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Hi, folks! Welcome to our humble home (in cyberspace). The home is still under construction and I hope to have everything ready soon. Right now the only link working is the " Latest Photo " where I've photos from Hawaii trip. Many people put their biographies on the first page. But I don't have much to say about myself except that I'm a regular guy (yeah, right!). If you haven't met my loved ones yet, click on the red button above or here to meet them. The only other thing I'm gonna say about myself is that I like photography and model trains (as hobby). So you will see lots of pictures from my past and present trips.

Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. If you have any comments about this page do mail them to me at sanju_niki@hotmail.com. I've gone to great lengths to create the page (I've to thank my wife for her patience while doing so and my friends/colleagues who helped) so any feedback is appreciated.

Want to get in touch with me?
Like my page?
Email me! sanju_niki@hotmail.com
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