
  • Born: May 1, 1992
    Charleston, SC (A true Southern Belle!)
  • Height: 14"
  • Weight: 12 lbs.
  • Marital Status: Single

Major Accomplishments

  • Finding the right family. (I was very particular about this. My brothers and sisters hurried out the door. Not me, I was the last to go. It took me three months before I reached a decision. I've never been sorry.)
  • Training. I've been working on this for the last five years. I think I can finally say, my family has graduated from obedience school.

My Favorite Things

  • The kids next door (Chris, Lisa, Matthew, Sara and Christina)

  • A new bone.
  • Dad coming home from work.
  • Riding in the car. Especially to the bank (They give great treats!)
  • Weekends. I get lots of attention, then.
  • My cousin, Monique. (She's a Bichon, too.)

Here's a picture of me waiting for my dad to get home from work.

My Least Favorite Things

  • An empty water bowl (The worst!)
  • Wet grass. I hate getting my feet wet, especially first thing in the morning.
  • Baths!
  • Snow! It sticks to my fur and I end up 3 times my normal size.
  • People that don't like dogs. Can you imagine?
  • The Groomer. (Only another dog can understand this one.)
  • My parent's dressing me in funny clothes. It happens every holiday. See picture below.

Me dressed as Santa Claus. How embarrassing!

Hopes and Dreams

Someday, I would like to own my own chair.

Favorite Quote

"Lord, help me to become the kind of person my dog thinks I am."

Maggie's Favorite Links

Nikki's Page

Nikki's a Bichon Frise like me. She has a great page with amusing pictures and links to everything you need to know about choosing, owning and caring for a dog.
And if you're interested in learning more about Bichons, there's a ton of links.

Maggie's Christmas Corner

New! By popular demand, a Christmas Edition of my homepage just for you!