Minutes of the 1997 Reunion Business Meeting

July 20, 1997, Gouverneur, NY

The business meeting of the family reunion was called to order by President Dwayne Martin at 1:30 PM.

Minutes of last year’s meeting – It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept the minutes of the meeting as written and distributed in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report -- Mary Martin Report of last year’s activity: 6/30/96 balance $250.11 Interest 1.71 Expenses 89.79 Balance $162.03

Because the balance fell below $200, the bank started charging a fee, so Mary deposited $40 of her own money to get the balance over $200. The balance on 6/30/97 was $211.16

The possibility of moving the account to the credit union, where no fees are charged was discussed. Clarence will check into this.

It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to authorize the Treasurer to research options about where to have the bank account and to make the decision.

It was moved, seconded and passed unanimously to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.

It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to authorize the Treasurer to pay all of the bills associated with this reunion.

Planning for 1998 reunion

Discussion about where to hold the reunion due to cost

Moved, seconded and passed unanimously to hold the Sunday Activities at the Rod and Gun Club.

Clarence will reserve the facility

It was suggested that we have a campfire on Saturday night of next year’s reunion. Dwayne offered his place and Jennifer was appointed to be in charge of planning it.

We all agreed that Saturday at the Lake is good, but we need warmer weather next year! It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to have the Saturday activities in 1998 at Lake Bonaparte.

Report from Saturday events at Lake Bonaparte -- Laura McAdam

It was a busy, wonderful time. We were busy adding long johns, shirts, sweatshirts and blankets.

Dwayne brought coffee and Lori brought hot chocolate – we couldn’t have survived without them!

We swam, we skied, we water-fought, but the skiers almost had a collision with a snowmobile on the lake.

Aunt Dodie nearly got frost-bitten.

We canceled the canoe races – not enough contestants were willing to go in the water!

Nobody drowned!

Family updates

In memory -- There have been no deaths in the family in the last year

New arrivals: Brandon Forrest McAdam (son of Brent and Kitty), Sean David Lange (son of Erin and Peter), Ian Tyler Martin (son of Ryan and Destiny)

Weddings: Barbara and Jerry Vogel, David Simmons, Jr., Laura Bott (Joe’s daughter)

Charlie and Ercile’s family -- Susan Camargo graduated from law school and is studying to pass the bar, Amy Jo passed her boards to be an LPN

Don and Ruth’s family -- Chip mentioned that Gloria had received two national awards for good management practices at the recent national conference of food banks, Uncle Paul mentioned that Gloria had received the Governor’s Award from Character Counts! Connecticut last October.

Other business:

Uncle Clarence discussed a mini-reunion held last year in Florida. Ken Snyder, who is a retired pilot had flown over the old homestead at Norway Lake. He could still see the foundation of the house. He is planning to go in and create a stone marker on the site this summer. He’s supposed to contact Clarence with the details and Clarence will let anyone who is interested know about it.

Pictures of Grandmother and Grandfather Lawrence were shared. Aunt Mary has information about Grandma’s family, if anyone wants to take a look.

Tori presented an award to Courtney for saving her baby’s bottle from the lake yesterday.

Gloria reported that she needs addresses for Flossie and Christine from Charlie’s family and Bion and Karin from Clarence’s family. None of these folks received notice of the reunion because she did not have correct addresses.

Jennifer needs birthdates and middle names for a number of people to put them on the family tree.

Thank you:

Paul and Laura, Clem and Dodie, Lori and Brian, Floyd and Darlene for their help organizing the Saturday activities at the Lake.

Floyd, Pat, and Robert for cooking today.

Jennifer, for all her hard work on the family history and genealogy.

Mary for donating all the items for the children’s auction

Gloria for donating the copying and postage costs of the newsletter

Election of Officers for 1998

It was moved and seconded to accept the same slate as last year.

Dwayne commented that other people need the chance to serve and nominated Lori McAdam for President.

Lori will accept the position if Dwayne stays on as co-president.

Erin nominated Uncle Clarence to serve as co-treasurer with Aunt Mary.

The amendments to the motion were accepted, and the following slate was passed unanimously.
President: Lori McAdam

Co-President: Dwayne Martin

Vice President: Paul McAdam

Secretary: Gloria McAdam

Treasurer: Mary Martin

Co-Treasurer: Clarence McAdam

Cooks: Floyd McAdam, Dwayne Martin, Chip Gorra

Beach Day Organizer: Darlene McAdam

Saturday Night Activity: Jennifer Rastley

Historian: Jennifer Rastley

And finally, Uncle Paul sang a song that was written about the McAdam family, and specifically about Lori.

Meeting was adjourned to the auction at 2:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted.

Gloria J. McAdam


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