Jeffrey's Page

(6/24/04)Jeffrey here. Checking in again. I'm 6 years old, going on 7 next month.

Jeffrey at 2 years

Here's Jeffrey. He's 2 years old and looking mighty grown up!

(8/17/99) Hi there! Jeffrey here!

I am now two! Yeah for me, I am such a big boy. I am talking in sentences, even though some people may not understand me. I got a big bed for my birthday and I love climbing in and out whenever I want. Mommy and Daddy don’t like it when I get out at night though and show up at the side of their bed saying, "up please". They walk me back to my bed and I snuggle up and go to sleep.

I am getting ready for my baby brother to arrive. He should be here anyday now. I am gonna help mommy take care of him. I helped make his bed and fold his clothes, really I rolled around in them while mommy put them away. He has really little diapers too that I can bring to mommy when he is dirty.

I am a big boy now and use the big potty. It is a lot of fun and I am so proud of myself when I am done that I go and tell anyone who is around.

I am still pretty short but I am as cute as ever. I had a great birthday party. So many people came and played with me. Fletcher was my favorite since he helped open my gifts and played with them. I hope I get to go to his party and help him. Besides I can always eat more cake! Yum yum.

I have been swimming a lot over the summer and can hold my breath pretty well. I love to jump in and swim in my tube all by myself. It has been so hot I haven’t gotten to swim in awhile. The water is hot like a bath. I am hoping that next month I can swim more with my Aunt and Uncles while mommy is taking care of my baby brother. I hope everyone will come and meet him and then play with me. It will be lots of fun.

Well, I have to go help mom make peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, I just love those!

Just so you don't forget July 30th, I've got a little reminder below. Hope to see you soon! Bye Bye.