Recommended Books

Questions ?

Personal Growth (discipleship, maturity, Christian Life)

Stories (biographical, allegorical, fictional)


Church growth (ministry, doctrinal theology)

Personal Growth (discipleship, maturity, Christian Life)

The Life You've Always Wanted : Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People by John Ortberg

The best book I read this year! Usually, I find that books or sermons on 'Spiritual Disciplines' cause a short-term spurt of motivation, followed by longer-term disillusionment. Eventually I feel guilty for not measuring up, and finally I ignore the issues. Ortberg has a totally different approach, which had a very different impact on my life. Instead of telling us to work harder, pray more, get up earlier, etc, he shows us how to view the daily activities in our own lives as spiritual disciplines. He explains that the phase of one's life is no excuse for not growing spiritually. For example, a mother of small children might not be able to schedule large amounts of solitude and quiet time, but rather can learn to see her daily tasks as the "discipline of the mundane". The most ordinary situations of our lives contain spiritual activities. Reading this book made me feel more hopeful, because it did not equate spiritual growth with the ability to spend countless hours in solitary prayer, rather it describes how to train ourselves to use our own life circumstances as a path to maturity. The measure of a spiritual discipline is not how many chapters of the Bible you read, or how many hours you kneeled, but how much you grew in love.

Hardcover - 208 pages (October 1997) Zondervan Publishing House; ISBN: 0310212146 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.91 x 8.35 x 5.73

Learning to Worship as a Way of Life by Graham Kendrick

This book will be an eye-opener to those who hunger for a deeper experience of worship, but aren't even quite sure of what they want or how to get there. Graham Kendrick reminds us that worship is for God's benefit, not for ours, although God graciously allows us to develop our intimate relationship with Him as we share His delight in our worship of Him. Although Biblically based, the book goes beyond theory and doctrine, and challenges us to expand our concept of worship to include not only the times set aside for Church services, but all the actions of our day. While Kendrick includes practical considerations for the worship leader, he stresses the fact that worship is an action of the heart rather than a musical technique.

Availability: This title is out of print. ASIN: 0871238632

The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges

The subtitle explains what it is all about: God's Role and our role in the pursuit of Holiness. Jerry Bridges is best known for an earlier book called The Pursuit of Holiness which stressed our role in holiness. Later on, he wrote a book called Transforming Grace, which stressed God's role. Do you find it frustrating and hopeless to try to make yourself holy using your own strength? Do you realize you're missing something if you passively wait for God to perfect you, while you continue to do your own thing?. The Discipline of Grace suggests a new attitude of the heart, and a new discipline of the mind, as a way to learn to rely totally on God's grace, and submit totally to His loving plan.

Paperback - 239 pages (November 1994) Navpress; ISBN: 0891098836 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.65 x 8.51 x 5.54

Where is God When it Hurts by Philip Yancey.

Too often, people in pain are hurt anew by thoughtless or cruel things said by their friends. Yancey takes this a level deeper, and encourages the reader not to settle for shallow answers. After visiting a leper colony, he came to consider pain to be a gift, because lack of pain leads to horrendous disability. He acknowledges, however, that this does not answer people whose pain has exceeded a protective message, and risen to an extreme and unrelenting level. To those people he says that God knows and cares, and that their suffering has meaning and significance that we will not fully understand until we are in heaven.

Paperback - 288 pages Revisd&exp edition (July 1990) Zondervan Publishing House; ISBN: 0310354110 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.74 x 8.44 x 5.50

Back to Square One by Larry Christenson

The subtitle of this book is: "a practical guide to the spirit-led life". Larry Christenson uses many different analogies and stories to remind us that we need to rely on the Holy Spirit. "Back to square one" may sound depressing in the language of the world, but when it is a symbol of a new start, and a fresh infusion of God's Spirit, despair turns to hope.

Paperback Published by Bethany House Publication date: June 1979 ISBN: 0871230259

Practicing His Presence by Brother Lawrence & Frank Laubach.

You have probably heard of The Practice of the Presence of God, a book so popular that it has been continuously in print for the past 300 years. I suspect, however, that more people buy it than actually read it. This version has been edited into modern language, to make it easier to read, and has been paired with the letters of Frank Laubach, a missionary, writer, and friend of God, who died in 1970. The Laubach letters gripped my heart with a sense of hope, and the possibility that I too could have a relationship with God where I was continually aware of His presence. Brother Lawrence's letters are powerful, but are also more difficult to hold on to, especially the sections about suffering. I expect that my understanding will increase as I re-read them in the future.

