Hi, I decided to take out all the old guestbook entires... I couldn't edit this guestbook any more, because there were so many dang entries. I may archive the past entries in the future. What's that?-- You want to read all the past responses to my goofy guestbook questions, do you? "Who has better hair, Steph Rue or Hanson?" The world may never know!!! Plus, I got the brilliant idea from my genius friend, Jenny Park, to write in comments t guestbook questions. That way I can have more interaction wit you guys. Fun fun!

frrrrrrrreeeeeeaaaakkkkkk - 07/04/00 02:12:18
My Email:funky_hippy_princess_007@hotmail.com
favorite word: smelly
funniest thing i've ever seen: hmmmmm... my face in the mirror!
most annoying song ever: that barbie song... you know, the one by aqua?
my inspiration is: all the other insane freaks that are rapidly filling up this world!
this random thought occurred to me: i'm smelly
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: fart (it's smelly)


peter kim - 04/03/00 17:03:45
My URL:http://home.cwru.edu/~psk2
My Email:peterskim@mail.com
favorite word: turtle
funniest thing i've ever seen: well, the funniest thing recently is seeing jimmy kim do christine's nails
my inspiration is: steve khang
this random thought occurred to me: girls are kinda cute =)
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: fart, of course

When are you going to update your web page? =)

11/12/99 22:09:49
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

Michele Chung - 08/26/99 20:52:33
My Email:mish@stanford.edu

hey steve...sorry i didn't answer any of the questions, not feeling so creative today. these guestbook things are pleas for brilliance. :P how are you adjusting after a year in the mother land? we should get together sometime before heading back for school...oh, have you already gone up to Cleveland? let me know if you get this. i'm at home 'til Sept 14. take care and welcome back!

- 06/08/99 00:52:28
My Email:skkim@eden.rutgers.edu
favorite word: mukjah!!! actaully,it's two
funniest thing i've ever seen: funny and nauseaing:going to korea and seeing the rampant dress code of too many guys. It consisted of skin tight jeans, long elf-style cowboy boots, too-tight shirt exposing too skinny frames, accompanied by a hand urse that looks like a girl's makeup bag, all topped with the imitation-iwannabeakoreantalentuh-in the eyes hairsyle
my inspiration is: God,fam,friends,country...inspiration to be someone that spreads love and light in this dismal world
this random thought occurred to me: soon doo boo sounds sooo good right know
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: GAS-X, of course!

hullo stranger in cristo.. tuyo pagina was jeencha interesante. pun pun shtuff.

Andy - 12/10/98 16:11:16

Sup! I was just browsing and found my way here from a search engine. Your homepage may not look all that appealing and so but i've got to say that don't matter. I enjoy korean music and the midi's that you have are superb. Excellent job makes up for mo e then worth. I'll be back keep those midi's coming.

10/03/98 22:33:37
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Julie Park - 09/06/98 18:54:19
My URL:/Athens/1442...kindasortanotreally
My Email:bahker@erinet.com
favorite word: koh-ja...sleep! wheeeeeeeee!
funniest thing i've ever seen: mommy park performing magic tricks
most annoying song ever: torn..."my inspiration has run dry..." yup!
my inspiration is: steve khang, korean wonder
this random thought occurred to me: i need to clip my nails
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: yes

Hey Khang-sta! I guess you're in the motha-land now, so you won't be updating your page. Not like you ever did while you were in the States! It was lovely talking to you for 2 minutes the other week. Jen said that she kind of got in touch w/y u, whatever that means. Are you a Korean-masta now? If you come back fluent, then there's hope for me. Yay, Michele came back last nite! We're going to see her tonite. Okay Stevie Wonder Khang, time to take a nap!

j park

Mikey Chae - 09/05/98 22:26:04
My URL:http://www.donthaveawebpagebecauseiamtoolazy.com
My Email:snooger@juno.com, or kicksology@aol.com
favorite word: wa taki!
funniest thing i've ever seen: april yi trying to eat a lot...
most annoying song ever: anything by spice girls!! argh!! they really stink!!!
my inspiration is: the bible! (:
this random thought occurred to me: you know what? coka cola used to be green!! pretty phunky heh?
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: burp baby!!! i can burp pretty loudly...its weird..

