
Can you fathom this out?



If you would die tonight do you know for certain that you would go to heaven?

If you were to die tonight and stand before God and He asked
"Why should I let you into My Heaven?" What would you say?


"And this is the record, that God has given to us eternal life
and this life is in his Son. He that has the Son has life,
and he that has not the Son of God has not life."
1 John 5: 11 & 12



You can answer with confidence when we learn that -


  1. Heaven is a free gift
  2. It is not earned nor deserved


  1. Is a sinner
  2. Cannot save himself


  1. Is merciful - therefore doesn't want to punish us
  2. Is just - therefore must punish sin


  1. Who He is - the infinite God-man
  2. What He did - He died to pay for our sins and purchase
    a place in Heaven for us which He offers as a free gift


  1. What it is not - mere intellectual assent nor temporal faith
  2. What it is - trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation

Now the question God is asking you is -

Would you like to receive the gift of eternal life?

You can as you:

  • Transfer your trust from yourself onto Christ
  • Receive Him as the Living, Resurrected Christ
  • Receive Him as your Saviour from sin
  • Receive Him as Lord
  • Repent and desire to become a responsible member of His family

and as you pray this prayer

Dear Lord,
I admit that I am a sinner and I repent of my sin and receive your
forgiveness and by faith the gift of Eternal Life.

Read St John 6:47 and St John 1:12


Who is this Jesus?

To the architect He is the Chief Cornerstone
To the artist He is the One Altogether Lovely
To the  astronomer He is the Bright  and Morning star
To the baker He is the  Bread of Life
To the banker He is the Redeemer
To the biologist He is theLife
To the bulider He is the Sure Foundation
To the carpenter He is the Door
To the doctor He is the Great Physician
To the educator He is the Great Teacher
To the farmer He is the Lord of Harvest
To the florist He is theLily of the Valley
To the geologist He is the Rock of Ages
To the lawyer He is the Lawgiver
To the orphan He is the everlasting Father
To the philanthropist He is the Unspeakable Gift
To the philosopher He is the Wisdom of  God
To the preacher He is the Word of God
To the rancher He is the Good Shepherd
To the servant He is the Good Master
To the student He is the Incarnate Truth
To the tourist He is the Map  to Heaven
To the traveler He is the Way
To the weary He is the Giver of Rest

But Jesus is more than what is  included in these 25 descriptions.
To Simon Peter He was  the Christ,the Son of the living  God
To the sinner He is the Saviour , Counselor,and Mediator.
To His disciples today He is  King ofKings and Lord of Lords.
To the church member He is the Rock of which the church is founded.
To  you and me ,Jesus  is everything.He is Light of my Life

