My Days as a Trainee Teacher 

I was trained in practical teaching in River Valley High School in 1996. The classes of 2D'96 and 1L'96 (then became 2L'97) were entrusted to me then. I taught 2D'96 Mathematics and the boys from 1L'96 technical studies.

Barriers were quickly torn down with jokes and assurance and meaningful times surfaced. Being a new teacher, I treasured interaction and frequently wrote notes to my students. With the blessings from God, friendships were formed and I understood my students more as we were comfortable sharing with each other. There were bad times too … I remember storming out of 2D classroom one day when some of the students refused to concentrate on the lesson. Later I felt that I was unprofessional and rude and told myself I should never do it in my life again.

Hearts were broken and gifts were exchanged when we had to part ways for me to resume my studies at the teaching college. I prayed in my heart silently that God would allow me to return to teach them again.

God did answer my prayer! I was posted back to River Valley High School later in the year and was assigned to teach 2D, 2E, 3I and 3D Mathematics.

Then came the surprise package …


My First Form Class, 2L'97

My first form class in my teaching career turned out to be the class of which I taught the boys technical studies when I was in River Valley High as a trainee.

Unlike 2D'96 who was glad to have me back as their teacher, some of the 2L'97 boys appeared stunned when I strolled in their class one day to introduce myself as their form teacher. The reason being I was a strict and fierce technical teacher in the technical workshop. ( I need to do that to have a firm grip on classroom management as the workshop is a dangerous place with sharp tools and machines ). Not many students will want to have a fierce teacher breathing down their necks for every mistake they made!

Sensing some tense moment, I assured the boys that I was actually an approachable teacher of which the students from my former classes could testify to that. The few days ahead were spent in building a rapport with these boys of the "tormented days" of 1L'96 in the technical workshop.

I must thank God for giving me the gift of working with young people. I felt Him working through me as I committed each student, difficulty and problem to Him in prayers. Like 2D'96, strong bonds were quickly formed between the class and me as days passed by. In a short while, we were already enjoying each other company. Jokes and sorrows were shared both openly and in private.

The class of 2L'97 means a lot to me … being the first form class in my teaching career. I am exceedingly glad when some went on to take up higher roles of responsibilities in their respective secondary three class this year.It will be my prayer and hope that these people will do well in their studies and go on to become useful citizens.

Thank you 2L'97 … for making my life more special and meaningful!

2L Forever!


Class 2L'97

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