hey stevie!! whats happenin' bud? nothing much going on here...april and hannah and some other people are over!!! okay..april wants to type something.... hihi!! how are you?!?! i hope good!! I'm pretty good, but school is keeping me soooooooo busy!! :P oh well, i ghuess i gotta get throuh it, right? ok, well, i gotta go, alrighty???? i miss you!!! take care, okee?! see ya later! yo! its mikey.... doode..you should try and visit us sometime!!! okay? i gotta go man..tae care...bye!! mikey

Mikey Choi - 08/19/98 05:10:30
My Email:Snooger@juno.com
favorite word: Kamahame!!!!! (its a dragonball term) ;o)
funniest thing i've ever seen: The Cincy guys go all out! Peter and Eugene are just hilarious! Stevie man..you should see eugene play basketball!
most annoying song ever: anything that the spice girls sing! blech!!!
my inspiration is: Steve Khang! ;o) and hey...cant forget the big man up in the sky...G-O-D! awwww yeah!!
this random thought occurred to me: you know...if you stay up all night....during the day time..your usually tired....=P
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: BURP BABY! whoever knows me..i burp rather loudly...john lin is my burping rival!

STEVIE!! whats up man? doode! i didnt get to say bye or anythin' b4 you left for korea...argh..i was in LA...i hope that everything is going well in korea...and i hope you werent any part of that flood...=P ergh...take care man...and thanx for everythin' you ta ght/told me....bye! Mikey ps....if you learn any dances in korea...teach me and we'll do it together sometime..;o)

Najean - 08/05/98 01:06:42
funniest thing i've ever seen: at Putt Putt my friend reached into the last hole to retrieve her golf ball. she just kept reaching and reaching...
most annoying song ever: "Torn" -- overplayed!!

steve! did you get your gift? happy belated. SOME people remember birthdays with pretty decent accuracy. anyway, wish i could have given it in person. when are you taking off? i won't be home till late August. =(

Patrick Lee - 07/09/98 21:50:16
My Email:lethalhipsofury@hotmail.com
favorite word: oh, my bad! hm..that's more than one word..
funniest thing i've ever seen: "Billy Madison"
most annoying song ever: I don't really listen to music
my inspiration is: Vanilla Ice
this random thought occurred to me: It's hard for me to find pants cuz my legs are too long....hmph.
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: Can you imagine if Uncle Joe and Charlie farted to get the gas out of them from that fizzy lifting drink in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"? HAHAHAHA!!!

Hey guys!! what's up? I'm at UCLA right now and I just thought I'd drop in on some homepages. Hi. ok, um...I kinda ran outta stuff to say..later!

Lotus!!!! - 07/07/98 03:50:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/Flats/4694
My Email:lotusism@ccia.com
favorite word: TELETUBBY
funniest thing i've ever seen: hahahaha...i saw my friend jer walk into our math class..sit down...then proceed to stand up, trip over the chair...fall backwards, while ripping his pants in half. HAHAHAHAHAH!=D
most annoying song ever: "Sunny Came Home" by Shawn Colvin...ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!
my inspiration is: Jejuhs...=D
this random thought occurred to me: one of my legs is longer than the other...
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: i dunno-just let the thing blow, yo! =P

STEVE-A-ROOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE MAN!!! i haven't talked to you in sucha long time..how are you, mannnnn? I'm good (cuz i know you wanan know!!)...i'm having fun....doing my thing..y'know, loafing cuz it's the summer...kewl kewl....well, n-e-waiz..i m ss you!! and email me!!!!!!!!! tubby bu-bye!! luvz and hugz- Lora =D

anonymous - 05/16/98 00:47:22

Harold Hong -- you are MEAN!!!!! that story is supposed to be confidential!!!

Najean - 05/16/98 00:45:12
My URL:http://www.umich.edu/~najeanl
My Email:najeanl@umich.edu
favorite word: pooh
funniest thing i've ever seen: steve with a shaved head
most annoying song ever: anything by Spice Girls
my inspiration is: fear
this random thought occurred to me: my gum is getting old
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: already answered before

Steve -- no fair! you have to sign my guestbook too, ok? now that i have one, that is... all right? do it!! =)

Harold - 04/27/98 04:22:37
My Email:hhong@umich.edu
favorite word: bungalow
funniest thing i've ever seen: a friend at michigan trying to get on bike, losing his/her balance, trying to safe him/herself by leaning on a wall, the bike then slides out from underneath him/her, causing her to be trapped beneath it. all with a uge eddie bauer back pack stuffed to the hilt upon his/her back
most annoying song ever: that barbie song
my inspiration is: Eddie Lee, from Solo(n) Oh!
this random thought occurred to me: fat free!
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: Dude...just let it rip

Hey Steve! I'm just on a guest book signing spree. I just signed Jenny's. Ok, have philo exam tommorow. must go to sleep. Hey, when are you going home? Peace homey.

