Poor Graham. For the first four or more years, he had lots of pictures all by himself! Now it is difficult to get him alone in a picture. There are numerous pictures of him on his earlier sites and on the Family sites and Samuel and Abram sites also. However, some new pictures are starting to arrive. This most recent batch of pictures are taken in October through December of 2003.

This first picture is an example of all three brothers together. It is a very cute one of all of them on a slide.

The second picture shows Graham with his Oregon poster and display he prepared [with quite a bit of help from Mom], for his home school group presentation. We left after this presentation and he knew we were going, so that along with the presentation nervousness had him an emotional wreck.

Here is Grandpa with Abram and Graham sampling the Oregon jam that Graham had with his display. Graham chose Oregon since we had just moved from Alaska in August of 2003.

When it comes to Christmas, Graham is still very much a little kid [although he is now 8 1/2 years old and was 7 1/2 when this was taken]. He is checking out his stocking for goodies.

Graham received a build-a-bear from his Aunt Eileen and Uncle Buck [Mike, but Graham called him Buck from the beginning]. Along with the bears, each had a certificate for clothes and had to go to the store and name the bear. Graham conned Grandma into more clothes and a Golden Retriever dog. Here is a picture of him "stuffing" the dog. All the kids enjoyed these gifts and the store.

There are also a few pictures of Graham with his brothers on their sites and previous pictures of Graham at Graham2003 and at Graham2002. For even earlier pictures of Graham, please see
which has the other links all the way back to when he was a baby.

We hope you like these pictures as much as we do.

For OurFamily pictures, with some new ones of Graham, please click this link. If I get more developed, there may also be additions to this page. Thanks for stopping by!!

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