Paperback Published by Christian Books Pub House Publication date: June 1988 Dimensions (in inches): 7.73 x 5.02 x .44 ISBN: 0940232014

When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado.

Do you ever feel that God has forgotten about you? Do you ever need the assurance that God knows where you are? This book offers a series of stories, both Biblical and contemporary, showing that God does not forget His children. Some of the chapters are stronger than others, but if even one of them touches your heart it's worth it.

Hardcover, 243 pages Published by Word Books Publication date: June 1, 1994 Dimensions (in inches): 9.53 x 6.50 x 1.11 ISBN: 0849910994

Waiting on God by Andrew Murray.

A classic. Ultimately, learning to wait on God has to be experienced, not just read about, but the messages and scriptures in this book bring encouragement, and show examples of how and why to wait on God. This is a book to be read bit b y bit, rather than all at once. Try meditating on a short chapter each day for a month, to deepen your relationship with God.

Paperback Published by Whitaker House Publication date: May 1, 1981 Dimensions (in inches): 6.85 x 4.22 x .37 ISBN: 0883681013

The Fight : A Practical Handbook to Christian Living by John White.

One of the first books I read when I became a Christian. Each chapter is on a separate topic (prayer, reading the Bible, etc), and can be read separately. An excellent book for anyone who is looking for an easy to read foundation in Christian practices. The writing style is simple, direct, and understandable, and avoids using technical or theological terms.

Paperback, 230 pages Published by Intervarsity Pr Publication date: June 1, 1976 Dimensions (in inches): 8.19 x 5.46 x .66 ISBN: 0877847770

Dialogue With God by Mark Virkler

Do you ever wish that your prayer time was more like a two-way conversation and less like a monolog? Virkler suggests journaling as an exercise in learning to hear God's voice, and encouragers readers to expect to hear God's voice. I found the first 100 pages to be both practical and effective, while the rest of the book is more theoretical and less gripping.

Paperback Published by Bridge Logos Publishers Publication date: July 1, 1986 Dimensions (in inches): 7.98 x 5.17 x .59 ISBN: 0882706209

The Sensation of Being Somebody : Building an Adequate Self-Concept by Maurice E. Wagner

Dr Wagner uses a scriptural foundation combined with a psychological approach to not only identify the roots of self-concept problems, but to offer a Biblically sound approach to recovery. Don't settle for a future that is limited by a disfunctional past.

Reissue Edition Paperback Published by Harper Mass Market Paperbacks Publication date: January 1991 ISBN: 0061040150

The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee

As the cover of the book says, "we can build our self-worth on our ability to please others, or on the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ." McGee includes questionnaires to identify if you are stuck in the performance trap; fear of rejection; the blame game, or shame. Even better, he also includes exercises to teach you to break free from these traps, and learn new thought habits based on  Biblical truths.

This book is also available in other versions: with a workbook; as a leaders guide; as a devotional; Youth discussion manual.

2nd Edition Paperback, 189 pages Published by Word Books Publication date: April 1990 Dimensions (in inches): 9 x 6.06 x .69 ISBN: 0945276117

The Renewed Mind by Larry Christenson

Practical suggestions for maturing as a Christian. Larry Christenson covers such topics as Depending on god, Unilateral forgiveness, Patience, Discipline, and Prayer. He shows how to narrow "the gap which exists between what we are and what we want to be and ought to be." Rather than just trying harder, learning to cooperate with God brings better results.

Paperback Published by Bethany House Publication date: June 1981 Dimensions (in inches): 8.01 x 5.30 x .41 ISBN: 0871234793

In the Grip of Grace by Max Lucado

The very subtitle of the book is encouraging: You Can't Fall Beyond His Love. Lucado starts with a parable that shows the flaws in a hedonist, judgmentalist, or legalist approach, and then reveals the grace-driven approach. Through various stories, both Biblical and contemporary, he gives examples of God's grace reaching out to individuals throughout history. God is for you. Let that truth nourish your soul.

