Minutes of the Business Meeting at the McAdam Family Reunion in 1996
July 21, 1996 at the Gouverneur Rod and Gun Club
The business meeting of the family reunion was called to order by Vice President Mary Martin at 1:55 PM.
- Laura read the report of the events from Saturday at Lake Bonaparte.
- Mary reported that Clarence had called from the West Coast to send his best to everyone.
- Treasurer’s Report: $251.82 in the bank: Paul and Laura donated the prizes for the games on Saturday ($32) -- thank you!; Voted to give Dick $15 to pay for the gas for the use of his boat on Saturday; Voted to pay all expenses of the day, including the $60 that Clarence paid for the use of the Rod and Gun Club today and the $60 that he put down for a deposit for next year.
- 1997 Reunion: Voted to keep the reunion on the third Sunday in July and the day before; Voted for the reunion to provide meat and everyone should bring a dish to pass; Idea of having a Saturday evening activity was raised, Laura will check into using the land across the river from the Rod and Gun Club and Allen will check on using the Rod and Gun Club for an evening activity and overnight camping for those interested; Voted to definitely have a Saturday night activity regardless of details; Committee to plan Saturday night will be Laura McAdam, Allen Martin, and Lori Donnelly.
- Election of Officers for 1997
- President: Dwayne Martin
- Vice President: Paul McAdam
- Secretary: Gloria McAdam
- Treasurer: Mary Martin
- Cooks: Floyd McAdam, Dwayne Martin, Chip Gorra
- Beach Day Organizer: Darlene McAdam
- Saturday Night Activity: Allen Martin
- Historian: Jennifer Rastley
- Other business: Bryan suggested sending a letter out now, to include information about the activities; Need to let everyone know to keep Jennifer up-to-date with births, deaths, marriages, etc., so she can keep the family tree updated
A moment of silence was observed for the members of the family who have passed on in the last year:
- Colin Stephen McAdam
- Paul Wilkinson
- Simmons baby
Meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted by
Lori Donnelly,
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