This is the first page for our newest grandson, Abram Lewis Donahue, born January 8, 2003 in Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana at the Clark Memorial Hospital to join his parents Joanna and Steve and brothers Graham and Samuel. He weighed nine pounds eleven ounces and was 22 inches in length. Fortunately, as grandparents we were visiting [on purpose] at the time of his birth. It should be noted that while he was born in Indiana, his parents live in Louisville, Kentucky where his father Steve is the Pastor for the Lees Lane Baptist Church.

This was the first picture we had to put on the webpage but Grandma Helen brought a few new ones back so they follow it [as of 3/15/2003]. The newer pictures are near the end. This first picture is courtesy of the

Clark Memorial Hospital

. It is a neat site for announcing births.

Here are two pictures of Abram in his car seat.

These two are a little closer to get a better look at his face!

Finally, a picture of Abram with his two brothers. Both Samuel and Graham have silly smiles.

This is another picture of Abram in his car seat, but a different view from earlier.

Here is a cute one of Abram in his yellow outfit

Here is a cute one of Abram and both of his brothers with decent smiles!!

This is a picture of big brother Graham holding Abram. Graham has really wanted to hold him and help!

Grandpa also likes to hold Abram. Note how comfortable Abram is [and Grandpa too]. Not to worry, as Grandpa is holding on to Abram's hands and not truly asleep!!

Here note how alert his Papa is while holding him!

Here is how Abram prefers to sleep! Or at least he certainly looks comfortable!

Here is Abram getting his bath!

Another bath picture with Mom in it!:-)

Here is Abram's entire family at his brother, Samuel's Birthday party at Chucky Cheeses!

This is a good picture to end this sequence by showing Grandpa with all his boys [Graham, Samuel and Abram].

There are more pictures yet to be developed, and some of Abram's family on

Our Family


We hope you like these pictures as much as we do. Other family pictures may be found on our



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