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Berit & Terje Hagerup-Nilsen - 12/25/00 21:31:29 My Email:beritterje@hotmail.com Interests: Norwegian /American history Parish: Oslo, Norway |
Comments: Whats wrong with you guys - We have just been reading about "Norwegian Cousin ", its Christmas and no word about "Rakfisk", we cant believe it ! Anyway, we will recomend "-www.vang.kommune.no/", they provide a dayly updated wiev over Lake Vangsmjøsa in the north part of Valdres including a weather report.Kindest regards, Berit and Terje |
Erwin Anderson - 12/06/00 05:04:26 My Email:aadalen1@yahoo.com Heritage: Nork/Swensk,Deutch Parish: Sør Aurdal |
Comments: Still trying to find out for sure is gggrandmother came from Sør Aurdal in Oppland. GGgrandfather is from Buskerud...must do more searching. |
Gloria Hodge - 10/29/00 02:47:41 My Email:gandghodge@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Sons of Norway, genealogy,reading, stitchery Genealogy Search: Dokken, Olson, Hestelokken Parish: Ulnes, Nord Fron |
Comments: I know very little about my grandmother Oline Olson Hanson. My father told me she was from Valdres, but another relative says Ulnes and her fathers name was Ole Olson. Other relatives are the Dokken's from Hemsedal, Bakke's from Hemsedal Hestelokken or Hanson from Vinstra. |
Emil Axness - 10/25/00 04:21:02 My Email:eaaxness@excite.com Heritage: Aksnes / Nesheim / Semle / Lillegraven Interests: Aksnes Geneology Genealogy Search: For Axness, Aksnes , Aksness |
Comments: I have been in touch with Betty Rockswold and she has astounded me by telling me my Great Grandfather's and Greatgrandmother's name. I had partial information only. Amazing. I will print out the membership form and mail the out of USA yearly dues immed atley. God Bless |
Donna R. Ulstad - 10/24/00 19:40:16 My Email:JUlstadsr@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian/Penn-Dutch Interests: China Painting/Genealogy Genealogy Search: GGgrandparents Parish: Vestre Slidre/Valdres |
Comments: Thank you, Betty!! So exciting when you really don't know how & then get an answer to a query, She helped with info on my maternal gggf from Valdres. I am also searching for my mother's father's side from Telemark, Norway; my husband's gggf from the Hegra Trondheim area, Nels Ulstad, wife Britta Maland. I plan to get my check in the mail today, and anxious to learn more. |
J.A. Nesheim - 10/20/00 23:50:08 My Email:jaclnesh@midrivers.com Heritage: Norwegian/Austrian Interests: Genealogy/History Genealogy Search: Nesheim/Lidsheim |
Comments: Greetings from Roundup, Montana Am always looking for Nesheim's and Lidsheim's My Father was from Voss; my Grandfather from Granvin; my Grandmother(Lidsheim)from Bulken. |
Dirk Swenson Odegaard - 10/07/00 07:45:06 My Email:VIKINGDUDE99@HOTMAIL.COM Heritage: Norwegian 100% Interests: Truth and Wisdom Genealogy Search: Relatives in Norway |
Comments: I don't know exactly where fromin Norway, but my Grandfather, Knute Odegaard migrated to Crosby, North Dakota in 1905.He homesteaded there. My father, Kenneth Arthur Odegaard, was born there in 1911, and was a well known Butcher and Farmer in Crosby. He s re had that Norwegian charisma. I, Dirk Odegard, live in Fairfield, Calif., the state of confusion!!! |
Kenneth Edward Odegard II - 10/07/00 03:53:24 My Email:TUKJUNDAY@AOL.COM Heritage: NORWEGIAN Interests: sports, military, politics Genealogy Search: Odegard, Odegaard |
Comments: Knute Odegaard immigred to North Dakota, US early 1900's. Farmer in Crosby ND. Son Kenneth Arthur Odegard, Grandson Kenneth E. Odegard, Great grand-son Kenneth E. Odegard II, Great great Grandson Kenneht E. Odegard III. |
Ken Ferden - 10/05/00 02:51:37 My Email:kferden@home.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Gardening, genealogy and outside activities Genealogy Search: Ferden, Farden FAErden Parish: Valdres |
Comments: I am researching the name Ferden, we have found some information about some Ferden's on the Ferden farm in Norway. Trying to pinpoint where this farm may have been located. Any information is much appreciated. |
Warner & Dallas Knudson - 09/23/00 03:01:56 My Email:kkountry@ndak.net Heritage: Third generation Interests: Valdres settlements in midwest |
Comments: Visited Norway in May/June '99 and spent many days in Valdres, gathering information about families in this area. We are gathering info on families from Valdres, Norway that emigrated to Valdres, Wisconsin, and the group that settled in north central Nor h Dakota. We are interested in documenting as much history as possible (with pictures). Enjoy making contacts with people from the Valdres area. |
Karyl Arthur Napper - 09/21/00 02:43:07 My Email:we2naprs@earthlink.net Heritage: Norway,English,French Interests: Genealogy,RVing,woodworking, travel Genealogy Search: Anderson,Heie,Skindingsrud, |
Comments: Researching info re: the following names: Amund Heie, Andres Anderson, Paul Christopher Anderson, John Napper, Hannah Dean, Fanny Barnes, William napper,Abel Napper. Will exchange data re: any of the names indicated above. Thank you for your respnse to my quest. Regards, Karyl |
Otto Haug - 09/10/00 17:51:20 My Email:otttohaug@telus.net Heritage: norwegian Interests: relatives Genealogy Search: grandfather: Kletne Parish: Valdres |
Comments: Mitt navn er Otto Haug, fodt i 1939 og oppvokst i Ostfold - Norge. Min mor var fodt Kletne den 13/4/1911 og fikk navnet Olga Ingebjorg. Mor dode den 6/4/2000. Olga's far var fodt i 1878 og dode 1910 var pa denne tiden bosatt i Ostre Slidre, Valdres. Jeg har tenkt pa dette i mange ar, men har vel ikke vert "modig" nok til a skrive eller kontakte pa annen mate. En vet jo aldri hvordan noe som dette blir "sett pa?" Jeg har aldri truffet noen av min mor's slektninger, og ville sette stor pris pa om det kunne bli en mulighet. Hvis noen av dere har kjenskap til familien Kletne vil dere kontate dem pa mine vegne? Pa forhand takk! Hvis jeg kan vere dere til noen som helst hjelp ma dere bare si i fra! Min adresse er: Otto Haug # 115 - 11820 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC Canada V7A 5E7 Fax. 604/272-1534 Tlf. 604/272-1562 E,mail ottohaug@telus.net |
Vivian - 09/02/00 20:19:04 My Email:vivralph@kctc.net Heritage: 100% Norwegian Interests: anything Norwegian Genealogy Search: Ole Dolven Olson and wife Caroline from Valdres were my great great grandparents. They changed their name to Anderson after immigrating to Wisconsin. Parish: ? Gard: Dolven |
Comments: I am interested in tracing my family in this country USA and in Norway as well. I think someday my children and grandchildren will be thankful for it. |
Barb Jay - 08/31/00 01:53:48 My Email:mailto:barbjay@%20powersurfr.com Heritage: valders raised gg grandfather Interests: family history Genealogy Search: Thore Bendiksen - born 1848 & Bendik Toreson B 1827 Valders Parish: Valders (Nordre Aurdal?) |
Comments: Thore (Tore) Bendiksen was born in 1848 in Valders. His father, Bendik Toreson/Thoreson was also born in Valders , in 1827( N.Aurdal). He was a well known fiddler. His violin was given to a Valders museum in 1958.The violin was later destroyed in a fire at the museum. He was also known as Bendik Thoreson Gousaak (farm name Gausakerhougen).The curator of the museum was interested in any information from my family about Bendik for a book he was writing on emigrants from Valders to the U.S.A. between 1855-1900. We knew nothing at the time. I'm trying to find Bendik's parents names and any family history. If there is a bygdebok covering information on their history, I would very much like to buy a copy somewhere. Please advise me where I can. If you can find any information for me I'd really appreciate it. Thank you very much. Barb |
Lyle Sletten - 08/22/00 12:59:49 My Email:slettenl@soc.mil Heritage: son of Robert Sletten |
Comments: Son of Robert Sletten, grandson of Clarence M. and Amanda (Rogness) Sletten currently residing at 8401 English Saddle Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28314. Tel: 910-764-0377 |
Berit Leine Hagerup-Nilsen - 08/15/00 21:08:24 My Email:tehager@frisurf.no Heritage: Valdres, Norway Interests: Valdres / American history Parish: Oslo, Norway |
Comments: I am impressed and I will definately keep in touch. Keep up the good work, kindest regards, Berit . |
Shirley Holdahl - 08/15/00 00:08:42 My Email:erlingshirl@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian/Irish Interests: Genealogy Genealogy Search: Holdahl and Oie Parish: Nord Aurdal |
Comments: Looking for descendants of Families who came to the USA on the DANMARK about 1889. The DANMARK sank, but the passengers were all rescued by the ship Missouri just off the Azores. This is one of the most remarkable immigrant stories with a happy ending. I am interested in finding out more about the child, America, who was born on the Missouri shortly before they landed in Philadelphia. Our Holdahl ancestors came over on the Danmark and then traveled by train to Pierce County, Wisconsin. They were from ord Aurdal in Valdres. |
Jahn Børe Jahnsen - 08/11/00 06:58:29 My Email:kamrud.jahnsen@c2i.net Parish: Ulnes, Valdres, Norway |
Comments: Just curious to see how the Valdres Samband web sites are, Cathy. |
Stig Samuelsen - 08/04/00 10:47:32 My URL:http://www.slektsbiblioteket.com/ My Email:postmaster@slektsbiblioteket.com Heritage: Norwegian |
Comments: Need any help with finding your norwegian roots? The Slektsbiblioteket: http://www.slektsbiblioteket.com (located in Bergen, Norway. With more than 200 members.) might be able to help you. |
Karyl Arthur Napper - 07/26/00 18:02:22 My Email:we2naprs@earthlink.net Heritage: Norwegian, English, French Interests: Genealogy, RVing, Reading, Genealogy Search: Anderson, Anders aka Andre4w |
Comments: Very informative site which has been very beneficial for me and a vast amount of ancestors found due to the expertise and cooperation of Betty, the genealogist for the Valdres area. My NEW email address has been indicated above. |
alice e. dale - 07/20/00 18:31:55 My Email:adale@mwt.net Heritage: norwegian Interests: geneaology Genealogy Search: Elling/Arneson Parish: Valdres, Norway |
Comments: Looking for passenger list on the steamship "Idaho", leaving NOrway l869, arriving at Castle Gardens, NY. |
Cheryl Armajo - 07/10/00 03:21:31 My Email:armajo@trib.com Heritage: norwegien, sweden, german, Interests: crafts, cooking, baking, family history Genealogy Search: Kvale, Nilsdatter, |
Comments: I have enjoyed looking things over here. I am looking for information on Ole Kvale who married Guri Nilsdatter. They had 2 children, Sigrid and Austin. I believe Ole had other wives, Marit and I have them having no children, and the other I have no nam for the wife but 2 children named John O. and Knut. John was born in 1874 and Knut in 1876. John married Bertha Lyken. Thank you for any help. Cheryl |
Melody Lloyd - 07/06/00 13:54:17 My Email:mlloyd@umr.edu Heritage: norwegian/english Interests: valdes, vestre slidre Genealogy Search: Juul Ole Guldhaug |
Comments: Emigration of my great great grandfather mentioned above on April 10, 1848 My great grandfather was 10 years old. He grew up to be a Lutheran Minister. My grandfather Rudolph Juul was born in Chicago 1885. I am also interested in my grandmother, Beatte B rrison or en born in Vestre-Slidre and emigrated to America after marrying ? Hove sometime around 1900-1905. Two children were already born in Norway John and Bjarne Hove. |
peter a. remmen - 07/03/00 21:19:38 My Email:premmen@sprynet.com Heritage: norgwegian Interests: geneology, homesteaders Genealogy Search: remmen, haugen, Parish: vestre slidre |
Comments: I recently ran across a large wooden box in the barn of my family's homestead ranch in NW South Dakota that had been used for many years for oats. This is a very large (5'x2'x3')heavy wooden box with fully dovetailed corners, heavy hand-made metal hinges and handles, a heavy lock and two large dovetailed drawers which fit under the hinged top. All hand-made with handcut nails. It is obvious that it was NOT made to hold oats. I am trying to determine what this box is, where it came from, and how old it is My family emmigrated from Norway to Decorah, IA in the mid-1800s, and then homesteaded in South Dakota from Decorah in 1908. Does anyone know what this box is? Lokk forward to hearing from anyone who had an idea. Peter Remmen |
Bob Skogman - 07/02/00 15:21:52 My Email:a1level@mlec2.net Heritage: norse/swede/irish Interests: genealogy/hunting/fishing Genealogy Search: soine/holien Parish: vang/oye/vestre slidre |
Comments: some of the valdres samband members have done a wonderful job with this web site. join now for a wonderful newsletter and help from the lag genealogist in tracing your family tree. when you attend the annual stevne you will probably meet a cousin or two a d you can cross-share the info and it really makes it fun plus you can learn about norse and valdres traditions. if you want to share info contact me via e-mail.mange tusen takk!!!!! |
Nathan K. Rockswold - 07/01/00 00:41:26 |
Comments: Great!! |
Hilde O. Jarstadmarken - 06/25/00 15:53:24 My Email:jarstadmarken@hotmail.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy etc. Genealogy Search: TOLLEFSEN/KNUTSEN Parish: Vestre Slidre Valdres |
Comments: I am a Norwegian girl who is trying to find some information about my ancestors who immigrated to America. The first one was HELGE TOLLEFSEN, born 11/16/1840, who immigrated from Jarstadmarken farm in Vestre Slidre, Valdres on March 25th 1866. His nephew, TOLLEF KNUTSEN, born 1867 immigrated from Vestre Slidre to America unknown when. Any information regarding descendants of these people would be appreciated. |
Bob & Ruth Thompson - 06/23/00 01:25:03 My URL:http://www.howdypartner.net/ My Email:Bob_Ruth@bellsouth.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Valdres |
Comments: Just ran across your web site while doing a web search. Let us know how we can be of assistance. It is a great idea and could be an interesting project. |
Paul Lindquist - 06/18/00 20:51:40 My Email:ymchs@kilowatt.net Heritage: Norwegian/Swedish Interests: Norwegian History Genealogy Search: Lindquist |
Comments: Director - Yellow Medicine County Historical Society & Museum - Granite Falls, MN (320)-564-4479 |
Beverly Reich - 06/14/00 15:20:18 My Email:bevajane@juno.com Heritage: Norweigen (husband) Interests: Valdres |
Comments: What an extraordinary organization! |
Beverly - 06/10/00 15:09:05 My Email:noberyem@starpoint.net Heritage: norwegian/swedish Interests: gardening,flower gardening,bird watching |
Comments: |
Gretchen Dokken Hellie - 05/23/00 21:41:33 Heritage: Valdres & Varmland Interests: Genealogy/Handwork Parish: Reinli/N. Aurdal/V Slidre |
Comments: Hi to everyone in the Samband and to all my friends and relatives in Norway. For you who are visiting this site, please join us... this is a wonderful organization - I've belonged since 1975 and have reaped many benefits and knowledge from being a member. |
