This is "ALEA" She was that one time dog that is special above all dogs. She died at 4 1/2 years of age, but lived a lifetime. Even though she was taken 20 years ago she has never been forgotten. People still remember her today as that "incredible dog". She delited in the new, play ground slides were her favorite, the taller the better. She would climb the steps and run down the slide while I just sat and watched. When training was over sometimes she would refuse to leave the field as she never wanted to quit. Once I had to get in the car and drive away before she believed I was leaving. She just came running and jumped in the driver side when I opened the door. She was a natural tracker from the beginning. On her first training track she put her nose to the ground and said forget the food, lets see where this goes. She never quit on a track. Glenn Johnson said she was the fasted tracking dog he had ever judged when I went to Canada for her T.D. She got her Schutzhund one with a high in trial with a 100 points in obedience from George Shumaker,97-100-89. Her FH was acomplished on the first attempt, a difficult track in high winds with a 89. Although she never scored high in AKC obedience, her enthusiasm was always remembered. Points for crowding and bumping were her downfall there, but I didn't care. They had to always replace the mats in the open ring as she always had them bunched up from the speed of her jumps and recalls, but I didn't care. Sometime she would forget to stop and use me for the brakes, but I didn't care. Swimming was a great joy of hers and she saw the river while in the air going after the dumbbell over the jump, grabbing the dumbbell, she just keep on going, headed for the river, but I didn't care. A short throw landed the dumbbell just on the other side of a schutzhund jump, and before the judge could let me rethrow she went for it. Seeing the dumbbell just a few feet on the other side, she twisted in the air and landed on top of it. Not knowing what to do, she peeked around the jump (holding the dumbbell) and looked at me. So I said HUP and she did, straight up and over, not touching the jump and brought it back, she didn't pass that day but,... I didn't care. She never met a enemy, dog or human and enjoyed every minute of her much to short life. Here's to you Alea, I miss you still.
Alea, the pup and the adult

Doing her escape bite during her SchH2 trial

Playing her favorite game, bowl hockey. The object is to shoot it as hard and as far as she can between her hindlegs while bark loudly.

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