Welcome to the Foyer

Step on in and let us introduce ourselves!!

Mom Claire Wichelmann - Responsible for the housekeeping.

A native Californian who celebrates her birthday on February 15th.

Hobbies include: crafting, sewing, exploring the computer, surfing the net, web-page design, genealogy, NASCAR, and spending money.

Occupation: Currently I work part-time for a contact lens manufacturing firm tinting lenses, but for the past eight years I was the administrative assistant for a commercial real estate brokerage. I could be persuaded into going back to work full-time, so if you are looking for a top-notch administrative person, please check out my resume.

Dad Steve Wichelmann - Responsible for the mess in the garage.

A native Minnesotan who celebrates his birthday on August 26th.

Hobbies include: die cast collecting, bowling, classic American muscle, NASCAR, channel surfing and nagging his wife about spending money.

Occupation: Turbocharger Technician

Two Cute Kids John and Corinne - Two of the best kids a parent could have and they are responsible for the mess everywhere else!!

Hobbies include: making a mess, making a fuss, making faces at meal time, and making their parents tired.

Darby Darby - Our funny bunny. He is responsible for eating the weeds and fertilizing the flower beds. Bless his heart, he forgets his instructions and mostly gets it backwards!

Our latest addition is our black cat, Licorice. We can't get him to sit still long enough to have his photo taken!!

Evening Falls by Enya

We are glad you dropped by to meet us. Now, Back to the Home Page to continue with your tour.

Last updated January 21, 1998 by: Claire Wichelmann goodwich@ix.netcom.com
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