Hardcover (May 1998) NelsonWord Publishing Group; ISBN: 084995424X ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.05 x 9.53 x 6.40

Disciple by Juan Carlos Ortiz

This book will challenge your assumptions about living as a Christian in a secular world. You willl probably not agree with everything Ortiz says. If you are honest, you willl probably dislike some of the parts you think are true. Then why read it? It will spur you to re-evaluate your commitment, and show you a different measuring stick for your daily choices. Ortiz stresses practical love displayed in a lifestyle of giving and sharing. If tithing and going to a couple of Church meetings a week seems like pretty much to you, you will be made really uncomfortable by this book.

Paperback - 160 pages (February 1996) Creation House; ISBN: 0884194132 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.54 x 8.25 x 5.47

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Stories (biographical, allegorical, fictional)

Shepherd Looks at Psalm Twenty Three by W. Phillip Keller

After reading this book, I was able to appreciate and enjoy this psalm even more. Most of us don't really know what goes on in a herd of sheep. We tend to think of them as vaguely amiable furry creatures. Keller writes from the point of view of an actual shepherd, and explains all the duties and responsibilities of the shepherd, as well as how helpless the sheep are without him. Did you know that a sheep sometimes won't lie down? When you understand why, you will sense the fuller meaning in "He makes me lie down". And did you ever wonder what the shepherd does (other than pose!) with his rod and a staff? Why should "they comfort me"?

Hardcover (September 1996) Zondervan Publishing Company; ISBN: 0310209943 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.77 x 8.30 x 5.58

In His Steps, What Would Jesus Do by Charles Monroe Sheldon, Garrett Ward Sheldon, Deborah Morris

This is actually two books in one: the original In His Steps, and the contemporary retelling, What Would Jesus Do? In the classic, a minister is overwhelmed by the death of a poor workingman, whom he had neglected to help. He resolves to lead his life making every decision based on What would Jesus Do? He also challenges his congregation to do the same. The book follows the individual stories of particular people, and shows how their lives change when they try to base their actions on this principle.

What Would Jesus Do rewrites the original story, using contemporary situations and language. Rather than pushing a list of do's and don't's, the book concentrates on each person asking himself this question. I was particularly struck by the fact that while this kind of change has to start in an individual's heart, it can impact a whole community.

Hardcover - 416 pages (September 1998) Inspirational Pr; ISBN: 0884862194 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.51 x 8.58 x 5.82

A Tale of Three Kings : A Study of Brokenness by Gene Edwards

Have you been hurt by someone in leadership? Are you a leader? Do you ever want to be a leader? Edwards speaks to people in all three situations. Most of us have either experienced or at least heard about situations where Church leaders abused their authority. This short book is written in an easy-to-read style, and uses the story of David to demonstrate a godly response to injustice. There is such a tempation to answer rejection and abuse with bitterness and sin on our own parts. A Tale of Three Kings reminds us that sin is not a solution, and that even bad leaders have been placed in their position by God. Focusing on the interactions of David, Saul, and Absalom, the book also warns leaders to keep their motives pure.

Paperback - 105 pages Reprint edition (June 1992) Tyndale House Pub; ISBN: 0842369082 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.48 x 8.25 x 5.29

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew/The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe/The Horse and His Boy/Prince Caspian/Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis, Leo Dillon, Diane Dillon.

I first read these books as a child, and loved them without being aware of the underlying Christian allegory. I simply enjoyed the fantasy, and the struggle between good and evil (with the good winning, of course). Re-reading the books as an adult I find new meaning each time. Best of all, I often find myself quoting Aslan, in order to explain a theological concept in simple language.

Boxed Set Mass Market Paperback Published by Harpercollins Juvenile Books Publication date: August 1994 Dimensions (in inches): 7.19 x 4.35 x 4.38 ISBN: 0064471195

The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis

More fantasy by Lewis, this time in the form of letters purporting to be written to a junior devil in training. The creative inside-out approach, from the Devil's point of view, serves to communicate truths about human vulnerabilities, but manages to do so without getting too heavy.

Paperback Published by Barbour & Co Publication date: June 1, 1997 Dimensions (in inches): 6.90 x 4.16 x .36 ISBN: 1557488118

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

An inspiring story of an ordinary Christian woman whose life took an extraordinary turn during the Holocaust. She and her family repeatedly risked their own lives by hiding Jewish people from persecution, and eventually she herself was sent to a concentration camp. This book is as exciting as a novel, but teaches incredible lessons of faith and forgiveness.