Patricia!!! - 04/19/98 18:18:49
My Email:pattylee@bu.edu
favorite word: mad (not like the emotion, but as an alternative to very or really)
funniest thing i've ever seen: this one girl from BU doing this cheer about mozerella pizza.... her name is Petra, so if anyone ever meets her, be sure to ask about it...
most annoying song ever: i don't like those alanis morissette songs at all
my inspiration is: eddie lee! hahaha....
this random thought occurred to me: my desk is MAD messy!
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: hm... i don't burp well... it is an art that i have been trying to perfect for years.

steve, i had to sign your guestbook because i feel that there is no other way to communicae with you. hahaha.... how are you? things here are good.... maybe it is because i have wonderful people in my life such as the lovely jenny park. heehee.... she wor a dress on easter.... i think that before we grduate she too will be a traitor to the tom boy posse. muuhahahaha! whoa tangent! your page is always fun to visit, steve! but an email or phone call would be even nicer! heehee.... take care!

Eddie Lee - 04/07/98 07:57:08
My URL:/Colosseum/Arena/3320
My Email:eddybear@bu.edu
favorite word: pulchritude
most annoying song ever: step by step: new kids on the block
my inspiration is: Christ crucified and risen...John MacArthur is a close second
this random thought occurred to me: why are there seven o's when you ask us to sign your book?
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: fart...right in your sister's face while she's watching tv

hi steve!
long time no see! i miss you. i hope things are going along well for you. i miss talking basketball with you and sharing about life, love and other mysteries.(aside-sorry about your bearcats...that's really a tough way to lose!) well, thanks for the s out out on jenny's page. i really appreciate it. ok! i hope to see you soon! say hi to everyone at case and kcpc for me.

Daniel Moon - 03/22/98 06:26:27
My URL:http://fs.simplenet.com/dmoon
My Email:dmoon@erinet.com
favorite word: Qwyjibo
funniest thing i've ever seen: My dog sneeze
most annoying song ever: Ice, Ice, Baby
my inspiration is: Fun!
this random thought occurred to me: If you fail at committing suicide you commit the crime of attempted murder
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: All the time

I don't know what I can say about this page that hasn't already been said. Maybe a new layout will be a pleasant suprise.

najean lee - 03/01/98 21:37:19
My URL:http://www.umich.edu/~najeanl
My Email:najeanl@umich.edu
favorite word: "nasty" - the perfect expression of disgust, horror, shock...
funniest thing i've ever seen: a man-sized Winnie the Pooh suit. Many of us have worn it.
most annoying song ever: "I'm just a girl" - JUST?! What's that all about?
my inspiration is: caffeine - really late at night
this random thought occurred to me: there are too many questions to answer before I can write my comments
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: implosion - though it's dangerous to one's health

hey, steve. i'm a little sad you took my tribute away, but i guess i understand. =( I guess old church friends don't mean much, huh? anyway, i'll be visiting cleveland in TWO DAYS!! Whoo hoo!! I'm so excited! You'd better do your homework before Susan and I come, ok? Don't make me hang out with Harold and John too much, please?! =P

Anna Byul Lim - 02/24/98 21:46:54
My Email:aenah3@aol.com
favorite word: filabuster
funniest thing i've ever seen: I watched my friend saw a piece of wood for one half hour, our friend's little brother then proceeded to saw a piece of wood that took approximately eight minutes.
most annoying song ever: "I Love To Hate You" by Erasure. Not only is it annoying, it's mean! =(
my inspiration is: Hmm... boo-moh-neem!
this random thought occurred to me: Physics is SO not phun right now. Down w/ Rube Goldberg!
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: Tums- it also contains calcium, "something my body needs anyway!"