Mary Lou (Sunderland) Danielson - 05/23/00 04:32:36 My Email:rogerd@wvi.com Heritage: Norwegian |
Comments: I am seeking information on the Kleven family name. I am speculating at this time that my great-grandmother, Olene Thompson, was a Kleven. She lived near Brandon, Minnesota, in Douglas County. My other great-grandmother was a Lokken (Lindelokken) from Ness. I would like to hear from anyone who might have clues that I might employ in my search. Mary Lou (Sunderland) Danielson |
Jan Byfuglien - 05/22/00 21:10:45 My Email:jbyfug@online.no Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, music... Genealogy Search: Etnedal, Valdres |
Comments: Hello, I find this guestbook interesting. My great grandfather left Etnedal around 1900 and I have been loading a considerable number of his ascendants and relatives in the Etnedal area in my database. This links to many of the farms in Etnedal. If you ha e some requests concerning specific persons I might be able to help, and is also interested in getting any information from anybody having similar genealogical overviews from Etnedal. |
Peter Solhjell - 05/21/00 04:23:09 My Email:psolhjell@sd49.bc.ca Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy,old cars,woodworking,heritage log buildings,boating. |
Comments: What an interesting site My G G Grandfather was Valders Anders from the Etenadal area. I would like to learn a lot more about the Valders area and its histor |
Shirley Grayston - 05/16/00 19:04:06 My Email:grayston@pris.bc.ca Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Travel & Geneology Genealogy Search: Hamre |
Comments: This year we will be travelling to Valdres where many of my family live. I am wondering if anyone knows where the Hamre District is located or possibly it is a Hamre Farm. The Hamre's are related to our daughter-in-law and she will be travelling with us Thank you. |
Bonnie Lampley - 05/06/00 21:01:15 My Email:bonnie@lwrnc.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Geneaology, geology Genealogy Search: Gard=Hagen (Halvorsen, Haldorsen) & Opdahl Parish: Vang |
Comments: My gr.gr.grandparents emigrated (1848) from Vang, Valdres, from the gard Hagen (Halvor HALDORSEN, took the name Halvor GARDEN in America; his future wife Ingeborg/Isabelle OPDAHL emigrated on the same ship). They ended up near Decorah, Iowa. I have just discovered this, so I am looking forward to researching their families in the Vang area. |
vanooyen - 04/30/00 00:28:28 My Email:joekrackenfels@.yaa\hoo.com Heritage: dutch Interests: norwegian furniture Parish: protestamt |
Comments: i am looking for the authentic cushion type to replace my norweigian made chair and foot stool it has leather strapping for the seats and seems to be made of mahogany help I want aunthentic looking cushions. I think it was produced in the 1940s or 50s. |
Karen Valder - 04/28/00 03:40:02 My Email:oldmaidaunt |
Comments: I just came upon this webpage. Very interesting. Does anyone have information on my great, great grandfather Hans Valder? He was the first Norwegian Baptist minister in the states. |
Karen Valder - 04/28/00 03:31:59 My Email:oldmaidaunt |
Comments: I'm from West Des Moines, Iowa and looking for information on my great, great grandfather, Hans Valder |
Lars Aslak Egeberg - 04/26/00 21:31:53 My Email:larsa.egeberg@c2i.net Interests: SLEKT AND FAMILY |
Comments: Håper på email, har akkurat kommet meg på nett, så ting tar tid og lære seg. Er takknemlig for alle henvendelser. Har slekt særlig i Sør Aurdal, og mange etter kommere av de emigrerte til USA. Veldig interessert i adresser, navn, etc. Navn fra Sør Aurdal som det er verdt og merke seg er Bøhle i Norge, Boley i utlandet(USA). Er interessert og komme i kontakt med andre som er intersserte og er i Boley slekt\fam. Hjertelig hilsen Lars Aslak Egeberg. |
Roger Hanson - 04/18/00 01:11:45 My Email:rogerh5049@aol.com Heritage: Norweigen |
Comments: I'm the uncle of Leslie (Harrington) Green who has done extensive research on our family and gave the the URL to this great resource. |
Joyce Schwichtenberg - 04/13/00 22:59:07 My Email:jgswitz@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian/Dutch Interests: Gofl, bridge, fam.history Genealogy Search: Fagerness area |
Comments: Guess I should have done this some time ago but just updated my computer to get E-mail a few months ago so am finding my way. |
Cheryl Ashmore - 04/12/00 01:07:02 My Email:ashmore@montana.com Heritage: Norweigan Genealogy Search: Braatens, Husets, Disruds Parish: Oppland, and North Aurdal |
Comments: I am trying to locate some information on my great grandparents who were born and raised in Valdres. My grandmother was Marie Braaten who was born in 1881 in Valdres and the daughter of Sverre Halsteensen Bakke and Ingebor Arnesdatter Ranum. She was bor at the Braaten farm and her siblings were: Anders Vieken, Julia Rolphness,Tom Braaten, Halstein Braaten, Nels Braaten, Marit Skavalden, and Tore ?, and Jorand ?. My grandfather Mikel Ivarson was born in 1879 on the Skaveldeie farm, the son of Ivar Juls n and Ingrid Huset of Fagernbess. His siblings were Juel Huset, Inga Gulbranson, Iver Iverson and Olaf Iverson. Please contact me if you have any information on these people and their ancestors. Thanks for the good work. I also subscribe to the Valdre Samband Budstikken in the USA. |
Garth Ulrich - 04/09/00 03:19:12 My Email:gulrich@sk.sympatico.ca Heritage: Norwegian/Swedish/Austrian Parish: Sør-Aurdal, Vang |
Comments: Nice to see the updated web page. Congratulations to all responsible-a job well done! |
Marianne Gjerdbakken Kultom - 03/29/00 13:24:08 My URL:http://home.sol.no/~kultom/ My Email:kultom@online.no |
Comments: I looking after family from Valdres and Land. |
Karen (Olson) Schwarz - 03/28/00 21:17:50 My Email:schwarz@oncology.wisc.edu Heritage: Mithuus family from Valdres Interests: finding out more about my heritage |
Comments: I never knew you existed! I plan on joining. |
Berit Berget - 03/27/00 11:05:27 My URL:http://home.sol.no/~bberget My Email:berit-be@online.no |
Comments: I am visiting your guestbook. I have mine genealogy from Gol in Hallingdal. I living in Sokna in Ringerike. |
Tore Hovda - 03/23/00 20:13:54 My Email:tore.hovda@sensewave.com Genealogy Search: Laurie Jensen Parish: USA, Wang in Valdres |
Comments: 02/18/99 Laurie Jensen asked for her great grandparents Ola & Kari Leikvollen from Valdres. I answered her 02/20/00 by email leej@prtel.com, but she didn`t answer me !! Can somebody help me to contact her?? |
Carl & Lois Arneson - 03/19/00 02:12:12 My URL:http://mhtc.net/ My Email:carneson@mhtc.net Heritage: Norwegian-American Interests: Genealogy & Computers Genealogy Search: Arneson/Grimstad/Nelson Parish: Valdres |
Comments: |
Kai M Brenden - 03/18/00 21:45:37 My Email:kabrend@online.no Heritage: nowegian Genealogy Search: relatives Parish: valdres |
Comments: I looking for relatives after Jens Erickson/Brenden,born 14/2-1895 and siblings Ragnhild,Syvert..Jens lived possibily near Beresford SD in 1920. I will be happy for any information.. keep on :-))) |
Joanne Bradshaw - 03/18/00 15:05:38 My Email:rlloydbrad@cs.com Heritage: Norway/Ireland/Germany Interests: Geneology Genealogy Search: Skjefte, Erickson Parish: Wang Valders |
Comments: I am looking for information regarding decendents from Wang Valders area, Names are Skjefte and Ericskon. The Skjeftes left Norway for America in 1881. Also related to Hagens of Norway |
Joanne Bradshaw - 03/18/00 15:00:06 My Email:rlloydbrad@cs.com Heritage: Norway/Ireland/Germany |
Comments: |
peggy - 03/07/00 15:09:52 My Email:phuffman@online.no Heritage: veldre and vestre gausdal Genealogy Search: Evenson Parish: unknown |
Comments: Hans EVENSON and Bertha GUDMUNDSON moved to USA in 1873, with their children Johanna, Gustave, Johanus, and Chersta. I would love to meet any relatives to Hans and Bertha still living in Norway. |
Star Ostgard - 03/06/00 18:11:38 My Email:ostarella@aol.com Heritage: Nor/Scots/Irish/German Interests: Genealogy;woodworking;gardening Genealogy Search: Oppland/Buskerud Parish: Reinli/Aadalen |
Comments: Have found Reinli connections through this site; now looking for ggrandmother Olia Halla from Aadalen, went to Minnesota 1866 (age 30) - very elusive, any help greatly appreciated. Look forward to becoming a member! |
Nancy Olness Snyder - 02/29/00 14:56:17 My Email:Nosnyder@aol.com Heritage: 1/2 Norwegian, and 1/4 of that from Valdres Interests: law, demography, reading Genealogy Search: Syver Ensberg (of Ole E. Ensberg, Ingebret Lien, and Ingebret Ingebretsen Parish: Bruflat and Gjerpen |
Comments: |
JR Olson - 02/27/00 01:27:11 My Email:olsboxer@aol.com Interests: Gen Genealogy Search: Brenna Parish: Fagerness area |
Comments: Asa Brenna- Fagerness area |
Kristina Kolstad - 02/22/00 23:22:19 My Email:kkolstad@concentric.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy/Movies/ Genealogy Search: Kolstad Parish: Slidre |
Comments: I'm planning a visit to Valdres in August 2000. Tosten & Maret Kolstad emigrated with their sons Nils and Tosten around 1860. The family settled in Montevideo, MN, where my grandfather Edward was born. |
Ruth Hair Filbert - 02/15/00 23:03:34 My Email:rfilbert@southwind.net Heritage: Norwegian/English Interests: Genealogy/Sewing/Gardening Genealogy Search: Farms of Madslangrud and Overli Parish: Bruflat |
Comments: Hi Betty I would like to know if there are any recent (last 5 years) farm books that I need to research? I am still looking for descendants of my many ancestors. Ruth Hair Filbert |
Leslie Green - 02/15/00 21:23:43 My Email:jesssam@prtel.com Heritage: Norway/Sweden/England Interests: GenealogyResearching Genealogy Search: researching all lines Parish: St James |
Comments: I am so glad to have found this web page and Betty. I am looking forward to becoming a member and learning more about my heritage. |
Mark Anthony Arneson - 02/13/00 14:54:30 My Email:marneson@flash.net Heritage: Norwegian + many more Interests: Cancer Research |
Comments: I am a newbie to genealogy. My family homesteaded in South-Central Nebraska in 1871 and we still own the farm. My Great-Great Grandfather Arne Halverson orginated from Norway then to Wisconsin, Dane County. Later his son Anthony Arneson came to Nebraska. y cousin Mary Johnson is completing our history and told me this homepage would give insight to our forefathers homeland on the Roan in Valdres. I look forward to learing more. Mark Arneson |
Deloris Noel - 02/04/00 07:46:05 My Email:noel@ocis.net Heritage: norwegion Genealogy Search: my grandparents |
Comments: Looking for information on my grandparents, Ingvald and Ragnhild Rye who immagrated to US, by way of New York to Tioga North Dakota in and around 1907 -1908. |
Erling?Shirley Holdahl - 02/04/00 03:50:13 My Email:erlingshirl@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Geneology and Fishing Genealogy Search: Holdhal's and Oie's Parish: Skrutvold Annex |
Comments: Thanks to Betty we have found most of our Holdahl and Gladheim ancestors, but we would like to know more about their descendants. Ingaborg and Tollef Holdahl had 13 children who spread out from Ellsworth, Wisconsin and Roseau, Mn. We must have cousins o t there and hope to hear from you. We are currently researching the Oie family. They were also from Roseau. Our grandmother was Clara Oie. She had about 9 siblings. Her fathers's name was Sven. If you have any information, please contact us. Thanks. |
Star Ostgard - 02/03/00 17:24:17 My Email:ostarella@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian/Scots Interests: woodworking, gardening Genealogy Search: Ostgard/Østgård |
Comments: Looking for any info on Knute Ostgard (1828-1913), wife Oline; son John (1870-1945), wife Ella ne Hanson; lived in Grand Meadow, MN. Believe Knute and brother came to USA mid-1800's; family dying out so have little info and don't know if they may have com from this area or not; nor am I sure what the Norwegian version of their name was. |
James R. Mahon - 02/01/00 19:44:58 My URL:mahon@pdq.net Heritage: Norwegian/Irish Interests: Norwegian Ancestors & farms Genealogy Search: Rye & Snortum families Parish: Nord-Aurdal |
Comments: Tord Tordsson Berge married Rangi Nilsdatter Torrenson and they operated one of those Rye farms in Nor-Aurdal parish. Their son Tord Tordssen Rye married Mari Iversdatter Sternson and they came to U.S. in 1885 and settled in Minneota, Minnesota. Knud Mikk lson Snortum married Marith Knudsdatter Snortum from one of those eleven Snortum farms.Their son Mikkel Knudson Snortum married Ingri Knudsdatter Tuff and they came to U.S. in 1867 and settled in Cottonwood, Minnesota |
James R. Mahon - 02/01/00 19:12:12 My Email:mahon@pdq.net Heritage: irish/norwegian Interests: ancestors/rye/snartum Genealogy Search: valdres valley Parish: nord-aurdal |
Comments: Looking for information on ansestors living on Rye and/or Snartum Farms |
Shirley Grayston - 01/31/00 03:04:36 My Email:grayston@pris.bc.ca Heritage: Norwegian Interests: geneology Genealogy Search: Kvill |
Comments: My daughter-in-law has a great grandfather from Norway and his last name was Kvill. Could it be possible that he was in the Valdres area. If anyone has information please e-mail to me. Thanks |
Rodney A. Kjersten - 01/26/00 18:39:55 My Email:rodk@means.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: xc skiing, biking, personal faith in god Genealogy Search: looking for relatives from Vang, Valdres |
Comments: My family, Andris and Morit Kjersten (Kjerstein) emigrated from Vang Valdres in the late 1800's. They settled in southern Minnesota, USA. Am interested in hearing about relatives. Rod Kjersten |
Shirley Caverly Nelson - 01/22/00 21:00:36 My Email:condogulf@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Knud Halvorson b: Sept. 3, 1836 |
Comments: |
Forehand, Angela - 01/10/00 17:31:02 My Email:www.hotpants_II@hotmail.com Heritage: 1/2 Norweigen/ Irish/ Scottish/ German/ English Interests: skiing, horseback riding, travelling Genealogy Search: Forehand, Snook, Christianson, Molde, and Jacobson history Parish: Barron, WI |
Comments: I'm in search of my family history with an extreme urgancy, so please, if you are from any of these families, e-mail me. I appreciate your time. Love Alwayz, Angela |
Patricia Roberts Bickar - 01/10/00 08:10:42 My Email:pbickar@ptialaska.net Heritage: Norwegian/English Interests: Grandkids/crafts Genealogy Search: Have done a small amount for me but more on my husband |
Comments: My mother's parents came from Etnedal, Valders. They were baptized and confirmed in the Bruflat church in Etnedal. Grandfather's American name was Christian Adriason Bergene (but he took the Bergene from the name of the farm on which he worked. My Gra dmother's maiden name was Anne Anderson Espsethhagen. Her father died before she was born and her mother later married a Munson. I have visited Etnedal twice and may have found some distant relatives while there. Language difficulty made it unclear just what the retationaship was. Would like to discover more. |
