just about anybody. And I love to play with my Tars (cars) and my Batman "guy" and his Tar. I also really like to color!!
I can now tell you where your eyes are as well as nose, mouth, ears, hair and chin. I like to say that Daddy has yuckies on his chin (translation: Daddy has a beard).
If I get to use the phone I now say "Hi!" and "Bye" (and burbling) and can actually hold a short conversation instead of just smiling. Of course, still pace as I talk like my big brother and Daddy!
I like to pray now before bed, before eating, before getting my juice….well, just about anytime. When I pray, I fold my hands like a little cherub and say "Budga, budga Amen".
This is me sleeping at The Cabin…Momma says I'm her angel…when I'm asleep! (6/99)
I really like Batman!! My Grammy made me this cape for my birthday! Thanks Grammy!!
Here I am on my 'bike' on our back deck (8/99)
Since me and my brother were adopted my mommy made a page about our adoption story. If you visit there, I hope you will check out the links. Also, please visit the parenting page for links that Mom uses to keep us busy and entertained!
My mom is always updating our homepage so I hope that you will come back to see what she has done lately. My brother let her know that we don't want her to work on the 'puter 'cept when we're not available to play with and she is really trying.
Please note that we do not endorse every link that is displayed above. "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Phil 4:8
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