Hi Steve! =) Thanks for putting up the Seotaiji song. I haven't heard it in such a long time. I heard they're making a come back! Yeah! Anyways, how have you been doing? I'm feeling rather groggy, possibly from my four hour nap. =P I really need o cut down my computer shee-gahn. Okay, I better get going, calc class starts soon, don't want to be late. =P I think. Well, don't want to get on the prof's bad side, I know that for sure. Take care, bye bye! =)

jenny p - 02/21/98 22:15:57
My URL:/Athens/Oracle/1442
My Email:jpark3@wellesley.edu
favorite word: kindness--it has such a gentle, lulling sound
funniest thing i've ever seen: the NCPC Wellesley church van breaking down at the tollbooth on MassPike
most annoying song ever: that new Meredith Brooks song--"What would happen if weee kiiissssedd..." :P it's so wrong!
my inspiration is: yams--MmmMmm good!
this random thought occurred to me: i'm going to get rocked by my history midterm
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: internal combustion

steve! since you haven't answered my e-mail (you booger!), i wanted to tell you that i can't call for a while. i forgot to pay my phone bill, and my long distance has been temporarily cut off. :P what a travesty! o well.

Jenly ---> THE FROSH IN HIGHSCHOOL - 02/11/98 01:06:57
My Email:Blupantha@aol.com
favorite word: Whwa Beh Toe?? ;) ( Owe it to the Taiwanese)
funniest thing i've ever seen: How people run out of the way , when my sis is on da road!
most annoying song ever: " You gotta be" I don't know why.. I just have something against it and I hate hearing it..
my inspiration is: Steve Khang (pssst he is my hero!)
this random thought occurred to me: This is my second time signing this.. whooo-hoo
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: farting.. is way outta the question, Have you ever thought, what brings gas apon us? What happens if you don't let it out? Will you explode? huh? huh ? huh?

Hey Steve!! Wassupppe?!!! howa been.. wow I didn't know you can respond back to da guestbook thingy.. that is pretty nifty!! This weekend is gonna be a 4-day weekend.. aw yeah!! Wonder what I'll be doing.. hmm.. alright.. well bye!! Keep it fo real!! =D

Steve says appreciatively: Thanks for identifying yourself so specificly, Jenly! :) Wow, you have a four day weekend? Coolness! I have a suggestion for something to do... come sign my guestbook! Oh, wait, you all ready did that, huh. Go watch a movie then... I have a suggestion... go see Shall We Dance?... it's a really cute Japanese movie... it's SOOO good!Thanks for stoppin by, Jennifer!

Me again - 02/07/98 17:06:05
My URL:http://nope
My Email:joonywoonysixandahalf@juno.com
favorite word: is
funniest thing i've ever seen: steve talkin trash
most annoying song ever: i'm leaving this one blank because i have already answered it...
my inspiration is: tickle me elmo
this random thought occurred to me: i'm at the library again and i have a lot of free time
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: I don't get gas...honest

Thanks for taking that link down. Much appreciated...i can see that my overpowering trash talk has finally made you realize the true power of Joon. I can back up all the talk i dish out. Yesterday i almost broke the rim at school after i tomahawked one down. It was sweet. I just stopped by to say hi...and also, cincinnati, if you haven't already heard got a record amount of snow in two days....18.5 inches. I got 2 and a half days off of school. It was cool. Later Joon, PS If your life means anything to you, don't come back home for spring break... i'm going to tear you apart

Steve chuckles: Joony, your antics crack me up. Aight, kid, thanks for signing my book ten billion times. I look forward to seeing your tomahawk jam.

jenny - 02/06/98 18:01:36
My URL:/Athens/Oracle/1442
My Email:jpark3@wellesley.edu
favorite word: wasabe! it's such a funny word and it's so tasty (in moderation of course--mmm...sushi...)
funniest thing i've ever seen: this guy demonstrating at dinner how his cousin got a watermelon seed stuck in her nose and how they got it out
most annoying song ever: the Titanic song (tied only w/the Jerry Maguire song in its annoying-ness)--i HATE when they put in the dialogue clips
my inspiration is: those who are wiser than I (oops, i accidentally just typed "wider than I"!)
this random thought occurred to me: i should really get started on my shakespeare character sketch b/c i have class in half an hour
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: this question discriminates against birds, who cannot pass gas and will explode if you feed them Alka-Seltzer...I protest!

stevie! gosh darn it, i thought i won the "i've signed steve's guestbook the most" distinction, but now i see that this joon fellow is beating me! i must get cracking! 2 things i noticed in the entry below mine: 1) you misspelled "banana" and 2) you mistakenly conjectured that anna is going to case--silly boy, she's coming to wellesley! right, anna? right, anna? i'm SO procrastinating; i have to go and whip up a page on Troilus and Cressida (one of Shakespeare's less exemplary plays, not to be confused w/Toyota Cressidas). oh, but i wanted to say that the guestbook reply thing wasn't my idea--i think i may have seen it first on my friend Ho's page. but then, he probably stole the idea from someone else too. o well, give credit where credit i due! take care, buddy