Avis Rosenlund & Russ Elmore - 01/09/00 21:28:07 My Email:CabernetStainedBeard@prodigy.net Heritage: Avis - Norwegian/Russ - American Interests: Avis - gardening, swimming, crafts, travel/Russ - Geneaology, books, woodworking Parish: Bagn i Valdras, Norway |
Comments: My father Arne Rosenlund is past President of Valdras Samband. My Godmother, Anna Berg was one of the original founders also. I have many relatives from my Father's side of the family that still live in Norway (never lived anywhere else). My husband ha done extensive geanology work on my family's history and put together a book of this for my Father which he has brought to the Stevne. Lisa Lund is also a relative that we found just a few years ago from previous marriages. We have great stories regard ng my Father and his days in Norway and the Underground. |
Anstein Haugen - 12/23/99 11:04:27 My Email:andatera@hotmail.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, my family, trawelling Parish: Vang |
Comments: I'm looking for desendants of Anna Evensdatter Oie born in Vang Valdres in 1843 and Jorgen (Jorge) Evenson Oie born in Vang Valdres 1833. They emigrated to America with S.S. Allan Line in May 1883. Anna had a son Ole born in 1882. I'm also looking for nother sister also called Anna Evensdatter Oie born in Vang Valdres in 1845 who emigrated to America with S.S. Argo in March/April 1875. They all might have changed their names to Evenson, Evensen, Evanson, Oien, Oier or something like that. Can anybod help me? |
Daniel M. Sondrol - 12/16/99 10:56:15 My Email:dsondrol@hotmail.com Heritage: Norweigan, German, English Genealogy Search: Søndrol farm of Vang |
Comments: I'm looking for information on Knute Iverson Sondrol (Søndrol) born December 25, 1880 in Vang I Valdres. His parents were Iver Shafta Søndrol and Ingeborg ???? presumably both of Vang. Iver died in 1950 and Ingeborg 1942 I believe and are buried in Vang. Knute arrived in New York in 1899 and traveled to Emmons, Minnesota with a cousin ????, he married Etta Perkins in Silver Lake, Iowa. They then traveled to Anamoose, North Dakota and stayed with Knutes sister Mrs. Ole Myer before settling in McLean County North Dakota north of Turtle Lake in 1903. I'm looking to connect Knute with Dordie Knutdatter who was married (around 1790)to Ole Johannesen Boe, Klokkergarden. Dordie and Ole had 7 children: Knut Olsen, Johannes Olesen, Ole Olsen, Tosten Olsen, Anne Olsdatter, Aagot Olsdatter, and Marit Olsdatte . Dordie was the only child of Knut Søndrol who lived during the 1700's. I believe either Iver or Ingeborg was a grandchild of Dordie Knutsdatter but I am not sure. |
Per B. Lilje - 12/02/99 08:29:40 My URL:http://www.uio.no/~lilje My Email:per.lilje@astro.uio.no Heritage: Vang, Valdres Parish: Vang |
Comments: Regards from Oslo! I am interested in learning more about the destiny of my grandmother's oldest sister, Marit Olsdatter Jevne. She was born in 1888 (her father Ole Arnesen Jevne was born at the farm Stølen in 1863, and bought the farm Jevne in 1900, her other Berit Kristoffersdatter Jevne, nee Qvale, was born on the farm Kvåle in 1855) and emigrated to America about 1905-1910. I don't know where she went, only that she died a few years after she arrived in America. Her younger siblings (Kristoffer, born 892, Berit, born 1894, Ingebjørg, born 1896, my grandmother, and Anne, born 1899) all stayed in Norway. |
Olaug Kvale - 11/22/99 19:35:29 My URL:http://www.no/ My Email:Gaukelia@sf.telia.no |
Comments: |
Olaug Kvale - 11/22/99 19:33:43 |
Comments: |
Donna Koenig Bykowski - 11/14/99 00:45:08 My Email:dbykow@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian German Interests: Genealogy, Computers, Reading, Golfing,Traveling, Knitting and Crocheting Genealogy Search: Anderson, Halvarson,Lagesdatter, Knudson, Juulsdatter Parish: Nord Aurdahl, Gjelde, Revling, Valdres Norway |
Comments: My maternal great grandparents emigrated from Norway first to Dane County,Wisconsin and then to Pope County, Minnesota. My great grandmother was Dorthea ANDERSON. She was the daughter of Nils and Ragnild ANDERSON. Ragnild(LAGESDATTER)was the daughter of Lage KNUDSON and Ingebord JUULSDATTER. Dorthea Delia(middle name) was born in Norway. She was 7 yrs. old when she came to America with her parents. As far as we know she had a brother, Andrew,and 2 sisters, Ida and Lena-all born in America. Dorthea married Knute CLAUSON. They had several children namely, Claus, Nils, Andrew,Alfred,Rosie, Dina,Maren and Anne. Ida married Svein HAUGE. They had 3 sons-Lewis, Svein and Carl and 3 daughters-Mabel, Rosie and Tillie. Rosie married a man whose surname was KNIESEL. I am searching for relatives either in the USA or in NORWAY. We are going to NORWAY July l, 2000 and would love to hear from anyone of our relatives in VALDRES. Thank you. Donna. |
Donna Koenig Bykowski - 11/14/99 00:40:08 My Email:dbykow@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian German Interests: Genealogy, Computers, Reading, Golfing,Traveling, Knitting and Crocheting Genealogy Search: Anderson, Halvarson,Lagesdatter, Knudson, Juulsdatter Parish: Nord Aurdahl, Gjelde, Revling, Valdres Norway |
Comments: My maternal great grandparents emigrated from Norway first to Dane County,Wisconsin and then to Pope County, Minnesota. My great grandmother was Dorthea ANDERSON. She was the daughter of Nils and Ragnild ANDERSON. Ragnild(LAGESDATTER)was the daughter of Lage KNUDSON and Ingebord JUULSDATTER. Dorthea Delia(middle name) was born in Norway. She was 7 yrs. old when she came to America with her parents. As far as we know she had a brother, Andrew,and 2 sisters, Ida and Lena-all born in America. Dorthea married Knute CLAUSON. They had several children namely, Claus, Nils, Andrew,Alfred,Rosie, Dina,Maren and Anne. Ida married Svein HAUGE. They had 3 sons-Lewis, Svein and Carl and 3 daughters-Mabel, Rosie and Tillie. Rosie married a man whose surname was KNIESEL. I am searching for relatives either in the USA or in NORWAY. We are going to NORWAY July l, 2000 and would love to hear from anyone of our relatives in VALDRES. Thank you. Donna. |
John Eric Rolfstad - 10/30/99 06:29:10 My Email:johneric@home.com Heritage: 100% Norwegian Interests: Hiking, skiing, boating, music, gardening Genealogy Search: Skindrud, Nygaard Parish: Reinli |
Comments: I'm very proud of my Norwegian heritage and the incredible social progressiveness and civility of modern Scandinavia. Knowing "where we came from" only helps us feel more strongly about "who we are and where we're going from here." |
Pat Sandlund - 10/24/99 01:49:00 My Email:psandlun@nmh.org Heritage: Norwegian/German Interests: Genealogy, spinning, reading Genealogy Search: Hovi and Nelsons from Oestre & Vestre Slidre, Valdres Parish: Rogne? |
Comments: What a great web site! I've found three people here who may be somehow connected to my family already. It's wonderful to have so many people interested in their Valdres ancestors, as I am. |
John Egge - 10/11/99 15:50:20 My Email:iris@midrivers.com Heritage: norwegian Interests: work Genealogy Search: Egge |
Comments: I hope that today you will receive my group,pedigree sheets and can help me a bit.I have names on the EGGE-MELBÖ family that I can give you ,but right now I need info on Eric's children that you see by my sheets I can't find.I know that SVEN had a son, li ed in Butte Mt and I don't know any more from there.NEWTON-KNUD was in Canada had son but I don't know if there are any extended family members that I can contact.If you have questions ,PLEASE writ and let me know. Thanks a MILLION, Shirley Egge |
Dwayne D Peterson - 10/04/99 18:34:28 My Email:petersdd@uwec.edu Heritage: Norwegian/English/German Genealogy Search: Pedersen, Jarstad, Iverseon Næsja, Olsdtr, Jonsdtr, Jensdatter, Parish: Slidre |
Comments: JOHANNES, Peder b 1816; JENSDATTER, Dordi b 1821; her parents-IVERSON, Jens Næsja; JONSDTR, Kari; his parents-PEDERSON, Johannes Jarstad; OLSDTR, Guri. Sons of Peder JOHNSON were John b 1845 and Johannes b 1854. Peder, Dordi, John and Johannes immigrat d 1866 via Valdres. 10/4/99 Info. seems to locate them in Slidre, some on the Næsja farm. Have good info. on Johannes Pederson's descendants and seeking expansion of entire ancestral line. |
DALE SEBO - 09/24/99 01:11:39 My Email:dsebo@watrust.com Heritage: norwegian Interests: genealolgy search |
Kjetil Seigen - 09/19/99 13:26:43 My URL:http://www.valdresnett.com/ My Email:kseigen@online.no Heritage: Begna/Sør-Aurdal/Valdres Genealogy Search: Web Parish: Valdres |
Comments: Hi! Im searching for my relatives in USA. The last Seigen I founf was gudbrand Seigen wich died in 1992. Anyone who nows about the SEIGEN family ? Area: Wisconsin- Minnesota - Dakota. If anybody has some information, mail me! |
Virginia Satterlee (Olson) - 09/17/99 00:41:14 My Email:mailto:Kingtes%2016@aol.com Genealogy Search: Aasheim,Tollef Parish: Kviteseid,Telemark,Norway |
Comments: Aasheim,Tollef came to America by the ship in 1905 by his age 17 yrs old. He born in Kviteseid Telemark,Norway in 1888. Aasheim,Tollef,his name changed to Olson,Thomas and died in Oregon at 1957. I guess his parents,Ole Aashein and R.Burgy with him by the ship. I learned the Micofilm #L 11392-1677588 have 12 birth records on lists of #8 Johonnes Andreas b.1883, #12 Olof b.1884, #19 Tollef b.1886, #27 Aukrs b.1887, #32(Grandfather)Tollef b.1888, #41 Olof b.1890, #52 Tov b.1892, #62 Sigurd b.1894, #72 Alf b. 896, #81 Asgerd b.1899, #93 Halvord b.1901 and #98 Forebjorg b.1902. Please write a letter to Virginia Satterlee 117 Gilman Ave Campbell California U.S.A. 95008-3017. Hope to hear from your answer soon. Thank you. God bless you. |
g. Manley - 09/10/99 01:10:43 My Email:gmanley@gfherald.infi.net Heritage: Irish/Norwegian Genealogy Search: Bakken; Gjevre |
Comments: My GGgrandmother was Aaste Kjos Remmen. She was the daughter of Osten Ostenson Kjos and Aaste Ostensdatter Berge. She was born March 6, 1823 at Hurum, Valdres, Oppland. She married Iver Endreson Gjevre in 1844. Hewas born in Vang, Valdres. Also looking for Bakkens and Dahls from the Telemark area of Norway that came to ND. |
LaVonne Houlton - 09/05/99 04:21:38 My Email:lhoulton@thevision.net Heritage: All Norwegian Interests: Genealogy,History, Photography & Writing Genealogy Search: Valdres, Buskerud, Setesdal & Telemark Parish: Hedal, Viker, Bykle & Vinje |
Comments: This is a most interesting site. I am mainly wondering if there are others of the Lindelien/Goplerud clan out there interested in sharing information. (Kan lese paa Norsk,for dem som bor i Norge og har litt or ingen Engelsk). |
Lillie Bergene Tonkin - 08/25/99 01:30:10 My Email:ltonkin@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian & Swiss Interests: Travel, Music & Golf |
Comments: I haven't done any research as there are several in my family doing that. My father's family comes from Valdres, so I am interested. |
christine veblen bishop - 08/24/99 19:43:13 My Email:cdeeg05@hotmail.com Heritage: veblens of valdres valley |
Comments: |
K. F. Solseth - 08/21/99 23:39:02 My Email:Solmaple@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, Music Genealogy Search: Flaten, Flatene, Fladene Parish: Vang, Valdres |
Comments: I am looking for descendants of Nils Kristoffersson Berge and Berit Torsteinsdotter Kvam. To my knowledge, they had seven children--two of whom emigrated to America, Kristoffer and Torstein, in 1871. Their other children were Ove, Ola, Maren, Ingeleiv a d Ingeborg. I have fairly complete information on the descendants of Kristoffer and Torstein. |
Tim Mathistad - 08/15/99 03:46:38 My Email:Tmathistad@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Music, Theatre Genealogy Search: Mathistad, Hovde |
Comments: My maternal grandfather, Kristian Hovde came from Norway and was married to Bertha Hagene, who also immigrated from Norway, baptised and confirmed in Reinli, Norway. They homesteaded in Arnegard, North Dakota. Would also like any info on Bertha Hagene's b other Berndt, who disappeared shortly after arrival in America. My paternal grandfather was Ole Mathistad. He homesteaded near Watford City, North Dakota and married Julia Joten from Black River Falls, Wisconsin. |
Jan Arneson - 07/31/99 06:25:48 My Email:janarneson@aol.com Heritage: american/norwegian Interests: geneology, gardening, rosemaling, |
Comments: Someone searching this site recently e-mailed my brother regarding Volding family. He tried to forward the message to me, but it didn't make it-please try new e-mail address. Also, does anyone know where Brandvold's Parish is? This is a great site! |
Gun Marit DOLVA - 07/21/99 08:12:13 Heritage: Norwegian/Finnish Genealogy Search: Dolva |
Comments: Please help me with advice about where my father, son of Jens and Sigrid Dolva, who moved to Lillehammer in the 1920s(s), came from. 27 Constance Street, Darlington, Western Australia, 6070. |
john egge - 07/16/99 19:17:26 My Email:iris@midrivers.com Heritage: norweigen Genealogy Search: egge,melbye Parish: o slidre |
Comments: a page that all genealogy buff's can use.My ggrandfather came to Decorah Ia in 1850.Hope to find more family members. |
Annette Smedshammer - 07/16/99 02:59:27 My Email:asmedsh1@fairview.org Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Water sports, winter sports, cooking, reading Genealogy Search: Peder Pederson. Annie Gulbranson Bondley (Bondlied). Parish: Unknown. |
Comments: Peder Pederson was born in Valdres, Norway. He married Annie Gulbranson Bondley (Bondlied) and came to America. They ended up in Glencoe, MN, USA. They had several children: Carl, Otto, Peder, Ollie, Oline, Emma, Randina, and Casper Bondley. Peder Ped rson took the Bondley (Bondlied) last name in the USA, (I believe). Casper was my grandfather who married Elise Marie Lunde, who was possibly from Enderdal or Hylleroson, Norway. Her mother was Marthe Lunde-Permup. She had had one brother that I know o in Norway, Johann (sp?) Lunde. Thanks a bunch in advance. |
Anne Marie (Groth) Hamilton - 07/15/99 01:50:21 My Email:anneed@sierratel.com Heritage: Norwegian/Swedish/?? Interests: Reading, Genealogy, Internet, My family, teenagers, helping others Genealogy Search: Drobak, Norway, & Hassleholm, Sweden Parish: unknown |
Comments: I am looking for my Norwegian & Swedish relatives. My grandfather, Edward Hans Groth emmigrated from Drobak to America with my Swedish grandmother, Anna Maria Johannson in 1902. Tbey had two children, Wilbur Howard, and Evelyn, I am Wilbur's daughter, Anne Marie. I have several pictures of the house where my grandfather lived, and pictures of he and my grandmother, that I am willing to share, if you are related to me. If these names are familiar to you, please contact me at anneed@sierratel com, I would be thrilled to get to know my other half of my family!!! Thank you & God Bless!! |
