Divorced Dad's


Welcome to the new and improved Divorced Dad's site.  A few changes have been made to the look of the site, as well as the content.   The least of which is the menu to the left.  Most of you have seen this type of menu.  Just click the drop down arrow and select an area of the site that interests you.  If you choose to read some letters from readers simply choose the 'From Dads' or one of the other categories of letters and you will be magically transported there.  I have added two new pages to the site. My Story part II, and an article I wrote on dealing with the holidays. The information in the holidays article will probably be similiar to others you may have read on the web. I figured this site deserved an article as well. I hope you enjoy them.

This is a shameless plug but I figured I might as well link to some other sites that I have created.

Speak Out Survivors! - A non profit site I created for my sister, a great person.
My Kids - I created this site for my children.


A picture of me created for the fun of it, in Image Composer.

It has been a real pleasure for me to watch this site evolve in the direction that it has.  Only good things can come from being a positive influence in the life of your child and children.  I am still accepting letters and stories for addition to these pages.  I may not be able to get them up as quickly as I once could but I will get them up. 

I encourage you to take part in the Discussion Forum, read letters from other people, and do everything that you can to be the best parent that you can be regardless of the circumstances.  Feel free to contact me via email.  Be warned though that I don't always respond to all of my mail.  This site generates quite a bit of it, and I do the best I can.  I would encourage you to submit your general questions to the discussion forum.  You will have a much better chance at getting a response. 

Several people write me to request information regarding the law, and in some cases even specific judges.  I don't have that information.  Once again, I urge you to post in the discussion forum.  If you write directly to me you get the one opinion of a guy sitting behind a computer in Michigan, just trying to help where he can.  The great group of people that are active in the forum are from all over the world, and from what I have observed they have been a great source of information.

I wish you all the best.

God Bless,
Chuck Houghton


Home | Discussion Forum | My Story | My Story Part II | The Holidays | Focus | Weekends | Tough Times | Guilt | Ode to Dads | Lost Kids | Links | Letters from Dads | Letters from Moms | Letters from Children | Letters from Step-Parents | Contact Me