Will of Edward Broughton (II)  (1774/78 - 1852)
Died May 14, 1852 Sumter District, South Carolina
Recorded May 22, 1852 - Will Book D-2, Pg. 392

State of South Carolina

In the Name of God Amen:

I Edward Broughton of Sumter District being weak in body but sound in mind do make and ordain the following as my last Will and Testament.

First - I commend my soul to Almighty God and my body to my Executors, to be buried in a Christian like manner.

Second - I desire my just debts to be speedily paid.

Third - I give and bequeath to my wife Sarah M. Bradley one cow and calf marked with a cross and split in each ear and also four other cows and calves, to be selected by her out of my stock, also my new buggy and harness and the young brown horse, also six head of hogs marked with a cross and split in each ear - I also give and bequeath to my wife Sarah M. Bradley the house wench Mahala for and during the term of her natural life, also one third part of my household and kitchen furniture and some articles of furniture she has purchased herself, also the sum of six hundred dollars in cash to be paid her as soon as my debts are paid. She is to live in my house at least during the years after my decease and to be comfortably maintained out of my Provisions, Family Stores, and etc. and for hr future residence, my Executors are directed to repair in comfortable and decent manner the house where her sister, Miss Polly Bradley now lives, and also annually for ten years, if she shall ao long live, to furnish her five hundred weight of meat pork out of the residue of my estate.

Fourth - I give and bequeath unto Friendly Pack and Thomas Pack, two of the sons of William Pack, who now lives employment two young cows and calves or yearlings - viz -the young cow nearly white and the young brindle cow with some white about her jaws.

Fifth - I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mrs. Martha Butler two cows and two(2) two year old heifers to be selected for her by my Executors.

Sixth - I give and bequeath and Devise the rest and residue of my Estate Real and Personal of every Description to my two sons, Napoleon L. Broughton and Jackson J. Broughton to them and their heirs - with this qualification - that Napoleon L. is to have nothing at all of my estate unless he returns to South Carolina within ten years of my decease, But my Executors, should he desire to return home, may send him a sum of money sufficient to bring him home.

Seventh - If my son Napoleon L. does not return to South Carolina within in ten years from my decease then I give , bequeath and devise the whole of the rest and residue of my estate Real and Personal to my son Jackson J. Broughton.

Eighth - I give to my Executors full power and Authority to sell all my property except land and negroes and the specific legacies above mentioned and direct them to keep the one half at interest for Napoleon L. Broughton for the ten years - unless he sooner comes for it - and I hereby empower them to sell the distant Conyers tract of land when they can.

Ninth - My Executors are to divide the Carpenter Tract of Land which own in Common with James D. Weeks so as to get the north and west part of sais land as I have agreed upon with said James D. Weeks, and

Tenth - I hereby nominate James D. Blanding, Jackson J. Broughton Executors of this my last Will and Testament - In testimony whereof I have unto set my hand and Seal.  In presence of us who at the request of Edward Broughton have affixed our names as witnesses hereunto this 22nd April, 1852.

Peter Riley                                                                   Edward Broughton (seal)
James W. Weeks
W. E. Richardson