Joan (Halderson) Geraldson - 07/06/99 22:52:15 My Email:saycheese@lakefield.net Heritage: Norwegian / German Interests: my children; violin; music for tots; genealogy |
Comments: I have ancestors that came from Valdres, Norway and settled in Wisconsin. I live in Manitowoc County ... only about 10 miles from Valders, Wisconsin. ("Valders" is not a typing error. That is the correct spelling of the community in Manitowoc County wh re many Norwegians settled). I am looking for ancestors with the surnames of: HALDERSON, MARKEN, KNUTSON, NILSEN, BERGE, GERALDSON (GJERALDSEN), and TORRISON. I'm also looking for information on the VISTE farm in Vestre Slidre. |
Earl and Joyce Lindberg - 07/03/99 17:15:23 My Email:jandearl@prodigy.net Heritage: Norwegian and Swedish Interests: travel Genealogy Search: Severson Parish: Valdres Valley |
Comments: Looking for Erik Graveli Oimoen Severson from Audalen. Came to America in 1861. |
Cathy Dodson - 07/02/99 01:25:55 My Email:cathydodson@hotmail.com Heritage: Norske,French,Irish Interests: gardening-fashion Genealogy Search: Severson-Varne Parish: Karmoy |
Comments: Have visited Norway -saw cousins in Karmoy. would like to know more about Severson's who came from Aurdal in Valdres Valley. Great Great Grandfather came to USA in 1861 with wife and two children. |
Elaine Swancutt Loheide - 07/02/99 01:17:19 My Email:eaheide@yahoo.com Heritage: Norweigian plus Interests: Do |
Comments: |
Elaine Homan - 06/22/99 17:01:45 My Email:rehoman@prodigy.net Heritage: 100?% Norwegian (75% Valdres!) Interests: Genealogy, music, history Genealogy Search: Gladheim, Ranum, Melby, Veahaugen, Manum, Rogne, Stokkebryn, and more. Parish: mostly from Skrautval, N. Aurdal, and O. Slidre |
Comments: |
Jahn Børe Jahnsen - 06/22/99 05:35:14 My Email:kamrud.jahnsen@c21.net Parish: Ulnes, North-Aurdal, Valdres |
Comments: |
Barb Rofshus - 06/21/99 15:13:48 My Email:brofshus@clear.lakes.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Photography Genealogy Search: record needs |
Comments: |
ANN LILLEOIEN - 06/19/99 23:38:10 Heritage: SCANDI Interests: AGRICULTURE Genealogy Search: LILLEOIEN/BUNDE Parish: CENTER LUTHERAN |
Comments: GREAT SITE |
Darlene Farmer - 06/14/99 07:24:34 My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/ourrelatives/ My Email:rdac32399@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: genealogy, scrapbooking, decorating, baking, crafts Genealogy Search: Bergene, Lee, Lien, Peterson, Klopp, Parish: Bruflat |
Comments: I have recently started researching my norwegian heritage and I can tell you that I'm hooked. Genealogy is my new hobby! I am looking for anyone who knows who the father of Ragnhild Klopp is, she was born in Norway(not sure where)on Sept.25,1906. Klopp is not her real last name. Her mother was Kari Bergene Klopp.If anyone knows anything about Even Klopp I would appreciate it, all I know is that he died in Valdres sometime between 1899-1906. I am also searching for any information on Osmond Lee(Lien)born 18 5 died 1906 married Dina Peterson born 1865 died 1942. |
Floyd D.P. Øydegaard - 06/10/99 13:47:11 My URL:http://www.sptddog.com/sotp/kinfolk.html My Email:foyde@cruzio.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: History and photography Genealogy Search: Bergene, Berg, Peterson, Øydegaard, etc. Parish: Brufladt |
Comments: I started researching my father's family as far back as the mid 1960's. I've been to the Valdres area and loved the people and everything looks like it did when my family immigrated in the mid and late 19th century. There is still a strong family connec ion between folk from Valdres with those still in Norway. |
Ted Aksnes - 06/09/99 03:02:20 My Email:devted@gte.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Traveling, Real Estate Genealogy Search: Aksnes and Norsveen Parish: Ulnes |
Comments: Family farm is in Ulnes. Once part of the larger Granium farm. Norsveen was grandmother's maiden name.Any information greatly appreciated. Are the Ulnes Church records available Anywhere? |
Hotchkiss,Sharon - 06/08/99 18:23:31 My Email:jshotbloom@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian/German Interests: Singing/Bell Ringing Genealogy Search: Solstad |
Comments: I hit the wrong button the first time. |
Hotchkiss, Sharon - 06/08/99 18:16:39 My Email:jshotbloom@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian/German Interests: Singing/Bell Ringing |
Comments: |
Napper, Karyl Arthur - 06/08/99 02:26:24 My Email:Kanapp@cityworld.com Heritage: Norwegian/ English/ French Interests: Genealogy, RVing, Reading Genealogy Search: Napper, Anderson, Menard |
Comments: Researching HEIE, NAPPER, ANDERSON, DEAN, RUSSEL, BARNES, ALLEN, AVERY, WEEKES/WEEKS. Will welcome any responses re: the names, data, families, dates, etc. Willing to exchange any data with anyone interestedin the above names. Regards, Karyl |
Ronald Hendrix - 06/07/99 21:46:17 My Email:rhendrix@pro-ns.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: genealogy Genealogy Search: Elsrud Honsi Parish: Adal and Vik |
Comments: Is this area, Adal, a part of your research? Traced relatives to this area, and researched Northfield, St. Olaf. Found letters from USA to people on the farm in Adal, Norway |
Steve Carlson - 06/07/99 17:14:08 My Email:steve.carlson@usa.net Heritage: Sweden/Norway/German |
Comments: Hi, I'm just starting to do some geneology research for my family. Can someone tell me where in Norway this is? One Great Grandmother's birth location is Name - Anne Martinsdatter Born in - Fodvang, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway Birth date - September 27, 1851 Death date - September 17, 1934 I would love to get more information on my Norwegian heritage. Thanks, -=Steve=- |
Michele Westlund - 06/07/99 15:11:17 My Email:Bandit3232@aol.com Heritage: 100% Norwegian Interests: Norwegian Culture Genealogy Search: Mettenes Parish: Don't know |
Comments: My ancestors are all from Norway. How do I research their origins. When my great-grandfather came to America, his name was Christian Mettenes. The last name was changed to Mitteness. I grew up on a farm in Benson, MN. Thanks! I enjoyed reading about this site. Michele Mitteness Westlund 3232 Berwick Knoll Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 |
Ruby (Myhre) Erickson - 06/07/99 14:37:41 My Email:MEric22743@AOL.com Heritage: Norske/Valdres Parish: Grindaheim/Valdres |
Comments: |
Gudbjørg Fønhus Stensrud - 06/06/99 19:55:56 My Email:gfstens@online.no Heritage: From Sør-Aurdal Norway Interests: History,Valdres,family |
Comments: If you are interested in something from my homeplace, Sør-Aurdal, I'll try to answer you if you send me a mail. Bagn, Reinli,Begnadalen and Hedalen are places in Sør-Aurdal. I have been in USA two times. The last time in summer 1997. This summer we look forward to the guests from Valdres samband in June/July. Welcome! |
Gudbjørg Fønhus Stensrud - 06/06/99 19:50:07 My Email:gfstens@online.no Heritage: From Sør-Aurdal Norway |
Comments: |
Sarah Sloane - 06/03/99 20:34:44 My Email:Sloane@maine.edu Heritage: Norwegian Interests: relatives Genealogy Search: Kjos, Thompson, Simming, Schumm Parish: Vang i Valdres |
Comments: I am searching for any descendents of MARY JOSEPHINE THOMPSON (born MARIT OLSDATTER KJOS, April 1858, in Vang, Valdres). She immigrated to Minnesota (or North Dakota) in 1876 from Bergen to join her 2 brothers: NIELS OLSON KJOS and OLE OLSON KJOS. One f these brothers changed his last name to THOMPSON (as did she) and the other kept the name KJOS. A third brother (TROND) immigrated with his family about 1904. She was married twice and had 11 children. The first time to a man named SCHUMM and the sec nd time to SIMMING. I have much information about the ancestors of these individuals and have even visited Vang and found the ancestral farm, etc. I would love to now find more of my living American (or Norwegian) relatives to pass this information on to. |
Gail Hoeker - 05/18/99 20:17:41 My Email:hoeker@gte.net Heritage: Norwegian, Dutch, Irish, French Interests: genealogy |
Comments: I am very excited to have found this site and am mailing off my membership dues this afternoon. My gggrandfather, James Severson, was born in Folinglo, N. Aurdal in 1833. I am just beginning to find some real information on him and his family. My husba d and I are planning to make a trip to Norway in about three years and I am looking forward to it. |
Neil Ralph Tangen - 05/16/99 19:06:57 My URL:/valdressamband/www.runestone.net/~tang/ My Email:tang@runestone.net Heritage: Norwegian-American |
Comments: I would like to determine if one of my grandparents was Sami. Most are from Valdres area, I think.Each of my grandparents were full Norweigian except one, who was 1/2 Norwegian 1/4 German & 1/4 English. Perhaps you could send me tips |
Donovan D. Fellows - 05/13/99 22:12:15 My Email:rdfellows@email.msn.com Heritage: Lestrud/Tuff families of Oppland Interests: further research Genealogy Search: See comments Parish: Valdres and Vestre Slidre |
Comments: I recently sent in my membership and am quite anxious to work with your researcher. I have spent considerable time in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City but it is so difficult and time consuming to research as I do not know the language. Any h lp will really be appreciated to fill in some of the gaps I have now and to further discover my ancestory. |
Aslak Tronerud - 05/11/99 14:14:52 My Email:aslak.tronerud@reprolink.no Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Geneaology Genealogy Search: Valdres/USA Parish: S.Aurdal |
Comments: SORRY a typing error ocurred in my earlyer mail The name is OLE ASLAKSEN OESTEGAARDEN. :-( |
Aslak Tronerud - 05/11/99 14:12:27 My Email:aslak.tronerud@reprolink.no Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Geneaology Genealogy Search: Valdres/USA Parish: S.Aurdal |
Comments: LOOKING FOR DECENDANTS AFTER OLE ASLAKSEN OEDEGAARDEN AND DORTHE NILSDATTER DALE I am interested in some of there children: NILS OLSEN TRONRUD (ROOD) b. 17 sept. 1857 m. KARI PEDERSDATTER LIEN, children: ALFRED, IDA, DAN & CLIFFORD. OLE OLSEN TRONRUD (ROOD) b. 30 jan. 1860 m. KARI LIEN, children: DAISY, OSCAR, DAISY TILDA, MABEL & VIOLA. Ole was on the board of the VALDRES SAMBAND in 1922. EVEN OLSEN TRONRUD (ROOD) b. 14 sept. 1862 m. MARIT JØRANBY, children: AMOS, CLARA, DAN, HENRY, OSCAR & SARAH. All of them moved to the US and I am looking for decendants to complete my decendants tree for Ole Aslaksen. Looking forward to positiv replays |
Jerry Syvrud - 05/07/99 21:24:16 My Email:gsyvrud@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy/Travel Genealogy Search: Syvrud, Midtmoen, Gronbrek Parish: Aurdal |
Comments: Grandparents Olaus Syvrud and Guri Midtmoen came to America from Aurdal, Valdres in 1906 and settled at Mandan,ND. My father Sigurd Syvrud was conceived in Norway and born at Mandan,ND.My father and mother visited relatives in the Aurdal Leira area in 197 . I visited many relatives in Valdres in 1987 and count it a blessing. |
T. Beito - 05/05/99 23:17:37 My Email:beito@stolaf.edu Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Beito Parish: Øystre Slidre |
Comments: Jeg heter Tom Beito og tip-olde faren min reiste fra Beito i Valdres til Granite Falls i Minniesota i 1870 tallet. Navnet hans var Ole men jeg kjenner ikke etternavn hans. Er det noen i Valdres som kan hjelpe meg? |
S T Svennes - 05/05/99 16:12:07 My Email:svennes@online.no |
Comments: Hei, jeg heter Sten Tore Svennes. HAr vel oppriktelig navnet mitt fra Valdres. Farfaren min heter Torstein Svennes og far hans igjen Martin Svennes (tror han skiftet etternavn en gang i tida),. Martin kom fra Nord Aurdal. Er det noen som har slektsopplysn nger håper jeg at man mailer til meg. Hilsen Sten tORE |
Mary (Gilbert) Murphy - 04/17/99 15:37:58 My Email:rhouse@netnet.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: My Kids, Woodworking, Camping, Great Danes, Reading Genealogy Search: I've only just begun... |
Comments: I am interested in learning more about my ancestry and possibly meeting distant relatives here in the U.S. or Norway. I'm looking forward to joining your group and possibly meeting your hard working volunteers at the gathering in June. So far, the follow ng info is what I've been able to gather regarding my fathers family: My great grandmother's name is Mary Gilbert. She entered the U.S. in June 1876 under the name of Mary Knudson. She was born in Valders, Norway August 10th, 1858 and emigrated to New Yo k according to her Declaration of Intention, of which I have the original. She married Ever Gilbert in August 1883 in Manitowoc, WI. He was born in Valders, Norway on May 9, 1843. She had seven children, Melvin (Manitowoc, WI 1/17/1885), George (Manitow c, WI 5/30/1886), Amelia nickelson (Manitowoc, WI & Sawyer, WI) Alice Olderberger, Ruben, Adolph, and Edith (all born in Manitowoc, WI and had resided in Two Rivers, WI and in Illinois). If any of these names sound familiar to you, I'd love to hear from ou! Thank you and good luck to everyone in their searches. Keep up the great work on this site!! (Of no particular importance but just interesting note...my greatgrandmother Mary (Knudson) Gilbert was born in "18"58 and I was born and named Mary Gilbe t in "19"58, 100 years later. |
Jean Cammon Findlay - 04/05/99 14:33:01 My Email:gfindlay@frii.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: genealogy, travel, ornithology Genealogy Search: Kammen, Dolve, Arnesdatter Parish: Sor-Aurdal |
Comments: My great-grandfather, Ole Knutson Kammen lived with his family (parents and siblings) on the Kamben (nordre Dolve)portion of Dolve before he apparently moved to Aurland in Sogn-og-Fjordane. He married in Aurland (though his wife Elisabet Arnesdatter was rom Sor-Aurdal)and raised his family in Leikanger. I want to know more. |
Tom Shepherd - 04/04/99 02:16:48 My Email:tshepherd@vcn.com Heritage: Norway/Sweden/Brit Interests: Genealogy, Camping |
Comments: My wife's paternal Grandparents were both born in Valdres, Norway. I am excited to see a site dedicated to Valdres, as I am working on gathering more information on that particular part of the family. I anticipate spending a lot of time here. Thank you |
Marianne G. Kultom - 03/28/99 00:08:13 My Email:kultom@online.no Parish: Opplans in Norway |
Comments: Jeg søker etter Valdreser som utvandret til Beaver Chreek. Hvor skal jeg søke ??? Fine sider deere har. Velkommen til Norge og Valdres i Juni-99 |
Arvid Sonstelie - 03/23/99 02:02:15 My Email:asonstelie@linkup.net Heritage: Norwiegian |
Comments: |
Wittke - 03/21/99 19:00:03 My Email:kuhhirte@asap-com.com Heritage: german Genealogy Search: Johanns Wittke |
Comments: Im looking the family of my great uncle Johanns Wittke. I know that he was the Scout master for Norway in 1952 (Boy scouts). I think he and his family lived in Tromso or Trondhjen. |
