Hope is not something you should envision for tomorrow.
Hope is something that you can have right now, today.

Hope is not a wish or a desire filled by random nature.
Hope is a sure consequence of faith in God’s existence,
his love, his grace, his mercy, his forgiveness
and his sacred promises to you.

Hope is not a place or circumstance to which you can arrive.
Hope is your relationship with God in the place where you are right now.

Hope is past proven, current minded and forward looking.
Hope is spiritual.
Hope is renewable.
Hope is eternal because hope is in God!

Hope in its barest and purest form
is the last thing you will see
when you believe that there is no purpose
or reason to sustain your existence on earth,
yet it is the first thing you will see
when you understand God’s love for you
and the price He has paid for you to keep your life.

Of everything I’ve ever seen, or read, or heard
-- from a person on the street, to a friend, or pastor,
or author, or lecturer, or philosopher --
it is evident to me that there is no hope
in what we have gained, lost or never possessed
in our mortal lives,
be it love, attention, trust, wealth, security
or any other earthly pursuit.

True hope is found only in the righteous way of the Lord,
the truth of His Word
and the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life
through atonement by the sacrifice of God’s son, Jesus!!!!!!!

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Gary D. Avey and Encouragement Ministries


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