The Roundabout

In the mood - that's it I got it
In the mood - your ear will spot it
In the mood - oh, what a hot hit
Be alive and get the jive
You've got to learn how.

In the Mood, Glenn Miller


Welcome to the Roundabout! The online newsletter for the family Calabrese.

The Roundabout was created so that our family, scattered across the United States, may keep in touch with one another.

My name is Connie. I am a Calabrese by infusion: I married one.!

I am a Suarez by birth and my side of the family is currently living in Cuba, Spain, England and Ireland.The Calabreses have family throughout the United States. We are as diversified as the rainbow...and this is our greatest strength.

I began The Roundabout some 3 years ago in the hope that our large family would be able to stay in touch with each other. Normally, I would forward a copy to each snail mail. In some cases, the news was old history by the time it reached its destination.

Then I decided to go on-line.

I created The Roundabout with the hope that it maintains our ties to one another

If you, dear reader, have stumbled upon this page and are not a Calabrese....remain! Share with us our lives, our laughs and our hodgepodge news.

Welcome to the Calabrese Roundabout.
Stay awhile....


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I have an awards program, so if you have visited a page which you feel is worthy of an award, let me know and I will visit. The award will be sent on behalf of Planet Calabrese. But if you want to personalize it, I can do that too!


Grandpa and Nana as well as Eriko and Billy are now on-line. If you'd like their email address, let us know and we will contact them for you. Our email address is at the top and bottom of the page. We've love to hear from you! Also, remember....if there is any information you'd like to pass on, about ANY subject you believe would benefit the rest of the family, please email us and we will include it on the Roundabout. This is a Family newsletter after all!


Once in a while I will include a link to a site which provides excellent service, at no cost. This means that I have personally used or downloaded the service or program and is okay to use. If you come across services which are excellent and virus-safe, please let me know.
I have my favorites and I'd like to share them with you. To check these out, click on the Links button at the top of the page.


I've been toying with several ideas to include in The Roundabout. As more and more of you come on-line, it would be nice to have articles, newstories or sites' address which are related to some of our interests or hobbies. Tell me what ideas and suggestions you have to make this newsletter better and better...and what you'd like to see included.


Some of you had indicated you would be setting up a homepage. If you need help with setting up, such as free web hosting (who to use and who not to use), HTML, Javascript, graphics, etc., let me know. I can help you find sites or make backgrounds if you'd like. Also, always check the Links section.


The Roundabout is just one page out of many which make up Planet Calabrese. I know a few of you have visited and looked around, but there is much more than this page. Click HERE and you will be transported to the planet. Our you can use the site map at the bottom of the page. Safe journey!


April: 16th: Kayla

May: 1st: Billy Puckett.


No anniversaries for April or May


If you want to send someone a greeting, birthday or anniversary card, I highly recommend Blue Mountain Greeting Cards. They have cards for anything. Try's me!

Blue Mountain Greeting Cards
FREE Virtual Greeting Cards.

WebAttack is my personal favorite. This is a freeware and shareware site. These people provide freeware downloads from everything to graphic editors to ftp software. Hundreds of free programs and there is also a shareware section, meaning that you can try a trial version before you buy. And if you are looking for something they don't have on their own site, they will provide you with a link to where you CAN find what you are looking for. I have personally downloaded numerous software, both free and shareware. They are virus-free and encrypted, a safe place to shop around. Click on their logo below:

Here WebAttack!

In Loving Memory of "Taddy", Catherine Horsman.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Background music, "In The Mood", by Glenn Miller.

We will be updating The Roundabout periodically. Last update was March 25, 2000. Stay in touch 'ya all!


Thank you GeoCities! Get Your Own Free Home Page