Diane Larson - 03/15/99 00:05:55 My Email:uffda@gpcom.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, reading, antiquing Genealogy Search: Tostensen/ Gulbrandsen Parish: O.Slidre |
Comments: Found this site and enjoyed looking at the various articles displayed. My g-g grandparents em. to MN from the Morstad farm in the 1870's. All of my ancestors came from Norway, but only this family from Oppland. Informative site, nice job. |
Harry Shaw, Jr. - 03/11/99 06:03:46 My Email:hshaw_jr_@hotmail.com Heritage: 3/4 norse |
Comments: Family name originally Sjo from Halsnoy, Great-Grandmother was Aagot Rebne from Valdres. Have history of Knut Rebne family, wondering if any other relatives are out there. Knut Rebne born 1803 mar. Anna Turus in Hollingdal moved to Ron, Valdres Aagot' sister mar. Per Jordheim in Hollingdal. Other relatives in Norway were Lagrud,Bakke, Loiten, and Larson |
Ernie Hansen - 03/03/99 16:26:09 My Email:erniehansen Heritage: norwegian |
Comments: oops Iforgot to mention my grandfathers name Peter August Hansen, who came to Australia about 1874, thank you. |
Ernie Hansn - 03/03/99 16:10:00 My Email:erniehansen@bigpond.com.au Heritage: Norweigen Interests: Genealogy,swimming Genealogy Search: Hansen family tree |
Comments: My great grandfathers name was Hans Anton Hansen His wife Joanne Marie Andersdatter,their son (my grandfather) was born 11 May 1860 in Oslo.I am trying to dates of birth of hans & Joanne and find out their parents. Thank you for web page. We dont hear much about Norway in Australia. |
Ristey - 03/03/99 03:42:58 My Email:JPSlipshod@aol.com Heritage: Noweigan Interests: Science, statistics, computers Genealogy Search: Riste or Ristey, Valdres Parish: Unknown |
Comments: Nils (Nels?) Ristey: birth, 6Feb1828, from Valdres, came to U.S. in 1850. Probably to Muskego or Racine, Wisconsin and on to Wenneshiek, Iowa. Many Risteys were in the Spring Grove, Minnesota area. They were in several business there. Nils was my grea - grandfather. Samuel Ristey, grandfather. Jerome Norvin Ristey, father. The J.N Ristey family lived in Wisconsin, Illinois, Missoui, and Arkansas. My birthdate: 1Aug1938. Sorry to leave the ladies out of this; but, Valdres is the focus right now. I would appreciate contacts with the objectives of learning more about the family tree and possibly a visit to Valdres to find out information there. Thanks. William J. Ristey, Ph.D. (chemistry) |
Candace Paton - 02/28/99 20:42:18 My Email:dcpaton@sk.sympatico.ca Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Norwegian |
Comments: OOPS! I made a slight error. on the previous request I made. The name should be Ole and Augie Sather who lived in Valdres in 1893 (not Ole and Eugeborg). Sorry. Hope someone can still help out. |
Candace Paton - 02/27/99 02:23:17 My Email:dcpaton@sk.sympatico.ca Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Cooking, Genealogy Genealogy Search: Sather |
Comments: I am looking for an Ole and Eugeborg Sather.My great great grandfather Ole Sather married Oline Sather in North Dakota (Richland County) in 1893. On the marriage certificate it shows that his parents resided in Valders Norway. I am lost. I have no birt dates or any clues to move forward. Can anyone help? |
Laurie Jensen - 02/18/99 02:58:25 My Email:leej@prtel.com Heritage: Norway Interests: Music, genealogy Genealogy Search: Dalaker/Leikvollen Parish: Vang Valdres |
Comments: My great grandparents, Ola & Kari Leikvollen (Leikvold in the U.S.) came from West Slidre, Valdres. I have gotten much information on them and other ancestors from other parts of Norway. How does one go about getting ship lists of immigrants from Norwa ? |
Melissa Boen Roth - 02/16/99 05:49:15 My Email:jmroth@airnet.net Heritage: Norwegian (mostly) Interests: rosemaling, gardening, wildflower photography Genealogy Search: Boen Family Parish: Aurdal |
Comments: Looking for Gary Boen who is a lost cousin. We share the same g-g-g grandfather. Haldor was a cousin. Would love to share information on the family and find my roots back in Norway. Any and all information about this family would be appreciated. |
marianne Gjerdbakken kultom - 02/13/99 16:10:18 My Email:kultom@online.no Heritage: Valdres & Land Interests: Family/Slekt Genealogy Search: Valdres og Land Parish: Norsk |
Comments: Can I help you ?? |
- 02/13/99 16:07:58 |
Comments: |
Jamvold's - 02/07/99 22:03:06 My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~walking_rain/index.html My Email:Walking_Rain@webtv.net Heritage: Norwegian & German Interests: Family History Genealogy Search: trace the Jamvold Family |
Comments: Our Grandfather came from Norway to Ellis Island in the early 1920's. We were looking for information on him, and ran across your page and stopped to take a look!! |
Marlys McCluskey and Donna Lemke - 02/07/99 21:57:50 My Email:ruslyn@prairie.lakes.com |
Comments: Great-great-grandfather anders anderson imigrated to Minnesota around 1845. He came from Bahn in Norway. We are traveling to Valdres in June 1999. |
John Swensen (Svendsen) - 02/02/99 21:06:03 My Email:sven@lightspeed.net Heritage: Norwegian/Danish Interests: hunting/fishing Genealogy Search: just begun |
Comments: My far far cam from Valders/Valdres. His name was Alfred Svendsen, but changed it to Swensen. He was interested in wood working, he made clocks and violins. He first settled in the Chicago, IL. area and then moved to Wisconsin. I do not know any more t an that. |
Rolf Tore Tandberg - 01/31/99 18:50:25 My Email:tandberg@mt-usa.com Heritage: Nordland & Valders Parish: Nord Audal |
Comments: Looking for descendants of Knut(1885) and Erik(1890) Thoresen. Parents were Guri Eriksdtr. and T(h)ore Knudsen of Mælum, Nord Audal. Both emigrated from Norway. There was no contact maintained with the family. Knut may have had a son living in the Dakota or Wyoming. In the 1960s we met Knuts widow in Everett, WA but her memory was poor. My grandmother Borghild(1900) was their sister. |
Kathy Carr - 01/31/99 15:45:02 My Email:wca8657197@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy Genealogy Search: Valders area |
Comments: Wonderful site. Thanks, Betty. You do a great job. My family surname is Bergo. |
Cyndi MOE - 01/29/99 19:39:48 My Email:rmblnmdo@capecod.net Genealogy Search: MOE |
Comments: My husband, George MOE, has family from Norway and we would like to find out more about them. We are new at genealogy so, need all the help we can get. Greatgrandfather DAVID MOE and wife CARINA mOE came to America with 2 sons. They landed in Boston,MA an stayed. This David had a brother, name?, who went onto to Tacoma, WA. CARINA was pregnant and had a daughter shorly after they arrived and then had 2 more daughters and lastly another son. Walter mOE was the younger of the two boys who came over from Nor ay, my husband grandfather. He met CHRISTIANE TORRESON in Boston and they married. CHRISTIANE TORRESON was from Oslo, Norway and her father was a furniture maker there. She was a widow and had left a young daughter, who was sick, with her parents. Christi ne came to America with a bother and sister. We do not have any more info then this. DAVID MOE did go to Washington to visist his brother and died out there. If anyone could add any information we would love to hear from you. Thanks. |
Darlene Kyllo - 01/21/99 21:34:02 My Email:gumma@clear.lakes.com Heritage: All Norwegian Interests: Genealogy Genealogy Search: Agnes Brudahl Parish: Odnes??? |
Comments: I want to find my grandma!!!!! She is Agnes Brudahl. Immigrated when 17--in1903--to Iowa. B: 4 July 1886. Married: John Aaserud in America 22 December 1906. She had a sister? They were orphans? She left Norway from Drammen? |
Gerald Winger - 01/16/99 15:38:23 My Email:gwinger@essex1.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Music, reading, genealogy Genealogy Search: WINGER, TOLLEFSDATTER, AAKRE, KVALE, LOKKEN, HJELLE-HAUGEN, TORSTAD |
Comments: I am new to this so hopefull will glean some information about my Norwegian ancestry. I am looking for some data about Lars Jacobson WINGER who married Gertrude TOLLEFSDATTER. Also facts about their migration to America and eventurally to my hometown of Decorah, Iowa. I am looking for help on Knute Saaveson AAKRE who married Ingeborg MOEN. On my maternal side, information on Gjermund Olson HJELLE-HAUGEN who married Marit Evensdatter UHLEN (UREN) and Engel John Sovik DANIELSON who married Christine OLe a DRANGE. Any information would be helpful, especially any Web sites for ships, immigration lists, census, etc. I am also looking for a good map of Norway which shows the counties, parishes, etc. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any assistance. Godspeed |
olaf diserud - 01/15/99 21:26:09 My Email:odiserud@online.no Genealogy Search: search for my grandfather olaf diserud (iowa) |
Comments: |
Michael Nesja - 01/10/99 01:23:03 My URL:http://members.aol.com/nesja My Email:nesja@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Valdres ancestry / Genealogy Search: Also looking for relatives still in Norway |
Comments: My grandfather, Theodore Nesja, was born in Decorah, Iowa, on January 6, 1873, one of 5 children born to Engebret Nesja and Barbrou Ellestat. My great-grandfather, Engebret Nesja was born in Valdres (Vest Gildre?) in 1837, one of 3 sons of Ole and Dortha Nesja. Engebret's brother Knute emigrated from Norway in 1863. Engebret emigrated in 1865. The oldest brother, Ole received the family homestead in Norway and had a large family --- most of whom immigrated to Canada and the United States. If possible, I would like to find out EXACTLY where the Nesja family homestead was, and perhaps obtain a picture? |
Janann Arneson - 01/10/99 00:51:04 My Email:mm472354@engr.colostate.edu Heritage: norwegian Interests: too many Genealogy Search: gulmunson Parish: possibly valdres |
Comments: my great,great, grandfather was Arne Gulmunson or Gudmundson. The name on the homestead deed was Gulmunson, but the tombstone is Gudmundson. Unsure when they emmigrated to USA, but the homestead deed for property near Red Cloud, Nebraska is dated 1881 - he sold the property to his son Ole in 1882 and then they all moved back to Decorah Iowa. Any information on Arne or his wife (name unknown) would be much appreciated. |
Liv Reidun Lien Mjelve - 01/06/99 22:03:47 My Email:hmagn@online.no Heritage: Beito Interests: Family Genealogy Search: Theese sites Parish: Minnesota!!!!!! |
Comments: Hallo,det va jaddin løggle å sjå sleke artige sio frå Amerika! Hello, it was really fun to find such sites here on the net! My father, Olav Andrisson Lien (Kveto)was borned some place in Minnesota 6.april 1918. Two years old he and his family went back to Lien gard(farm) in Beito,Oystre Slidre in Valdres in Norway.It's about 24 miles up the valley from Fagernes.My husbond Helge and i lives in Molde at the west coast(Vestlandet) We are very interested in searchin for relatives in U.S.A. VERY NICE NETPLACE!!!! |
Terri Gordon - 01/04/99 16:52:50 My Email:stirdly@msn.com Heritage: norwegian, irish, all american Genealogy Search: Knudsen Parish: Valdres |
Comments: I am looking for info pertaining to KNUD KNUDSEN. Knut was born about 1820 and married Ane. Children: John, Lars, Martin, Anna, Cornelius and Enger. Anna was born in 1855, married Ole Jentoft Johansen Ratje and they lived on DELP farm in Utskår, Bø. nger (Inger) born 1860 married Johan Fredriksen. Looking forward to hearing from anyone with info. Thanks. |
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Jeff Haakinson - 12/31/98 02:42:57 My Email:jhaaki8509@aol.com Heritage: Norweigen Interests: Family Research Genealogy Search: Haakinson, Amundson, Olsen |
Comments: My GGGrand Father Mathias HAAKINSON came from Norway. His father was Hakon AMUNDSEN. I only know they came to from Norway from Christina Port, Norway. His brother - Edwin Haakinson came over in 1859 from Norway. Andrew Haakinson came over in 1861 from orway. Mathias married Amelia Olson from Norway. The family originally lived in Wisconsin and then eventually moved to Sioux City, Iowa. Any information would be appreciated. |
Richard Gordon - 12/29/98 00:10:59 My Email:ok505@aol.com Heritage: North Aurdal, Valdres Interests: Farming Genealogy Search: Odegard,Odegaard,Odegaarden Parish: North Aurdal,Valdres |
Comments: Very interesting site. I am Dick Okland and I am researching the Odegard, Odegaard, Odegaarden name for Richard Gordon (Odegaarden)as requested. I have some info: Nels Tidemands Gordon (Odegaarden)(Changed their name when arriving in Iowa) born in 1838 in N Aurdal, Valdres, Norway. His father was Tidemand Nilss Odegaarden, born in 1803- N Aurdal, Valdres, Norway, married Aagott Toresd Boe - born in 1806 - N Aurdal, Valdres, Norway. Tidemand Nilss Odegaarden's father was Niels Arneson Avok - born in 1756 - Aurdal, Valdres, Norway. His father was Arne Tidemands Refling, born in 1716. His father was Tideman Arneson born in 1694. His father was Arne Knutson, born in 1660. His father was Knut Tidemands, born in 1620. His father was Tidemand Ericson (birthdate nknown). His father was Eric Tidemands (birthdate unknown). His father was Tidemand Refling, born in 1475. I still need more info about the Odegard. Odegaarde and Odegaarden name. All help will be appreciated. Thanks and have a good day. |
Jim Ellingboe - 12/13/98 13:29:23 My Email:ellingbo@warren.med.harvard.edu Heritage: Valdres/America Interests: Family history Genealogy Search: Ellingbø Parish: Vang |
Comments: I'm gathering historical and genealogical data for a book on Ellingbø farms and families of Vang and America. I would be pleased to exchange information and establish contact with more Norwegians and Americans of Ellingbø descent. |
Greg Dahl - 12/07/98 17:03:50 My Email:rudydahl@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Everything Genealogy Search: Yes Parish: Biri |
Comments: I have tried unsuccessfully to find information about my family. The only thing I know are their names (unfortunately the last name they took was Johnson) and that they came from Biri. I have been told that there are no records from Biri because they bu ned in a church fire. Can anyone help me. Takk paa forhaand |
Curt Iverson - 11/28/98 09:05:49 My Email:cmivers@newulmtel.net Heritage: Norwegian/Swedish Interests: music,reading,genealogy Genealogy Search: Iverson (Ivarson)(Johannesson) Parish: Bagn, Valdres, Norway |
Comments: Basically seeking information about relatives who did NOT come to America in the 1800's. |
Phillip B. Aubol - 11/14/98 17:53:15 My Email:pbaubol@aol.com Heritage: Norweigan Interests: Genealogy |
Comments: Does any one know of Ole Olson Aabol born 1827 in Norway? Who were his children? Were they Otto O. Aubol,Andrew Aubol, Edward Sevin Aubol and Carl Anton Aubol? |
Robert Utne - 11/04/98 05:45:21 My Email:rautne@infolink.morris.mn.us Heritage: Norweigan Interests: Family History Genealogy Search: Thompson, Kolstad Parish: Vestre Slkdra Valdres |
