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Have You Made the Ultimate Decision?

I know we covered this ground once before, but I want to make sure that you understand your options. I want to make absolutely certain that you have had the Gospel Message fully presented in a way that would allow and encourage a wise and heartfelt decision.

First: Know that there is a God and that He loves you more than anyone has ever loved you. At the same time, to live with Him forever requires perfection on your part.

Second: Know that you have sinned against God sometime in your life, and probably this week or today. Even if the sin was double parking, taking that extra long look at a co-worker or claiming a little larger deduction on our taxes that we were due, it is still a sin and it is still punishable, even if no one else will ever know. Because of your sin, you are cut off from God's home, Heaven, and are already condemned to eternal Hell. This is the punishment we all deserve for our sins against God.

Third: Know that someone has willingly paid the price of your sin with His own Blood, and that someone is God in Person, Jesus Christ. God, Himself, came to live among men so that He could take your punishment if you would have it, so that you could live eternally with Him. Only God could do it for you, no one else. I couldn't do it for you and neither could you and neither could your neighborhood pastor or priest. Why? Because we are guilty of our own sins and must be saved, because the price of our own sins is eternal death.

Fourth: Know that all you have to do to be saved is to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on a Cross to pay for your sins, that He had the Authority to do so, accept His payment for your everlasting life.

If you have done this then you are a brand new baby Child of God as of this very moment. As a child, you will need nourishment that you cannot provide for yourself. That is where the rest of us come in. We will feed you and nurture you spiritually, train you and teach you and help you in any way we can. Please, at this time, drop us a note so that we can get started doing so.

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