Steve corrects: Yeah, I knew that you didn't come up with the reply idea all by yourself, but I was saying that I got the idea from YOU, Jenny... I guess I indirectly stole it from Ho or whoever the originator is. Hey, J nny, why you gotta diss Titanic? Okay, you can diss the LYRICS to the Titanic song, but not the melody! James Horner did the score to Titanic. James Horner is the bomb! He also did the scores to Glory, Braveheart, and Field of Dreams. They all have kickin soundtracks! I'd have t say that Glory is my favorite b/c of the Harlem Boy's Choir. Yeah, I agree that the lyrics to the Titanic song are unbearably cheesy... even for me! But yeah, Jenny, if and when you finally watch the movie, especially note how smooth the background music is. I'll catch ya later, yujah! Hey, who's signed YOUR guestbook the most? I gotta be at least top 3 I'm guessin. I think I'm gonna put up new questions next week... so you'd better visit again! Same bat time! Same bat channel!

Anna - 02/05/98 21:47:52
My URL:http://www.notquiteyet.com
My Email:aenah3@aol.com
favorite word: "whatev" =)
funniest thing i've ever seen: Jenny Lee (from Youngstown) eating a salad at The Cooker.
most annoying song ever: "Don't Walk Away" by Ace of Base. I can't believe I ever bought a CD.
my inspiration is: Why, Jesus of course. =)
this random thought occurred to me: Korean music is so cool!
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: Doesn't it depend what type of gas you have?

STEVE!!!! =) Hey, what's up? Oh my, oh my, oh my, can I just tell you, your Korean page is PHAT! HAHAHA!!!! =) Jinusean is my new favorite, after Solid of course, but since Solid broke up... AHHH! You have all my favorite midis on your page! Hee ee. =) You're pretty cool. I like your sports stuff too. Did you watch the All Star football game a few weeks ago when that guy kicked the million dollar field goal? Pretty impressive, vre lucky. Maybe they could give me a shot at that. So anyways, how have you been? I haven't talked to you for a while. Hope school is going okay and everything... uh oh, I better go, my class starts soon and I have a calc quiz to study for! Eeek! =( Bye! =)

Steve sez: Hey, Anna Bananna! thanks for signin the book again! I remember the one time you signed my guestbook, you wrote like an essay for each question! I'm glad you like the Korean music page. I added a "song of the week" which will be updated weekly. If you have any particular so gs you wanna hear, feel free to request away! How did you do on your calc quiz? I hope you macked it hard! Yo, did you say that you were thinking about coming to Case? If you didn't apply, it's not too late! The deadline is Fe . 15! You gotta come, Anna! Case is the place to be, baby! :) Okay, that's enough shameless promotion. Take care!

I swear, I've already answered these before - 02/04/98 14:26:32
My URL:http://stop asking...you already know i don't have one!
My Email:joonywoonysixandahalf@juno.com
favorite word: photogenic
funniest thing i've ever seen: my stupid picture in Steve's album
most annoying song ever: i don't know, but that picture in steve's album is PRETTY annoying
my inspiration is: to get that stupid picture out of steve's album
this random thought occurred to me: i really don't like that picture in steve's album
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: getting that stupid picture out of steve's album

bro you are asking for it. You made a link to that picture!! Alright, looks like i'm going to have to really kill you b-ball. Yea, i'm at school right now...it's my free period and i have nothing to do for an hour and a half. I tried to sleep but thos desk are just not happening. Well, I just stopped by to say you are dead and if you don't get that picture out, well, let's just say you'll be sportin my shoeprint on your head!!!! and i mean it....later, Joon

Steve reaffirms: Joon, I'm not taking it down! But just to appease you a little bit, I took the link down from the guestbook. I guess that was kinda salty of me. :) Yo, are you gonna just keep on talkin? Let's see you ba k up that talk wit some game! :) BTW- don't feel like you have to answer the questions every time you sign the guestbook. If you don't answer them, they just won't appear.