Comments: Looking for any information on Andrew Tostenson Thompson or Tomasson born in 1831 and Mari (Kolstad) Thompson born in 1832. They are from Vestre Slidre, Valdres, Norway. |
O. Hyllene - 11/02/98 01:04:47 My Email:ohyllene@c2i.net Heritage: Norwegian |
Comments: Looking for Oliver Grove, who wrote about Hylolum earlier this year. Could you mail me please? bigskyguy5aol.com didn't work. |
Garth Ulrich - 11/01/98 19:32:38 My Email:megre@sk.sympatico.ca |
Comments: I have an old postacard featuring "Valdres, mellem Fagernaes og Frydenlund" sent in 1918. Does anyone know where it should be donated to? |
Evelyn Ramlow - 10/31/98 16:52:38 My URL:http://%20%20none/ My Email:evelyn5@ix.netcom.com Heritage: German Interests: Norway- Germany |
Comments: Am researching the names RAMLOW - NORDRUM - SCHROEDER - SCHINDEL - MUELLER - HILDEBRANDT.From 1850-1900 |
Gary Boen - 10/19/98 05:09:23 My Email:BoensAC Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Skeet Shooting |
Comments: Great Great Grandfathers oldest three sons came from South Aurdal in 1867 by the boat Hero out of Christina Port now Oslo, Norway. Destanation Grand Medows/Mower County'Minn 1867 through 1870. Staying with there Uncle for the first three years then going to Fergus Falls, Minn where all three boys Homesteaded property in then founded Aurdal Township outside Fergus Falls. Aurdal Township named after the original home in Valdres Norway were original farm was located. Boys sent for there parents and two young r brothers and three younger sisters in about Aug, of 1876. Haldor the oldest child was one of twins born on Jan 2, 1851. The other twins name was Trod E. Boen and there has been no trace of him in any research i've done to date. Haldor E Boen the other t in ended up being a Congressman in 1893. Voted in by the Farmers Alliance. After two years Haldor came back to Fergus Falls and started a paper or aquired a paper called the Fergus Globe. My research has informed me that Haldor used his paper to keep the itizens informed of wrong doing in Fergus Falls when ever the founding fathers were trying to pull one over on the people. For this he was kepted out of the History Books. So much for trying to do the right thing. My research showes that Haldor was on the City Council and always reelected because of his informing the tax payers of what was going on. After being used by the citizens for years they turned there back on him in the end. Running out of time for now but could write a book on everything I ave dug up in the past three years. When I started this I only new of my dad, his older sister, and Grandma and Grandpa Boen, and the names of Grandpa Boens brothers that I never new. Now I have found cousens I never new I had, all living in Fergus Falls nd farms outside of Fergus Falls. I have gone clear back to 1600 in Sondra Aurdal Valdres Norway thanks to Betty Rockswold of the Valdres Samband/ Budstikken. Next time I will Comment on my Great Grandfather and the tree to me. Gary A. Boen Born: Sept 10, 1952 Fergus Falls, Minn Father: William M. Boen Born: July 29, 1931 Fergus Falls, Minn Mother: Betty J. Kilde/Boen Born: Sept 1, 1932 Died: June 7, 1996 Fergus Falls, Minn Gary A. Boen Oct 18, 1998 |
Pat (Cleves)Sorteberg - 10/18/98 22:40:22 My Email:PSorteberg@aol.com Heritage: North European mix Interests: genealogy Genealogy Search: Garli,Dokken,Aaberg,Oppen Parish: Skrautval,N.Aurdal |
Comments: My husbands grandparents are all from Norway. The Valdres folk settled in Benson, Swift Co. Minnesota in 1880-1890's Gudbrandson on Garli. Gilbertson in Benson. I'm glad to find this page. |
Pat (Cleves)Sorteberg - 10/18/98 22:39:14 My Email:PSorteberg@aol.com Heritage: North European mix Interests: genealogy Genealogy Search: Garli,Dokken,Aaberg,Oppen Parish: Skrautval,N.Aurdal |
Comments: My husbands grandparents are all from Norway. The Valdres folk settled in Benson, Swift Co. Minnesota in 1880-1890's Gudbrandson on Garli. Gilbertson in Benson. I'm glad to find this page. |
Karolyn Lindberg - 10/11/98 20:45:25 My Email:kalmail@gte.net Heritage: Swedish & Norwegian Interests: travel, reading, ice skating Genealogy Search: Waarum Parish: Valdres |
Comments: |
Nancy Carrier - 10/08/98 16:44:18 My Email:carrier@ix.netcom.com Heritage: 1/8 Norwegian - from Valdres |
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Martha Walters - 10/03/98 02:46:04 My Email:mwalt28373@aol.com Heritage: Norweigan/English |
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Genavieve Foyle - 09/13/98 17:46:51 My Email:popsfly@erols.com Heritage: irish,german, norwegian Genealogy Search: surmane: Ugland |
Comments: hello, I'm in saerch of my great-great-grandmother's patents. All that I have is that she came to America as in infant. Her name is Hanna B. Ugland. Any information would be appricated |
James W. Christopherson - 09/09/98 20:02:33 My Email:JWCnorsk@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian, Irish, English Genealogy Search: Gulbrand, Jul, Knud Helgesen Parish: Skrautvaal & Svennæs |
Comments: We believe that my tipp-oldefar, Gibert Henderson (AKA Gulbrand Helgesen) and his brothers Jul (Jules) and Knud came from the farm Kviteberg in Skrautvaal & Svennæs parish in Nord Aurdal. |
Boye Haugen - 08/30/98 18:43:01 My URL:http://home.sol.no/~boyehaug/ My Email:boyehaug@onlie.no Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Hovde Parish: Etnedal, Valdres |
Comments: Searching for information. My grandmother Oline Hovde´s brothers Kristian Hovde (born 1888) and Oluf Hovde emigrated to America. Maybe Dakota or Minesota. Do you have any information plese send me an e-mail |
Boye Haugen - 08/30/98 18:17:39 My URL:http://home.sol.no/~boyehaug/ My Email:boyehaug@onlie.no Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Hovde Parish: Etnedal, Valdres |
Comments: Searching for information. My grandmother Oline Hovde´s brothers Kristian Hovde (born 1888) and Oluf Hovde emigrated to America. Maybe Dakota or Minesota. Do you have any information plese send me an e-mail |
Steve Lund - 08/19/98 12:19:56 My Email:redster@midplains.net Heritage: Norwegian, of course Interests: sports, genealogy Genealogy Search: Bræn, or Braen Parish: Nord Aurdal |
Comments: Nice Site. I'm new to genealogy, been at it for two weeks now. But I've had good success, and now I'm hoping for more. I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or not, is Nord Aurdal covered in this group? Anyway, keep up the good work!! |
carol peterson pedretti - 08/12/98 21:03:45 My Email:CCMPED@goldengate.net Heritage: norwegian Interests: geneology and valdres |
Comments: |
Sheldon Applegate - 08/10/98 23:49:43 My Email:apple3@erols.com Heritage: English/Scot/German |
Comments: While at Walt Disney World/Epcot our daughter chose a Norwegian doll as her souvienir for our trip. She took much time and chose the Valdres doll over the Telemark and other dolls. I could not find a Valdres city or county, and I am glad I can tell where the Valdres Valley is. Thanks! |
Shirley Golden - 08/05/98 19:09:36 My Email:sgolden@creighton.edu Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, Cross Stitch, Crocheting, Knitting, Traveling Genealogy Search: Farms Solbrekke, Hiei, Hestkinn, Gladheim Parish: Etnedal and Aurdal |
Comments: Betty has helped me very much and I am still filling out what names and dates I have. Need to concentrate on my other 3 grandparents - Svein Knutsen Hiei is pretty well done and so is Anne Olsdatter Gladheim but still have Christian Johnson and Olena Ras usdatter and Ole Larsen and Oline Hansdatter to find. Love searching and all the good things on the web. Just finished going through the Etnedal Bygdbok (sp) volumes 1 and 2 and have ordered volume 3. |
Vickie - 08/04/98 17:06:18 My Email:joyhart@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: just starting genealogy search Genealogy Search: Dalbotten;Rosvold;Lien;Kasa; Parish: Urlands; ?; ? ; ? |
Comments: I had to add this, becasue of my spelling error :) |
Vickie - 08/04/98 17:02:35 My Email:joyhart@aol.com Heritage: Nowegian Interests: just starting genealogy search Genealogy Search: Dalbotten;Rosvold;Lien;Kasa; |
Comments: |
Leif Stensland - 07/29/98 19:16:25 My Email:leifstensla@borre.mail.telia.com Parish: Borre |
Comments: I am looking for ancesters who come to America early in 1900.They lived at Brooks co NY and she sister of my grandmother mcome from Norderhov Hønefoss. |
Kathy Hall - 07/16/98 05:29:13 My Email:RBHALL1461 Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Jenvold Family |
Comments: I am seeking information on the Jensvold family. Ludwig Jensovld was suppose to have left Bodo, Norway when he was 10 years old. The date would be around 1830? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Kathy Hall |
Kathy Hall - 07/16/98 05:14:36 My Email:RBHALL1461 Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Jenvold Family |
Comments: I am seeking information on the Jensvold family. Ludwig Jensovld was suppose to have left Bodo, Norway when he was 10 years old. The date would be around 1830? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Kathy Hall |
Agnar Merkesnes - 07/09/98 15:28:32 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/2125/ My Email:agnar.merkesnes@lts.mil.no Heritage: Norway Interests: genealogy+++ Genealogy Search: Mostly middle Norway Parish: Hemne |
Comments: Great page... Nice to see that the "Bygdelags" are still going strong... |
Tony Hayes - 06/18/98 06:10:01 My Email:tonylee@micron.com Heritage: Norwegian/German/Polish Interests: art,winter sports,outdoors Genealogy Search: Emil Olson Snortheim Parish: Ron, Vestre Slidre |
Comments: This is a great place to visit if one cannot make it to the real thing. My Grandfather came to America in the early 1900's and unfortunately died when my mother was very young. He had a father and brothers in Canada but they did not come to America. I a trying to locate her family or relatives in Norway to make contact with them. Thank you for any assistance. |
Janet Thompson Lund - 06/16/98 14:52:21 My Email:hrlund@means.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: family, outdoors Genealogy Search: Valdres,Land Parish: Hedalen,Oadahlen,Legangers,Adal |
Comments: My parents: Tobois O. Thompson and Josephine Rud Thompson. American roots from Portland, Steele Co.ND, Southern MN, and Wisconsin.Norwegian roots in Norway (farms & churches) Hedalen, Adal, Aadalen, Oadahlen,Konsbakke, Ringerrike, Hagen, Begnsdalen, Toll fssrud, Erstad, Aasen, Bagn, Hoff, Reinli, Legangers,Prestejed, Nordtorpen, Torsrud,Bagn, Vold(Wold),Bagn. Grandparents: Christopher Thompson, Ida Christine Anderson Thompson, Andrew Christofferson Rud, Julianna Johannesdatter Kopperdahl Rud. I have 1 s ster: Carmen Thompson Horkan. |
Linda Richards - 06/13/98 04:55:20 My Email:lrichards@vcn.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealog, Quilting Genealogy Search: Nygard, Nygaard Parish: Vang,Valdres,Oppland |
Comments: Great Web Site |
Ann Urness Gesme - 05/26/98 13:49:01 My Email:augdhg@worldnet.att.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, etc. Genealogy Search: Christopher Haaverson Leite Parish: Vang in Valdres |
Comments: Searching for the descendants of Christopher Haaverson, son of Haaver Jøregenson and Ingeborg Olsdatter. Christopher (Kristoffer) was born in 1825 at Leite (Berge farm) in Vang, Valdres. He was married to Anne Torleivsdatter from V. Slidre. They emigra ed in 1865, and were living in Mitchell Co., Iowa in 1873. The St. Ansgar church records show they had 3 children at that time: Ingeborg 8 ½, , Anne Thonetta 4½, and Endre Olaus 2½. Wish to contact any descendants of this faimly. Tusen takk! |
Perry L. Lien - 05/26/98 06:01:53 My Email:neil32@aol.com Heritage: Norse Genealogy Search: Lien, Kvale, Brevik, Klungness Parish: Ulnes |
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Perry L. Lien - 05/26/98 05:38:01 My Email:neil32@aol.com Heritage: Norse Genealogy Search: Lien, Kvale, Brevik, Klungness Parish: Ulnes |
Comments: |
David Arneson - 05/23/98 17:20:49 My Email:davidarneson@sprintmail.com Heritage: norwegian Genealogy Search: volding |
Comments: looking for information or history on Volding family - possibly carl- married to Valmina Volding. Origins in Norway unknown. |
George A. Jones - 05/22/98 23:50:38 My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/j/o/n/George-A-Jones/ My Email:b25jones@wiscasset.net Heritage: Norge/Wales Interests: Genealogy/golf Genealogy Search: Hansen,Lerche,Jornberg,Bakke Parish: Oslo |
Comments: Am searching for the grandparents of my mother. Have had help from a lady in Oslo and also the Sec. of the Oslo Genealogy Soc. Per Henrik Bache. My mother was Esther Hannah Hansen dtr. of Hannah Lerche and Mr.Hansen. Her parent ran a filling station in Oslo. They lived at Ljabroveien 6, Oslo (1917-1935. **1. HANSEN1. He married HANNAH LERCHE. More About HANNAH LERCHE: Fact 1: Ran Oil & Gasoline Station til late 1920s Fact 2: Address Ljabroveien 6 (1917-1935) Fact 3: 1936, Address Hegdehaugen 14 (Ingrid & Knut there also.) Fact 4: 1936, Also operated flower shop at this time. Children of HANSEN and HANNAH LERCHE are: 2. i. INGRID LERCHE2 HANSEN. ii. TOR LERCHE HANSEN. More About TOR LERCHE HANSEN: Fact 1: Electrician 3. iii. ESTHER HANNAH HANSEN, b. October 30, 1901, Christiania,Oslo,Norway; d. January 31, 1924, Boston,Suffolk,MA`. 4. iv. KNUT LERCHE HANSEN, b. May 15, 1906, Christiania(Oslo),Norway; d. 1988, Oslo,Norway. ***See 5 family reports on Homepage at: http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/j/o/n/George-A-Jones/ email ...b25jones@wiscasset.net..... Thanks for any help !!! George Allan Jones P.O. Box Q Wiscasset, Maine 04578 |
Kenneth Dandurand - 05/10/98 10:19:57 My Email:DANDUR805@AOL.COM Heritage: French/Norsk Interests: Too much for this lifetime Genealogy Search: Everywhere/Valdres/Hallingdal Parish: Bagn/Gol |
Comments: It took me long enough to find this spot.. Queries said No Contacts. Was closing out when this popped up.. Hi Betty! |
Kay Maxine Johnson - 05/09/98 01:32:01 My Email:k&r@web-o.net Heritage: Norweigan Interests: family tree Genealogy Search: Thompson/Aubol Parish: North Aurdal,Valdres |
Comments: Anna Marie Aubol (my great grandmother) was born in Manitowoc, Wis. of Anders Olson Aubol and Kari Oldsdatter Ranum. Kari was born on 12-3-1826 in Stokkebryn, Valdres, Norway. I am making a trip to Norway this summer and would like to visit the cemetery f I can trace my relations. Also, my family tree includes Marit O. Steffensdatter Brekken, born in 1791 in Vang, Valdres, Norway who drowned in Lake Erie USA on 8-20-1852 She was the wife of Ola Tomasson Berge Helle who also was born in Vang, Valdres, Norway in 1779 and who died there in 1821. If anyone has any information on these people, please contact me !! |
