Will of Nathaniel Broughton

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I, Nathaniel Broughton, of the Parish of St. Johns in the Province of South Carolina being weak in boby but of a sound and disposing memory and understanding (thanks be to God for the same) do publish and declare these presents to be and contain my last Will and Testament.

First and principally, I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God the author of life, hoping for the free pardon of all my sins in and through the merits, death and passion of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, my body I commit to the earth to be buried with a decent frugality. And as for my worldly estate, I give and dispose thereof as follows:

Imprimis - After payment of all my just debts (for which purpose I do hereby order and direct that my estate be kept unsold and undivided), I give and devise that all my Mullberry Plantation and premisses together with five hundred acres of pine land adjoining the head of the Mulberry tract unto my son, Nathaniel Broughton, to have and to hold the same lands unto my said son, Nathaniel Broughton, and to the Heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and failing such heirs male, then to the next surviving heir male-at-law and the heirs male of his or her body lawfully to be begotten forever.  And I further give unto my said son, Nathaniel, my coach and coach horses and to his Exors, Admors and Assigns forever.

Item - I give and devise to my son, Alexander Broughton, two hundred and eleven acres of land that I lately bought of John Colleton,Esqr.: bound East eastwardly on the western branch of Cooper River, Westwardly on the Mulberry Tract and Northwardly on lands of the said John Colleton,Esqr. and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, provided that he, the said Alexander, shall at his brother Nathaniel's request be obloged to exchange the said two hundred and eleven acres of land aforesaid for the like quantity of of river swamp to be laid out on the north side of Dockon Creek.

Item - All that my Wassamsaw Plantation containing one thousand four hundred and sixty-five acres together also with my other tract of one thousand and sixty-five acres lying on the west side of Wassamsaw Swamp, I give and devise unto my two Nathan and Alexander and that there may be a just and equal division of the said lands between them.  It is my will that my Exors herinafter named or either of them shall nominate and appoint two sworn surveyors to make and equal distinct division of the said two tracts of land and to return Plots of the same.  And when such division is made, my said two sons, Nathaniel and Alexander, shall draw for the same by lot.  And the part or share which shall be drawn by my son Alexander, I give and devise unto him, his heirs and Assigns forever.  And all my household goods and plates together with my stock of cattle, horses, hogs and sheep, I give and bequeath unto my said two sons, Nathaniel and Alexander, to be equally divided between them, share and share alike, and to their Exors, Admors and Assigns respectively.

Item - I give to my daughter, Charlotte Izard, the use of one negro man named Bristol with his wife and family during her widowhood, the said slaves to be taken at the appraisement as part of my undevided estate. But if she marries, it is my will that the said slaves shall be returned to either of my sons that shall be willing to take them, he paying the full value that the said slaves shall be appraised at at the time of such return.

Item - I give and devise to my two sons, Nathaniel and Alexander, all the rest and residue of my Real Estate to be equally divided between them share and share alike, and to their Heirs and Assigns forever.

Item - I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Charlotte LaTour the sum of Fifty Pounds Current money per annum for and during the term of her natural life to be paid her by my Executors hereinafter named out of the remaining part of my undivided estate, the first payment to be made on the twelveth month after my decease.  And it is also my will that all and singularly my slaves which are not hitherto disposed of and which are the residue of my personal estate shall be also valued and appraised by my Executors or the survivor of them and when such appraisement is made, the said slaves shal be according thereunto divided into lots equally to the number of all my children and as nigh as possible equal in sex, age and value, not dividing or seperating families.  And those Lots shal be put into a hat or box and drawn by each of my said children beginning with the eldest and ending eith the youngest until the whole Lots be drawn and the severally negroes whose names are contained in those lots so respectively drawn by my children, I give and bequeathunto them and each of them and to their Exors, Admors and Assigns respectively.

Item - I give and bequeath unto my son, Alexander, my chaise and harness.

Item - I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Charolette Izard, my riding chair and harness and one of my horses to be allotted by my Exors hereinafter named and to her Exors, Admors and Assigns forever.  And it is my will that my Exors shall have the chair put into good repair.

Item - It is my will that the above lots of slaves which shall be drawn by my daughters or any of them shall and may be taken by my sons or the survivor of them at the appraised value, provided both they and their sisters agree to it.

And I do by this will constitute and appoint my sons, Nathaniel and Alexander, Executors hereof, revoking all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-four.

Nathaniel Broughton

Signed, sealed published and declared by the Testator to be and contain his Last Will and Testament.  The words with their issue being first interlined between the fourth and fifth lines from the bottom of the first sheet and these two sheets annexed together and signed by the proper hand writing of the said Nathaniel Broughton in presence of us, who at his request have hereunto set our names as witnesses.

Tho's Sable

At the same time, 10th January 1755, qualified Nath and Alexander Broughton, two of the Exors therein named before the Ordinary who proved the said Will.