Valdres Samband

The Oldest Bygdelag in America - 1899

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Fra Formannen (From the President)

            The stevne at Sioux Falls was a great success.  I extend my thanks to the many members who helped plan and carryout the event along with the staff at The Oaks Hotel and Convention Center.  We were able to get many talented people to perform and present seminars.  The genealogy research is always a great attraction.  I really enjoyed the tour on Thursday to various sites of interest in the Sioux Falls area.  It is worth taking time to enjoy the early Norwegian settlements in the area while attending the stevne.

            A significant change has taken place.  Betty Rockswold has asked to be relieved of her duties as genealogist.  After many years of service to the Samband and its members, Betty desires to reduce her “work” load.  Genealogy is a labor of love for Betty and many members have benefited from her tireless efforts in researching genealogy.  Betty recommended her replacement, Be Gunelson of Crosslake, Mn.  Be was appointed at our September board meeting.  The transfer of our resource materials was made in mid-October.

            The amount of reference material and the volume of research being done has grown greatly over the years.  Several volunteers have assisted Betty with projects which have benefited all Samband members.  As Be becomes acquainted with the material and assists members with research, please consider way in which you can help out.  Russ Elmore and Paul Anderson are working on transferring family charts collected by Betty Rockswold into Family Tree Maker.  We can always use some volunteers to assist others in genealogy research at the stevne. 

            As I was doing some research this fall, I came across a letter from A. A. Veblen to Rev. Nils Brandt.  The letter was on Valdris Samband stationary, dated November 1909.  The stationary was headed with the following:  Valdris Samband, a society of natives of Valdris, Norway, and their descendants, which seeks to promote acquaintance and intercourse among Valdrises, and to increase and spread the knowledge of their activities and special interests.”  This is still the main goal of the Samband, even after a century of existence.  As a bygdelag, we continue to expand on ways for members to understand our heritage, strengthen ties in America as well as in Norway, and develop activities and special interests.

            Initial planning is underway to explore a group trip to Norway in 2004.  This is one of the best ways for members to identify with our homeland in Norway and strengthen our ties.  The board of directors has approved Borton Overseas to assist us in determining the level of interest in a group trip, air fare, and group tours.  We must first determine the level of interest in a group tour, then make plans on travel specifics based on response.  Our counterparts in Norway have formed an initial planning group to host a stevne in Fagernes.  We cannot promise to match the extravagant reception we received for our centennial celebration in 1999, but we do hope for an enjoyable visit with our many friends and relatives.

            Please advise us if you and your family are interested in traveling to Fagernes in 2004.  We will develop specific plans based on response and group needs.  We hope to offer extended tours to other parts of Norway as an option.

            In closing, I want to wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Michael R. Bergan

For problems or questions regarding this web site, contact the Web Volunteer: Cathy Paulson
For suggestions or contributions to the content of this web page contact: ValdresSamband
Last updated: October 25, 2002.