Carl F Arneson - 05/06/98 23:30:17 My Email:carneson@mhtc.net Heritage: Norwegian-American Interests: Genealogy-Birding Genealogy Search: Arneson-Grimstad-Nelson Parish: Bruflat |
Comments: We were in Norway last year - 1997 - Had a great time and hope to go back sometime soon. |
Betty C. Lewison - 05/03/98 21:38:19 My Email:bclewiso@wolf.co.net Interests: Genealogy & History Genealogy Search: Anne Lien, |
Comments: I am following my husband's heritage search in Norway, as all of his four grandparents came from that country. Most of them were from Sogn og Fjorland, but at least one branch came from Valdres. I need all the help I can get because I am just an amateur a this and get very excited when I find a new ancestor. |
Ardis Tollefson Ball - 05/03/98 19:22:41 My Email:mccabeb@msn.com Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Dalsenghagen Parish: Fron |
Comments: |
Nils Rogn - 05/01/98 22:51:33 My Email:nrogn@c2i.net Heritage: Vang, Vestre Slidre, Amerika! Genealogy Search: Family in Amerika. Parish: Minnesota, etc. |
Comments: I am searching relatives in Amerika. From my farm ROGN in Vang six persons from the same family went to Amerika. They were: Ola (1839-) went to Northfield, Minnesota, Endre (1840-) married to Kjersti B. Torpe, Eli (1832-1904) married to Jon E. Heen (1834- 904) went to Goodhue County, Minnesota in 1866, Kjersti (1842-) married to Øystein G. Berge, Kristoffer (1844-) went to Amerika in 1883, Marit (1848-) to Amerika in 1870 and Anne married to Knut O. Brekkun. I hope someone can help me. |
Nils Rogn - 05/01/98 22:49:59 My Email:nrogn@c2i.net Heritage: Vang, Vestre Slidre, Amerika! Genealogy Search: Family in Amerika. Parish: Minnesota, etc. |
Comments: I am searching relatives in Amerika. From my farm ROGN in Vang six persons from the same family went to Amerika. They were: Ola (1839-) went to Northfield, Minnesota, Endre (1840-) married to Kjersti B. Torpe, Eli (1832-1904) married to Jon E. Heen (1834- 904) went to Goodhue County, Minnesota in 1866, Kjersti (1842-) married to Øystein G. Berge, Kristoffer (1844-) went to Amerika in 1883, Marit (1848-) to Amerika in 1870 and Anne married to Knut O. Brekkun. I hope someone can help me. |
Daniel R Knutson - 04/24/98 17:29:20 My Email:knutson_dan@juno.com Heritage: American/Norwegian Interests: Genealogy/Norway/Valdres/Knutson Genealogy Search: Valdres/Vang/Vester Slider |
Comments: |
Steve Anderson - 04/23/98 02:05:49 My Email:joyce@thirdwave.net |
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Karyl Arthur Napper - 04/14/98 20:01:40 My Email:Kanapp@cityworld.com Heritage: Norway, England, France Interests: Travel, Genealogy, woodworking. photography, family. RVing, friends Genealogy Search: HEIE, ANDERSON,S. AMUNDSDATTER, AMUNDSEN, LIEN, KNUDSON, BRAGER, P. OSTENSON |
Comments: Great site for genealogy searching in Norway which I just located today (my B'Day too !) , and I will be back often. We travelled in Norway last year and it was one of the best trips we have enjoyed, nice, friendly people, and terrific fijords !! THANKS again for this site. |
Sonja Oimoen Stalions - 04/07/98 04:10:23 My Email:mailto:SStalions%20@aol.com Heritage: Norsk Interests: skiing, genealogy, history, travel, writing, reading, gardening Genealogy Search: Casper Oimoen, father Parish: Kirkefalmebog (?) |
Comments: My father, Casper A.Oimoen, was born on May 8, 1906 in Valdres on the Oystuen farm. My cousin has researched his maternal genealogy, and so I am wanting information for information re: his paternal side. His father, Aslak Tronson Oimoen, b. 1868, d, 194 , married Dortea Svendsdtr Berg. I would appreciate any information. Casper died in USA on July 28, 1995. |
Sue Heaton-Cooper - 03/31/98 17:20:26 My Email:suzanne@usa.net Heritage: Valdres, Norway, English, German, Irish all american Genealogy Search: Belgum-Opsal |
Comments: lovely pages with a wealth of information |
Marianne G.Kultom - 03/29/98 00:43:41 My Email:kultom@online.no Interests: Family Norge/USA Genealogy Search: Family Tree |
Comments: Kan ingen skrive på norsk her da ???? |
Ingemar Ekman - 03/28/98 11:04:37 My Email:i_ekman@compuserve.com Interests: Genealogy Genealogy Search: LUND Parish: Holmstad |
Comments: I am looking for LUND, Carl Bernard b 29 March 1882 in HOLMSTAD (Norway?) He emigrated to USA and married to my grandfather's sister 1908 in Billings Montana. |
Harlan Branby - 03/27/98 18:08:49 My Email:babe@sos.net Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Hellands/Hoveruds |
Comments: Any information on the Hellandshølen farm or information on the Hoverud name would be appreciated. |
Belvin Heieie - 03/26/98 23:22:20 My Email:beljene@msn.com Heritage: Halling Interests: Music and genealogy Parish: Flaa |
Comments: I am currently president of Hallinglag of America. Am looking forward to the BIG ONE in 1999 in Decorah. |
Shirley Hoverson Pelisek - 03/24/98 16:25:20 My Email:miltpel@execpc.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, writing, reading Genealogy Search: Hoverson, Shaw, Kraynik Parish: Vang, Valdres, Tipperary |
Comments: My name is Shirley Hoverson Pelisek. I am interested in tracing my roots for Hoverson back to Norway if possible. My greatgrandfather, Paul Hoverson immigrated and farmed in Manitowoc County, Township of Gibson, and also in Kewaunee County, Township of ranklin both in the state of Wisconsin. My grandfather and father were also named Paul Hoverson. My grandfather was born Oct. 13, 1868 and my father on Nov. 30, 1903. My grandfather married Jane Kraynik whose family was from Czechoslovakia. My father arried Effie Shaw whose family included Captain Zebina Shaw who lived in Algoma, Wisconsin, and married Katherine O'Brien of the County of Tipperary in Ireland. Any direction and information you can give me would be greatly appreciated. |
Shirley Hoverson Pelisek - 03/24/98 16:12:12 My Email:miltpel@execpc.com Heritage: Norwegian/Irish/Bohemian Interests: Genealogy Genealogy Search: Family Tree Parish: Valdres |
Comments: My name is Shirley Hoverson Pelisek and I am searching for my roots in Wisconsin specifically Manitowoc and Kewaunee counties and also in Norway, Ireland, and Czechoslovakia if possible. My grandfather's name was Paul Hoverson, born on Oct. 13, 1968. His wife was Jane Kraynik. My father was Paul N. Hoverson born Nov. 30, 1903. His wife was Effie Shaw born Aug. 31, 1904. My greatgrandfather was also Paul Hoverson, and I believe that he was born in Norway and immigrated to the U.S. Any direction or help you may give me will be greatly appreciated. |
Wayne E. Skaret - 03/23/98 03:32:02 My Email:wskaret@telis.org Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Travel, family tree, computers Genealogy Search: Skaret, Martinson Parish: Telemarken, Hedemarken |
Comments: Great-Grandfather - Holvor Olavson Skaret - born in Telemarken in 1854. Great-Grandmother - Helene Martinson - born in Hedemarken in 1862. Would like to learn more information about heritage and family roots. |
Vern Jorgensen - 03/19/98 19:48:09 My Email:veejay@pioneerplanet.infi.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Sor Strand Family Parish: Valders Valley, Fagerness |
Comments: Wow, what a neat site! We have been able to dig up quite a bit of info going back to about 1615 on the Sor-Strands. This branches out into the Gullicksons, Halvorsens, and Bakkess. |
Robert Anderson - 03/17/98 03:01:11 My Email:randerso@fclaw.com Heritage: Norwegian/Danish/Swedish Interests: Family history Genealogy Search: Skavelden, Skavelhuset, Anderson, Flaten, Gilbertson (all from Valdres, I think), Jordahl (Voss), Moe (Stavanger), Backstrom (Varmland, Sweden), Hanson (Langeland, Denmark) Parish: Nor-Aurland, Sor-Aurland |
Comments: I have been gathering family information for a number of years, but not in any systematic manner. My current interests involve finding more specifics on my great-grandfather, Henry Anderson, who was born in Valdres in 1845 and emigrated to the U.S. with is family in 1850. Henry was born on the Skavelden farm, just outside Leira, Valdres. I believe he lived for awhile in Goodhue, Chippewa, and Polk Counties of Minnesota, before settling in Walsh County, North Dakota. Any information would be appreciate . I am also looking for more information on Henry's wife (Julia Gilbertson) and her family. Her father was Jens Gilberston, who was Civil War veteran, serving (I think) in the 15th Wisconsin Infantry regiment. I'm looking for information the regiment, and where Julia was born, where Jens and his wife Susan came from in Norway (I believe it was Valdres, but do not know for sure). THANKS!! |
Robert Anderson - 03/17/98 02:50:23 |
Comments: |
Al Wolden - 03/15/98 07:55:42 My Email:alwolden@webtv.net Heritage: 3/4 Norwegian(3/8 from Valdres) Interests: Family History |
Comments: |
Tim Mc Laughlin - 03/15/98 04:21:08 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/McLaughlinFamilytree My Email:qgbam@accessunited Heritage: Ireland/Germany/Norway Interests: Genealogy Genealogy Search: Anderson of Valdres Parish: No Clue |
Comments: Cathy Paulson cpaulson@ruralink.com referred me here, My Great parents were from here along with the great greats. Tim |
Jon Sylte - 03/14/98 18:09:00 My Email:jonsylte@online.no |
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jan arneson - 03/11/98 03:22:38 My Email:mm472354@engr.colostate.edu Heritage: norwegian Interests: rosemaling,gardening, reading, hiking |
Comments: I am looking for a Berit Ingrid Hoyne who lived in Lomen, Norway in 1972. Would like to get an address to write to her. Thanks for any help |
Kristin Elise Flaten - 03/09/98 00:13:38 My Email:mailto:mail%20@sprehab.org Heritage: Norwegian-Danish American |
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Kristin Elise Flaten - 03/09/98 00:07:57 My URL:http://stolaf.edu/ My Email:mailto:mail%20@sprehab.org Heritage: Norwegian-Danish |
Comments: |
garth Ulrich - 03/05/98 20:00:22 My Email:megre@sk.sympatico.ca Parish: Vang, Sor Aurdal |
Comments: Have connections to the following farms: Thorstad, Lunde, Sorbue, Kjaerstein, Flugubrote,, Sorlie, Opdal, Ellingbo, Svien, Skogstad, Bakkin, Eltun, Steinde, Toso, Marken, Kvam, Hengja, Hermundstad, Grov |
Diana Wilson - 03/01/98 02:46:12 My Email:wilsondjc@golden.net Heritage: 1/2 Norwegian Interests: literature, writing, researching geneolody Genealogy Search: Aurdal, Valdres |
Comments: Wonderful site- thanks Betty! I am searching for ancestors/descendants of Knud Johnson Svennes and wife Guri Syversdtr, both born 1846. |
Jean Amundsen - 02/24/98 04:30:06 My Email:rune.jean.amundsen@MCI2000.com Heritage: 1/2 Norwegian American Interests: Valdres roots--Etnedal Genealogy Search: more about the Ole Venden family. Parish: Bruflat |
Comments: My maternal grandmother was born (1881) in Etnedal on a husmans plass above the farm called Svingen. She was baptised in the Bruflat church and brought to America as a baby. Almost all of the Venden family relocated to the Midwest--although one sister sta ed behind because I believe she had married. I would be interested in locating her relatives still in Norway. I met a granddaughter named Guri Byfuglien who lived in Ostre Slidre with her husband, Kolbjorn in 1986. I believe Guri and Kolbjorn have children but have lost contact with them for many years. Any suggestions on how to find their names and addresses? lso I would like to know which boat and dates that Ole and Dordi Venden and their children came to America (1881 or 1882)--where does one search for information like that? Thanks for any help anyone may offer. |
Jean Amundsen - 02/24/98 04:19:02 My Email:rune.jean.amundsen@MCI2000.com Heritage: 1/2 Norwegian American Interests: Valdres roots--Etnedal |
Comments: |
Laurie Jensen - 02/20/98 04:10:08 My Email:leej@prtel.com Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: Gaarder, Hamber Parish: Toten, Oppland |
Comments: My great-grandparents, Sigrid (Leikvold) and Christopher Dahlager (Dalaker) came from Valdres. Sigrid Leikvold was from Slidre, Vang, and the Dalaker family also came from Vang. I am trying to find information on my other great-grandparents who came from oten, Oppland. Their names are Andreas Gaarder (born 1827?) and his wife, Berte Hamburg (born 1830?). I cannot find hardly anything at all? can anybody help? Thanks! |
Al Weiss - 02/16/98 19:36:59 My Email:al_weiss@juno.com |
Comments: Another Valdres descendant :-) |
Rick Lomheim - 02/14/98 21:21:38 My Email:andmat@oanet.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: pilot Genealogy Search: Qually(Kvale) Parish: Vang/Valdres |
Comments: Doing search on maternal side of family-Qually which apparently is Kvale in Norway.Paternal side is Lomheim from Hafslo area of Norway(very close to Vang area.)Just getting started but have been working on it for two years.Any help on either of the names would be greatly appreciated. |
William Karlson - 02/09/98 19:13:39 My Email:skulpt@ro.com Heritage: Swedish/Norwegian Interests: Family, Friends, Food Genealogy Search: Rundbraaten, Skalseie, Skalshaug, Skahl(Skal), Oleson Parish: Bagn, Valdres, Norway |
Comments: Seeking info on emigrants from Bagn, Norway, to the Ridgeway/Blue Mounds area of Iowa County, WI. Period of interest 1870 to 1885. Want to locate descendants of members of the Bagn Parish, "Efraim's Buddaerere", or others familiar with those groups. |
Lyn Drathring - 02/06/98 20:17:09 My Email:LYND@prodigy.net Heritage: Norwegian German Interests: I love the outdoors, and my kids! Genealogy Search: Berge, Reishus Parish: Vang, Valdres |
Comments: My ancestor, Erik Oveson Berge, came to the US from Vang Valdres in1867. His wife came from there also, Ingeborg Odegaarden. They were married in Iowa and settled in Northwood, North Dakota. Erik was born in 1848. |
Terri Tollefson Gordon - 02/06/98 05:56:41 My Email:Stirdy@msn.com Heritage: Norwegian>American Interests: family history, horses, skiing Genealogy Search: STRAND, TOLLEFSON, KNUTSON>DELP Parish: Slidre, Valdres, Vang |
Comments: Paul TOLLEFSON emigrated in 1846 to Wisconsin, USA from Slidre, Valdres. He married Ranghil STRAND who also emigrated from Valdres. I believe the Strands farm name to be in Vang. If anyone knows of these families or farms I would love to hear from you. Thanks. |
Hilde Jarstadmarken - 02/05/98 20:50:19 My Email:jarstadm@robles.callutheran.edu Heritage: Norwegian citizen Interests: Skiing, travelling, hiking Genealogy Search: Descendants of Tollef Helgesen Nesja Parish: Vestre Slidre |
Comments: I am a Norwegian girl who is trying to find some information about my ancestors who immigrated to Decorah, America. The first one was Helge Tollefsen, born in 1840, who immigrated from Jarstadmarken farm in Vestre Slidre, Valdres in 1866. His nephew, Tollef Helgesen Nesja immigrated from Vestre Slidre in 1880. Tollef Helgesen Nesja had a daughter, Mary who visited Norway in the 1950's. Any information regarding descendants of these people would be appreciated. |
