This page is my way of introducing myself to you. I've
been told that I
can talk a river into standing still, so if you get bored
you can always scroll to the bottom of the page or go back to my
home page,
but I hope you can take a little time and get to know me.
Who knows? We might even become great friends!
I guess to start it all off, I'll tell you about me now...I can
go backwards from there.
I'm 24 years-old and currently live in Morgantown, West Virginia.
My husband and I
are originally from WV and moved back here after a three year jaunt
to Illinois where I finished by undergraduate work at Judson College.
It's a small American Baptist college in Elgin, Illinois. I'm majored
in human services and now that I've graduated I have no idea
what I'm going to do with my degree. If you'd like to stop
by and
visit Judson College, just follow the link, but make sure you come
Click Here to check out Judson
Some of my hobbies include music and reading and lately,
they've also included sleeping!
My all-time favorite author is Stephen King. The Master!
My previously miniscule collection has developed into a rather
barage of limited and signed editions. In September of 1998
I even
had the opportunity to attend a book signing for Bag of Bones
in Chicago. What a wonderful experience!
I've been reading King's books since
I was in fourth grade and read Cujo for the first time.
I've been addicted every since.
When I started cruising the web I found a great "fan" club
called SKEMERs
which I now have the honor of serving as webmistress for.
If you are a SK fan and are looking for a group to discuss your
favorite author with, stop by!
It's a great site and SKEMERs is really easy to join!
The web page has a lot of super links to other Stephen King pages.
I was born and raised in Princeton, West Virginia and I have to
admit that while in Illinois West
Virginia was where my heart longed to be again.
Now that we have returned home I'm content that this truely is
where we belong.
I am married to an absolutely wonderful man, Andrew Ballard.
We have been married for almost four years now! YEAH!!!
Andrew and I met in 1992 when I started college at
West Virginia University. Actually,we
met as members of
The Pride of West Virginia,
The Mountaineer Marching
I played trombone (ask me and I might explain those clowns on my
and started out in school as a music education major. That just
didn't work out! I loved the experience, but I didn't really care
much for all the time I was expected to invest.
Anyway...I didn't really get to know Andrew until I
became friends with his roommate and fellow trumpeter David.
(I know, you can smell a soap opera comin'
on can't ya?)
Well, you guessed it. Stupid me, dated David and became best friends
with Andrew.
Andrew became the greatest thing to happen to me since DQ softserve
(and if you know me that's pretty impressive).
We became better and better friends....
...What?Did you ask what happened to David?
Oh well, I guess the easiest way to put it is...
David became closer and closer to his ex-girlfriends.
Does that answer your question?
Now, where was I...oh yeah!
Back to Andrew...I went through some pretty tough times and decisions
and through it
all, he stood right by me. I couldn't have asked for a more faithful
and devoted
friend. Well, I can't tell you any romantic stories about how he
The funny thing is, we can't remember who's idea it was.
But on July 9, 1994, at Valley
Falls State Park, in Fairmont, West Virginia
Andrew and I decided to tie the knot!
We went on to plan the wedding over the next eleven months and
were married on Friday,
June 30, 1995 at First
Baptist Church in Morgantown,
WV .
After the wedding our family celebrated two graduations within
six months.
I graduated from West Virginia Career College in September and
Andrew graduated from West Virginia University in December.
We moved to Lombard, Illinois just after Andrew's graduation
so Andrew could begin graduate classes at Northern
Baptist Theological Seminary.
We lived on campus for about a year until I left my job at the
and started working for Geneva
Community Unit School District #304.
With graduation from Judson in May and moving
back to Morgantown, that brings you up to where I am now.
I hope to add more as things progress
back here in West Virginia. I've always got a lot more that I want
to say,
but I'll bring it to a close for now.
I hope, at least, I didn't bore you too much!
If you want to learn more about me or if you have
any ideas about what I can add to my page!
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