This year I was given the privilege of being team mom.
What this entails is like room mom only you are over 150 kids.
When the teachers on the team want to have a party I get
moms to help out by bringing drinks, cookies and etc. for
150 kids.Also if we have field trips I get parents to drive
or to chaparone those 150 kids. Another capacity I help
in is like when we had a special Musuem night where
the kids dressed like famous people I handed out the
programs or just whatever our team needs me to do.
I have driven field trips as we went to the Cosmosphere in
Hutchinson, Ks. this year to see alot of things about space and
planes and learn about them. It was alot of fun as we seen a spy
plane of ours up close and the actual space suits wore by our
astronauts. They also have a mock up of the space shuttle. They
have so many things there to see and learn about. From there we
went to a mall to eat and back to school. It was a good and fun day.
I have learned to laminate, copy, correct papers, hang art work
thru out my years of helping out and volunteering. Just whatever
the teachers need done is what I do and it can be interesting. I've
even went to school for open gym--Where the kids danced to the
music of a D.J. from our local radio station., play board games,
watch movies, and just have fun, also to Bingo-Pizza night which
I feel is self explanatory. But I think the most fun part is working
with the students to help them learn to read better or to
understand a concept or just be there if your needed to give
a kid a hug or word of encougement.


My main hobby is Genealogy. I could get lost in the library
for days and never come out. There is nothing like finding
one more piece of information and fitting one more piece
of the puzzle togeather to know and learn about your family
better or to have someone send you a picture or a marriage
license or some other vital piece is just such elation. I guess
you can say "I got the Genealogy Bug"!


I have also went from helper in Daisies to Leader for my
daughters Girls Scout Troop # 4 down to helper again in their
new troop 632. I've been Organizer of all the troops at
Gammon which was quite a experience. We are half way thru
a new year and are selling cookies, the girls are also working
on their Silver Award and getting enough money to go to
The Mall of America.

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