CaroleAarstadSchendel - 01/31/98 19:58:23 My Email:scschendel@centuryinter.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Travel, antiques, etc Genealogy Search: Aarstad family or area |
Comments: I'm trying to locate any Aarstad family members living in the USA or Norway. My family settled in the Western Wisconsin area near Cashton, Westby,and Coon Valley. Carole Aarstad Schendel scschendel@centuryinter.net |
Carole Aarstad Scendel - 01/31/98 19:49:50 My Email:scschendel@centuryinteer.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Travel, antiques, etc Genealogy Search: Aarstad family or area |
Comments: I'm trying to locate any Aarstad family members living in the USA or Norway. Carole Aarstad Schendel scschendel@centuryinter.net |
Rahna Autrey - 01/27/98 16:20:27 My Email:raa@connect.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: My Norwegian heritage, my 3 children, bible study Genealogy Search: Twedt,Nilsdatter,Steensland Parish: Vang, Valders |
Comments: I was so excited to find this site as I have been searching for information on my maternal realitives - I have limited information as both my mother and grandmother have passed away. What I know so far is Andrew Twedt & wife Austa lived in Vang, Valders and had 5 sons and 1 daughter who all imigrated to midwest America in 1870. Soon after, one of the sons, Thomas Twedt's wife died in Iowa and he married Anna Iverson Nelson (Nilsdatter) born Aug 18,1831 in Rauhort, Valders, who had come on the same boat w th her hubsand who also died in Iowa shortly after their arrival. The clerk's office in Canton, SD records that Thomas Twedt married Anne Vinningstad on May 24, 1872. I am told that "Vinningstad" is a place in Norway. Is this true?? My great-grandfather, le A. Twedt, born 1835 in Valders,(brother of Thomas) married Rachel Nelson(Ranghild Nilsdatter)daughter of Anna Iverson Nelson(Nilsdatter) from her first marriage. My mother's paternal family is Steensland. They settled in or around Lands county South Da ota. Thanks for any help you may have. |
Diane T. Parrish - 01/25/98 16:05:29 My Email:parrisht@tfs.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: learning about my ancestors Genealogy Search: Bjorn Bjornson Gudem |
Comments: I am trying to find information about the family and ancestors of my ancestor Bjorn Bjornson Gudem. He was born 05-05-1848 in Valders. He married Albertine Marie Olsdatter who was born 10-09-1859 in Vik, Bronnoy parrish. They were married 09-11-1877 in Chippewa County, Wisconsin (USA). I know when Albertine & her parents came to the US, but have no i ea when Bjorn (or who he came with) came to the US. Thank you for your web site & any help. Diane T. Parrish parrisht@tfs.net |
Karen Sue Weflen Reynolds - 01/22/98 23:05:09 My Email:sfrey@fidnet.com Interests: Norwegian Crafts & Cuisine Genealogy Search: Weflen, Eliason |
Comments: |
Jeri Higgins - 01/22/98 21:57:50 My Email:jhiggins@vbemail.net |
Comments: I'm just starting in genealogy and somebody told me to check out this site. My maiden name is Magistad and we have members of the Hovi farm in our family tree. I'm mainly trying to find out what the advantages to this site a |
Jeri Higgins - 01/22/98 21:45:05 My Email:jhiggins@vbemail.net |
Comments: I'm just starting in genealogy and somebody told me to check out this site. My maiden name is Magistad and we have members of the Hovi farm in our family tree. I'm mainly trying to find out what the advantages to this site a |
Dorothy Tallaksen Thompson - 01/22/98 00:15:58 My Email:dotster@webtv.net Heritage: Norwegian/German Interests: varied Genealogy Search: Tallaksen family |
Comments: My sisters and I have just started on a search into our family history. We really don't have much to go on. Our grandfather was Walter Tallaksen. Our great grandfather was Theodore and grandmother was Ebba Johansen (not sure of spelling). All we reall know is that our ancestors were from Bergen and were shipbuilders. We're hoping to find other family members, etc. |
Higdem, Bob - 01/21/98 22:53:39 Heritage: Valdres/Settesdalen Interests: Family decendants |
Comments: Would like more info on how to subscribe and on genealogy searches.Address: 3231 Bent Tree Dr. St Cloud, Mn 56301 |
janet groth-strick - 01/20/98 03:48:57 My Email:strick@whidbey.net Heritage: norwegian Interests: valdres area Parish: north aurdal |
Comments: Will be visiting Valdres area in early July this year. Would welcome information to help us plan the trip. |
HELEN V. Stith - 01/16/98 21:05:51 My Email:HELENS249@AOL.COM Genealogy Search: McConchie |
Audrey Solheim - 01/15/98 02:44:12 My Email:asolheim@btigate.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy Genealogy Search: Valdres Parish: East/West Slidre |
Comments: |
Oliver Grove - 01/14/98 07:49:50 My Email:bigskyguy5aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Genealogy Search: name Grov Parish: in hylolum in Valdres |
Comments: Looking for relatives in Valdres. I know my father came to America in 1913. His name was Martin Grov. Changed here to grove. They owned farms in the Valdres valley. |
arliss abrahamson - 01/14/98 03:39:27 My Email:aia@eot.com Heritage: norwegian Interests: reading, sewing, writing Genealogy Search: valdres, norway Parish: not certain |
Comments: I guess I'm not good at directions, I missed my directions on the e-mail!!! Any way I am looking for any clues to my heritage on my grandfather's side. I know he belonged to the Valdres Lag in Twin City area when I was young, as I remember his taking a trip to the meetings. He came from Norway as a young man. Great to come in con- tact with you, and I look forward to hearing more from you. |
Claudia Gibson Steen - 01/13/98 04:29:45 My Email:micsmom21@mcn.net Heritage: Norwegian-husband Interests: searching family records Genealogy Search: Steine farm |
Comments: I am really looking forward to finding further family lines for my husbands family. I have found genealogy to be very educational as well as interesting. |
Allan Lien - 01/11/98 22:26:43 My Email:a.lien@minn.net Heritage: Norwigean Interests: Genealogy Parish: Vang, Valdres |
Comments: I received an e-mail from Betty Rockswold recomending this site. |
Orville J. Dovre - 01/11/98 19:50:43 My Email:ojdovre@ridgegcrest.ca.us Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, history Genealogy Search: Dovre, Ranum, Rodne Parish: North Aurdal, Valdres, also Rogaland |
Comments: Very nice home page you have put together. I will look forward to visiting it often. I hope your guest book works out since it is a great way to locate folks with comment interests. Thanks..... |
Norodd Bergene - 01/11/98 17:58:39 My URL:http://home.sol.no/~noroddb My Email:noroddb@online.no Heritage: Aurdal, Valdres Interests: genealogy Genealogy Search: Valdres, Nordland, Norway Parish: Sør-Aurdal, Nord-Aurdal, Etnedal |
Comments: Nice place. I am helping in research relatives in Valdres. Look at my homepage, I have 9500 person there, 7000 from Valdres, You can look at. |
Travis Cleveland - 01/10/98 19:37:08 My Email:Wilo260@means.net Heritage: Norway Interests: Cycling, Ski-ing, Sports Parish: Dorchester, Iowa, USA |
Comments: I just arrived at this site today and think it is of considerable interest to me. My roots are in Valdres, Hallingdal, and Hosanger(Osteroy). I am particularly interest in Valdres for I know little of it. Thank You. |
howard eugene pettersen - 01/10/98 12:25:18 My Email:hpettersen@alpha.albion.edu Interests: find ancestors Genealogy Search: mikkal pettersen iversen Parish: namsos, trondheim |
Comments: |
Daniel M. Ulberg - 01/08/98 04:30:51 My Email:ulberg@wf.net Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Genealogy, Computers, Hobby wood work, Scouting, and Wife |
Comments: My Great Grandfather Ole Olsen Ulberg was born on 20 Feb 1853 in Norway. He didn't feel it important to put where on the documents that record his place of birth. The family story has it that he and his brother(we don't have a name) arrived in America i Jun 1867 at the Port of New York. Ole settled in Wisconsin and married a Norwegian girl, Randine Marthea Knudsen who was born 26 Oct 1853 in Lybek, Torpa/Nordre-Lan, Norway. They were married 27 Dec 1884 in Blair, Trempealeau, Wisconsin. They brought children into the world and then moved to Northern California. If anyone has some ideas as to what I can do to find where Ole was born and who his parents are please Email me. |
Brian J Porter - 01/07/98 04:05:05 My Email:bporter@axionet.com Genealogy Search: Tuff, Snortheim, Parish: Ostre & Vestre Slidre |
Comments: My Tuff ancestors arrived in 1867 (the same year as Canada's Confederation)to Minnesota via Quebec. Eventually they settled near Fertile and later Bagley, both in N.W. Minnesota. Hoping to establish contact with other family members. |
steve anderson - 01/06/98 03:21:39 My Email:joyce@thirdwave.com Heritage: Norweigan Interests: Crumkaka |
Comments: Didn't my sister do a great job designing your web page! |
Sylvia Hildebrandt - 01/05/98 02:04:32 My Email:sylvia@pitnet.net Heritage: Norwegian, German Interests: genealogy Genealogy Search: Pedersen, Pedersdatter, Guthu Parish: Faaberg |
Comments: I am searching for descendants of Peder Torstensen and Ronnaug Olesdatter. Their childrens names were Pernille, Ole, Berndt, Tobias, Simen,Mathias, Pauline, Johanne and Ronnaug Pedersen.I do know that some of these children took the farm name GUTU, but th y spelled it Guthu in the USA. If you know of this family please feel free to email me. |
Ann Sandercott (Nysven) - 01/05/98 00:51:57 My Email:asanderc@mail.awinc.com Heritage: Norwegian/Irish Interests: Ancestry Genealogy Search: Nysveen Parish: Bruflat, Etendal |
Comments: Currently researching NYSVEEN ancestry throughout Norway and Denmark. Father, Knut Nysveen, born on the Nysveen farm in Bruflat, Etendal on Oct 20, 1894. Grandfather, Kristian Knudson NYSVEEN (ROBOLE), was born in Bruflat on Jan 30, 1851. Great grandfathe , Knut Knutson ROBOLE (LUNDIEE), was born Dec 3, 1818 in Aurdal. GG grandfather, Knut Knutson LUNDIEE was born in Etendal in 1790. Lots of NYSVEEN relatives currently living in the Valdres Valley today. Other family surnames include: SOLBREKKEN, MUSLEWSVEEN, ESPELI, BANGSODEGARDEN, SOLBERG, GLADHEIM, ROGNE, SKRUTVOLD, BUGGE, DAHL, QUISLIN, SPIUDEBERG, ROE, HJORT, WENDELBOE, HVIDE, GYLDENSTIERNE Happy to swap family information. |
Cathy Paulson - 01/05/98 00:50:13 My Email:cpaulson@ruralink.com Heritage: Norwegian - Valdres, Sor Trondelag Interests: Computer technology, genealogy, cooking Genealogy Search: Opdal, Mitlyng, Quaal Parish: Vang |
Comments: For those interested, please join our mailing list. You can access it from the Valdres Samband homepage. This can provide wonderful resources for your genealogy searches. Submit your requests for information! |
Rita Sand-Voss - 01/03/98 17:39:44 My Email:Voss@Halcyon.com Heritage: Norwegian/Finnish/German Interests: Genealogy, gardening Genealogy Search: Sand,Mollatveit Lunde, Berdahl, Wigness,Helandholen, Nissilla & Husa Parish: Ourdahl & Ouyer |
Comments: I'm delighted that you've set up a guestbook. The 1801 Census Guestbook lead to Bruce Weaver discovering me!!! Don't know how many generations we're removed but it's been great fun. Who knows who I'll meet now? Thanks for the great work! |
Wayne D. Nelson - 01/01/98 15:34:16 My Email:nellie7@aol.com Heritage: Norwegian Interests: golfing, restoration of old tractors, machinery, writing, reading, designing, editing--everything Genealogy Search: Nelson Kvie, Gullicksdatter, Paulson, Jenson Parish: Vang, Larvik, Skien |
Comments: I have just finished my 6th book in 6 years--all dealing with histories. My present activity includes reading & researching as much of my Norwegian heritage as possible so that I might right a novel based on documentation. My Grandfather N.T. Nelson of ang, Norway, was the first to homestead in Lindaas, Twnship, Traill Co, Mayville, ND.1878--the farm still in our family. |
Wayne D. Nelson - 01/01/98 15:23:30 My Email:nellie7@aol.com Heritage: Valdres, Norway Interests: golfing, restoration of old tractors, machinery, writing, reading, designing, edting--everything Parish: Hawley Lutheran |
Comments: |
Richard A. Holien - 01/01/98 03:25:10 My Email:Rholien@aol.com Heritage: Norwegen Interests: Family history Genealogy Search: Holien, Haalien Parish: Vang? |
Comments: I am active in family history and excited to find this web site! I work as a volunteer each week at a branch LDS Family History Library in East Mesa, Arizona. |
Bruce Weaver - 12/30/97 18:16:51 My Email:dakota3h@msn.com Heritage: full Valdres on mother's side Interests: Genealogy, geology, psychology, mythology, history Genealogy Search: Landsrud, Røvang, Bagn Parish: V Slidre , Sør Aurdal |
Comments: Have 4 bygdebok and immigrant lists for V Slidre & Sør Aurdal obtained in Hamar. Monitor guest book entries at 1801 census / UiB web site. Have contacted 3 relatives through the 1801 guest book. |
Elaine Nelson Homan - 12/19/97 07:54:01 My Email:djgz52a@prodigy.com Heritage: 100% Norwegian,75%Valdres! Interests: Folk Arts, genealogy Genealogy Search: Gladem,Ranum,Melby,Rogne,Skrutvold,Veahaugan,Thon,Manum,Alfstad,more Parish: Skrautval,N.Aurdal,Ostre Slidre |
Comments: Great site. Also I enjoy membership in the Valdres Samband. The Budstikken is a wonderful magazine that I look forward to twice a year. Thanks to all who volunteer to keep this organization thriving! |
Margaret Hayford O'Leary - 12/18/97 22:42:25 My URL:http://www.stolaf.edu/people/oleary My Email:oleary@stolaf.edu Heritage: Norwegian Interests: Norwegia, knitting, literature Genealogy Search: Valdres / Telemark Parish: Volbu |
Comments: |
Craig & Jane Nordaker - 12/18/97 13:51:56 My URL:http://www.neonramp.com/nordakec My Email:nordakec@neonramp.com Heritage: Norwegian American Interests: member of Samband Parish: Aurdal |
Comments: This is a great web page! Compliments to the designer & maintainer. |
Garth Ulrich - 12/17/97 19:58:12 My Email:megre@sk.sympatico.ca Genealogy Search: thorstad, opdal, sorlie, and more |
Comments: |
Garth Ulrich - 12/17/97 19:55:30 My Email:megre@sk.sympatico.ca Genealogy Search: thorstad, opdal, sorlie, and more |
Comments: |
Kjetil Seigen - 12/14/97 02:30:26 My Email:kseigen@online.no Heritage: Aurdal in Valdres Interests: computers, fishing and radio(media) Genealogy Search: Dakota, Wisconsin |
Comments: Hello!! Im Kjetil Seigen and im 19 years old. My family comes from Begnadalen in Valdres, and im working to find my relatives in America. I wonder, do you know the name "Seigen" in you district or around? Thats my last name, SEIGEN. Other relatives is Strommen and Sørum. If you can male me back, I will be happy!! From, KJETIL SEIGEN |
C Paulson - 12/02/97 04:35:48 My Email:cpaulson@ruralink.com Heritage: Vang, Valdres |
Comments: Welcome to the Valdres Guest Book. Please sign in and share your interests! |
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