Mint Creek Valley Kennel

Other Important & Educational Links:

American Kennel Club AKC

AKC Championship Point System

Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America CSPCA

CSPCA Charital Trust

Chinese Shar-Pei Amyloidosis Carrier List CSP Advocates

Wrinkled Rescue


Operation Scarlet

Dominion Chinese Shar-Pei Club Rescue

Mid-Atlantic Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue Operation - MD, VA, DC

Chinese Shar Pei Rescue of Nashville


Chinese Shar-Pei Vet List

Medical Information for Dogs (& Cats)

OFA Orthopedic Foundation For Animals

CERF Canine Eye Registration Foundation

NAPCC National Animal Poison Control Center

CCI Canine Companions For Independence

TDI Therapy Dog International

US FDA Center For Veterinary Medicine

Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge Tribute Pages

Prayers For Pets

Pet Loss


Onofrio Dog Shows

"Pei Days" Online Store

Fancy That ~Pei Web Store:

The Pet Stain & Odor Removal Web Site!A Planet Urine Removal

Support POWs/MIAs

Home Education Links

National Right To Life


Animation by Kitty Roach

Smick & Smodoo's World (tons of midis & fun things for kids)

Chuck's Wallpaper and Picture Collection

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Please Visit Wrinkled Rescue

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Last updated: September 15, 2001