Coming Events at DCC Youth

Coming Events for the month of May:

Cedar Point Trip - May 24th, 1999.
Falling down a 250 feet slope at 78 miles per hour, while screaming your lungs out, you did they ever convince me to go on this trip! But'll be a lot of fun! :) On Victoria Day, Monday May 24th, we are going to Cedar Point with St. Paul's Youth Group in Chatham. Details are incomplete at this point as to when we are meeting on Monday...when I get more info I'll fill you in. The cost is $40.00 (Canadian), and if you haven't signed up yet, contact Mike Belovicz or Rachel Ruhn as soon as possible. Be sure to have your money in by next Tuesday's meeting at the latest...or no Cedar Point for you! :(

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Last Updated: May 6th, 1999