You've reached TinRib's Stampin'Zone.

Do you sometimes worry that you’re going off the deep end for rubber?
Do you wonder if there are others out there like you,
on a never-ending journey down the rubber road?
Here’s your chance to see where you fall on the scale of Rubber Addiction....

Score one point for every yes answer.

Rubber Co-Dependency Quiz

  1. Are you reluctant to take the basket offered by a stamp store employee because you really like the feel of wood and rubber in your hands, but succumb when you start dropping your stamps on the floor realizing you can’t hold them all?

  2. Do you find yourself needing to go to more than one stamp store now to get that original “rubber high”?

  3. Do you subscribe to more than one stamping publication?

  4. Have you ever bought a copy of RubberStampMadness at your local stamp store, because they got theirs before yours came in the mail?

  5. Do you have more than one subscription to RubberStampMadness?

  6. Do you store your stamps in several different locations, so people won’t know how many you really have?

  7. Do you find it difficult to borrow a stamp from a friend because you want to have one for yourself?

  8. Is it hard not to laugh out loud when someone cautions you not to buy a stamp unless you can think of at least three things to use it for?

  9. Do you have stamps you’ve never used?

  10. Do you find stamps in your collection that you didn’t even remember you had?

  11. Have you ever purchased a duplicate stamp because you didn’t realize you already had one?

  12. Have you ever purchased a duplicate stamp because you really needed to have two? (One for the office and one for home, etc?)

  13. Are you carrying rubber stamps with you right now?

  14. Will you hide your answers to this quiz so your immediate family won’t realize how bad off you really are?

Score one point for every yes answer.

  • 0-3: Essentially a “non-stamper”
  • 4-8: Casual stamper
  • 9+: You might as well face it, you’re addicted to rubber!
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