Jenny Lee.. the frosh =P - 02/04/98 03:15:40
My Email:blupantha
favorite word: man.. u make these way to hard :) I think I may need to expand my volcabulary too..
funniest thing i've ever seen: i've seen it all !!
most annoying song ever: the fishes song.. ya know.. " I love fishes cause their so delicious.. " ahhh i got myself singing it.. oh well.. they are yummy tho
my inspiration is: my computer.. goin on aol all daaaay looooong..
this random thought occurred to me: I have no life.. so I go and sign guestbooks.. (just joshin)
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: Farting is gross..ew ew ew.. but burping it's a skill...

hey steve.. man I havent talked to u dude in a loong time.. howa been.. where ya been.. anyways.. hope to talk to u soon.. byeee keep it fo real :)

Steve cheers: Jenny Lee! Hey, what is up? Yeah, I haven't talked to you in a while. Yo, what is up? Thanks for clarifying which Jenny Lee you are since I know three Jenny Lee's (at least). Altho, next time, clarify freshman in high school or freshman in college. :) (Jenny Lee from KCPC is a freshman at UC) I'm doin quite good besides my vampiric tendencies. I hope life is treatin ya grandly. Well, don't be a stranger, mi amiga. Adios!

Joon Kim - 02/03/98 15:16:41
My URL:http://didn't I already tell you I don't have one.com
My Email:I used to have one called Joonywoonysixandahalf@juno.com
favorite word: have i already answered these?
funniest thing i've ever seen: deja vu?
most annoying song ever: that one with that one 12 year old who like squeals during the chorus...i don't know her name
my inspiration is: I can....Nike
this random thought occurred to me: I think i've already answered these questions....
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: ex-lax

Yea, i'm back. When are you on spring break steve? Well, you challenged me so looks like i'm going to have to embarass you. By the way, i can dunk now. I'm totally serious, i got those strength shoes and know i'm only 5ft 9 and i can throw the ball do n on anyone! I'm so serious, so watch your back.... PS...when are you going to get that weird picture of me out of your photo album....i don't know crop me out or something...i'm like sneezing and the picture looks scary..

Steve vehemently disagrees: Joony! How can you be so insecure about your picture? You just want all the women on the net to leave you alone, right? Cuz if they see how hardcore you look, they d never leave you alone. I like that picture and I refuse to take it down. I think you guyz look pretty tight. DON'T WORRY! :) Haha... We're gonna have to play some serious ball next time I come back. Then you can show me your mad ups. Thanks for visiting again, Joon. Were you at the library again? Man, don't use the net to procrastinate! then, you would be exactly like some people I know.

julie park - 02/02/98 00:46:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/1442
My Email:ohmomo@juno.com
favorite word: buttface (in honor of my lovely ohn-nee)
funniest thing i've ever seen: 40+ doing the macerana to depache mode's "personal jesus" at a sadd conference in toledo
most annoying song ever: a whole new world (aladdin)
my inspiration is: my daddy, everytime he picks up a new hobby
this random thought occurred to me: are donuts fried w/animal lard of canola oil?
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: rm 9!!!

Hi Steve! I'm procrastinating on my English paper righty now...oh well, it's only a draft deadline newaiz! Your Hanguk Midis are pretty amusing-I'm jamming to "Heng Bok" right now...oh yeah, the URL is obviously Jenny's, but I figure that her pa e is my page! Y'know? Okeeeeeeey, I should gaj!
ps...didja check out those page breaks??? The whole thing that I can remember how to do from our HTML lesson...but ya hafta admit, as far as page breaks go, aren't they nice ones? :o)

My Comments: Julie! Hey, thanks for signin da' book. Yeah, i was mondo impressed with your page breaks. Hey, I have a couple other handy tags you can use. Use "center" to center text, but remember that you need "/center" at the end. "B" is a tag for bold text and you need "/B" at the end. Remember that you need to put those in brackets, otherwise it won't work. Well, that concludes your HTML lesson for the day. :) Hey, I think calling your sister, "buttface" is NOT a good habit. :) I'm glad you like the midis. I think I'm gonna put up a new midi every week if I can find the time. Well, good luck in you studies, Julie. Visit often! :)

jenny park - 02/01/98 01:04:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/1442
My Email:jpark3@wellesley.edu
favorite word: i have many--remember that list i compiled? here are a few: luminous, scrumptious, foible, wonderful
funniest thing i've ever seen: steve's new haircut--wahwahwah!
most annoying song ever: um, i'm going to get jumped for saying this, but anything Korean!
my inspiration is: any really good teacher
this random thought occurred to me: you know what would be a really good invention? a device that would give you your candy in case it gets stuck in the vending machine. i hate either having to either a) walk away empty-handed and gypped or b) ha e to buy ANOTHER of the same thing to free the stuck candy.
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: i'm ambivalent--both are just dandy!

