Special thanks to my brother Scott who created our banners and gave much needed moral support.

All of our pictures were scanned and downloaded by Lee Young

The Young Web Page

We are honored to be a part of the WebTV Family Album. This was created in celebration of WebTV's first anniversary. Included in the album are homepages made by WebTV users and some pictures of the creators of those pages. Don't miss this site!

The WebTV Family Album

Special gratitude to the following people for giving freely of their time and artistic talents so people like us could have fun creating our own webpage.

Dug on the Web

Kitty Roach Graphics

Judi's Doodlings!!

Wow! Our dear friend, Donna nominated us for this special honor! This award was presented to us by Webspresso! March, 2000.

This is our first award! We are thrilled!

Trophy's Award October 28, 1997

If you know of someone deserving of this award
click here.

Thanks to GeoCities for opening this door of opportunity to all of us!