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Logic is the simple, mathematical application of reason to a condition, situation, puzzle, problem, etc. whereby a right assessment or conclusion can be made. It is the application of the "if/then" to every aspect of the situation or puzzle, etc. If the points of reason and argument given in one's assessment contradict one another, that logic or reason is illogical.

Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language [1966] defines Logic as follows:

  1. The science of correct reasoning; science which deals with the criteria of valid thought.

  2. A book dealing with this science.

  3. Correct reasoning; valid induction or deduction; as, logic shows us a better course.

  4. Way of reasoning, whether correct or incorrect; as, at this point our logic was at fault.

  5. The system of principles underlying any art or science.

  6. Necessary connection or outcome, as through the working cause and effect; as, the logic of events.

The definition that we are interested in is number one: The science of correct reasoning. In this case the "puzzle" is one of a spiritual nature and therefore, one of eternal significance

Still, very few people actually apply logic to their understanding of things SPIRITUAL. This lack of application in such matters leads many people to veer from, subtract from or add to the faith they claim to hold dear, or even to downright contradict their most basic tenets of faith. when the most basic tenets are violated they become what is called "apostate" of their faith. In other cases, this veering comes to be in such a grand degree that these people end up, not being a "fringe element" of the faith they claim, but a CULT. For the purpose of this discussion we will almost over simplify the definition of CULT as being a faith or branch of faith which (by reason of logic) cannot produce it's intended and/or advertised ends.

For example: If a faith claims that by reason of the Bible, you will live in a state of nirvana, and at the end of this journey called Life you will be rewarded by immediately being converted into a god like one of those of Olympus, active and ruling on Earth, this is a cult. Why? Because there is no history or evidence to support the claim. By bringing the Bible into the claim the cult gives a solid guide by which the tenets can be measured. Point in fact, the Bible says nothing about becoming a god, or about having a life of nirvana. It does speak on the subject of personal peace and joy, but also of struggles and conflicts in the life of the believer.

This is in no terms to be seen as meaning that I don't believe in the Soundness of the Bible -- on logical grounds. To the contrary, I believe that the Bible can be proven to be exactly what it claims to be. But again, let's be logical and apply reason to the matter. Let's do so by application of what we may call the "legal standard". That is to say that we hold it to be innocent of the charge until proven guilty AND that guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But that is a subject for another page.

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