hi steve! i'm impressed w/all your Korean music midis even though i hate Korean music. i've had a remarkably good sleeping schedule--i'm usually in bed by 1:30 and up at 8! amazing! nice guestbook questions--much more open-ended and challenging. :) i ve been thinking about my testimony all day; it's taking me foreeeeever!!! i should have been working on my resume, but oh wellllll. :P take care, my friend!
p.s. i think i'm going to resign as Dan Bae's webmaster. people are getting the impression that dan has a fetish for me b/c i'm all over the page, not realizing that I'm the one that made the stinkin' page! argh. actually, t's kind of funny.

Steve's comment: Yo Jennifer! I do remember a list of those cool words we made... that was the inspiration for my question! Yo, we gotta publish a list of those words some time... I think a book called The Best Words would be quite interesting. You could even have favorite words of celebrities, polititcal figures, former presidents, etc.-- it would be rad! Jenny, I will forgive your comment about Korean music, because I realize that you are not stupid, you are just ignorant. Just kidding! :P I kno we've had many a discussion about the merits and faults of Korean music. I think I will write my thoughts about Korean music down some time soon in a concise coherent essay that will show how completely meritless your poin of view is! :) That's what I love about you, Jenny... for all that we have in common, the differences that we have make our friendship so much more interesting! :) Long live vienna sausages and eggs prepared "sunny side up"! :)

Joon Kim - 01/31/98 19:06:27
My URL:http://I don't got one.com
My Email:i don't got one of those either.@whatever.com
favorite word: no comment
funniest thing i've ever seen: eddy trying to play basketball
most annoying song ever: that one with the bus and the wheels
my inspiration is: i don't have one...i'm grounded
this random thought occurred to me: i'm at the library on a saturday....i'm a loser
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: all i have to say is blame it on someone else

steve...i was really bored and was at the library so i was like, "hey, why don't i see if i can find someone's homepage on the internet." Hey look...i did. Well, that's all PS you gotta get the picture of me out of the page...

Steve's comment: You know what your comment made me realize, Joon? I realized that I know too many people named "Ed(die) Lee", of course, it'll vary depending on if you spell it as "Eddy" or "Eddie", but i know two Eddy Lee's too! What is up, Joony woony? I thought you did have an e-mail address, one that was more like a sentence than an address... wasn't something like "joonywoonyeatingsomedeliciouskalbithathismothersokindlypreparedforhim@juno.com"? I can't remember it quite exactly, but that sounds about right. :) I hardly ever saw you when I was back home for break. Hey, I'll make it up to you, by schooling you especially hard the next time I play basketball with you. :)

Edward Lee - 01/31/98 08:17:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/3320
My Email:eddybear@bu.edu
favorite word: mufa
funniest thing i've ever seen: bill cosby convincing a kid that his head was a hammer and to smash it on a wood table
my inspiration is: Galatians 2:20,21
this random thought occurred to me: where does the white go when the snow melts?
best way to relieve gas- burp or fart?: as martin luther would advocate: with boldness!

Hi Steve!
I just thought that I would stop over and see what you were up to. You know what? I think the link you left on Jenny Park's page was wrong. Because your page wasn't like this the last time I came here. Hmmm. Anyways, I was very blessed and encouraged by your homepage...particularly the prayer page(I might steal it!). Keep up the good work brother!
Prayerfully, Eddie

Steve's comments: Edward! Hey, glad to see that you figured out how to sign my page! :) As you may have noticed, I've been doing quite a bit of updating to my page in the last few days. Hey, please visit the prayer requests page as many times as your heart desires and please feel free to link it to your page. I'm not the actual person who made the page... It was the brainchild of several ppl, but Timmy Huang gets he programming credit. Eddie, i look forward to seeing you again. I've been thinking about you and your crazy Boston posse... perhaps I can visit again sometime soon. :) Take care, my brother!

me - 01/29/98 09:43:27

i told you i would update my questions! :) sign this bad boy now!

me - 01/29/98 08:33:15

is this pathetic or what? no one signs my guestbook any more so i have to! wah. i'll have new questions up soon i promise.

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