This is the fourth page for Mike and Eileen's first son and our third grandson, born on my [Grandpa Joe] birthday, December 14, 2002. He is growing fast, has lots of cute smiles, a new baby sister (Jillian, born March 2, 2005), and a Dad with a digital camera so we have numerous pictures. For earlier pictures of Connor, please go to Connor2004 Connor2003, and Connor's First Page

We were able to visit at Christmas this past year, so have some new pictures to show off below. However, first a picture of Connor holding Jillian:

Also, here is a picture of Connor with his Dad and Jillian:

We bought Connor a bouncing horse for his birthday (December 2004). Here he is greeting the horse.

Here he is on the horse, showing his determination as he tries to make it bounce by himself. He now bounces it so hard it comes off the ground, but he was a little more hesitant at first.

As usual during our visit, many pictures of Connor were with his Grandpa (partly because Grandma was busy taking pictures!). Here is Connor reading with Grandpa.

Another one shows Grandpa and he bundled up outside. Of course, Connor has his rake in case he gets to go to the beach!!

Here Connor is visiting the Aquarium in Washington D.C. with Grandpa (and the rest of the family, too).

Finally, one with both Grandpa and Grandma in his wagon in front of his house.

For a break, here is Connor reading with his mother!

And, another with his Dad and his smile!

Connor does not smile all the time, but many of the rest of the pictures do show his various smiles and facial looks. This first one is at the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. where a train exhibit was on display. He loves trains and was totally fascinated.

Here is a "pensive" look from Connor

Here he is smiling in the kitchen

Here is Connor's mischievious smile

He has many smiles. Here he is smiling on a slide during our visit.

He is smiling on this slide picture also, with his Dad in the background, and Grandma seated on the center right.

His Squacky and other toys also cause him to smile

Sometimes, his smile gets wild as in this picture of Connor on a swing!

His trains cause him to smile a lot also. Here are two pictures with his trains

While he likes playing with his trains on the floor, he was ecstatic when he got a new train table!

As can be seen, Connor has lots of toys for fun as indicated in this picture taken just after his new sister arrived!

Finally, a picture of Connor acting cute in his new chair seat at the table!

Some pictures of Connor's Uncle Steve's family can be found at his cousin's sites and

Our Family


We hope you like these pictures as much as we do. page

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