Also available in several other editions, both paperback and hardcover.

25th Anv Edition Paperback, 221 pages Published by Fleming H Revell Co Publication date: October 1, 1996 Dimensions (in inches): 8 x 5.39 x .64 ISBN: 0800792475

Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard

An allegory about "how Much-Afraid escaped from her Fearing relatives and went with the Shepherd to the High Places where 'perfect love casteth out fear.'" The journey to the high places is less one of geography than one of character. Follow much-afraid as she learns from the Shepherd, and receives a new name.

Also available in several other editions, both paperback and hardcover

Mass Market Paperback - 317 pages (September 1997) Tyndale House Pub; ISBN: 0842314296 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.74 x 7.02 x 4.28

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More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell.

A short, easy-to-read book that explains why it is actually rational to believe that Jesus is God. After disproving suggestions that Jesus was a liar or a lunatic, McDowell leaves us with the most reasonable alternative: Jesus is Lord.

Special Edition Mass Market Paperback Published by Tyndale House Pub Publication date: April 1987 Dimensions (in inches): 7.01 x 4.21 x .38 ISBN: 0842345523

The Friendship Factor by Alan Loy McGinnis

Do you want to deepen your friendships? Are you surrounded by aquaintances, but hungering for more meaningful relationships? Do you dream about actually being friends with your family members? Even if you already have good friends, most of us can use help dealing with conflicts. Chapter 13 offers five techniques to help you get angry without becoming destructive.

Paperback - 192 pages (May 1979) Augsburg Fortress Pub; ISBN: 080661711X ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.54 x 6.98 x 4.27

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Church growth (ministry skills, doctrinal theology)

How to be a People Helper by Gary Collins

Whether you realize it or not, you are a counselor. When you spend the time to talk to a friend, a co-worker, or a family member, you have the potential of being a 'people helper'. Dr Collins teaches laymen how to be more effective helping each other. Unlike most pop-psychology books, however, this one is rooted in Christian principles. Read this to learn skills for helping the hurting people around you.

Paperback - 226 pages Revised edition (March 1995) Tyndale House Pub; ISBN: 0842313850 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.66 x 8.24 x 5.54

Bringing out the Best in People: How to enjoy helping others excel by Alan Loy McGinnis

How do you motivate without manipulating? Can you motivate someone, or do they have to be self-motivating? Is there anything you can do to get people to cooperate with each other? Is there such a thing as constructive criticism? What do you do when someone fails? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, it is worth your while to read Bringing out the Best in People. McGinnis lists12 rules, and gives real life examples for how they work. He asserts that these principles should work in a family, a congregation, or a corporation, and uses examples drawn from such disparate fields as professional sports and the ministry.

Paperback - 191 pages (May 1985) Augsburg Fortress Pub; ISBN: 0806621516 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.53 x 7.01 x 4.26

When the Spirit Comes with Power: Signs and Wonders Among God's Peopleby John White

Do you hunger to see God's Spirit moving among His people? Are you confused or frightened by reports you have heard about strange behavior of Christians 'under the influence' of the Spirit? Do you wonder how to tell if it is God, the flesh, or the Devil? You will find some answers in this book by John White, who by personality and background is a rather reserved person, but who has learned to discern and value the movement of God.

Paperback (June 1988) Intervarsity Pr; ISBN: 0830812229 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.76 x 8.22 x 5.43

Why Small Groups? edited by C.J. Mahaney

The premise of this book is that small groups are primarily for application of Christian teachings (rather than just listening to Bible studies). They should be a place where we have accountablility to one another, and have a chance to serve. At the same time, they should be more than just a place where we gather to exchange opinions about the Bible -- we are looking for God's truth, not just man's perceptions. In fact, I really liked this book up until page 59, where it bluntly stated that a small group leader had to be male. I do recognize that this is a valid Christian perspective, so I recommend the book even though I don't agree with the emphasis on this point.

Paperback Published by People of Destiny. Publication date: October 1, 1996 Dimensions (in inches): 8.98 x 6.02 x .39 ISBN: 1881039064

Leading Life Changing Small Groups, by Bill Donahue.

Written by the director of adult education and leadership training at Willow Creek Community Church, this book is the result of experience rather than theory. Although the Willow Creek small group model is more structured than many leaders will feel comfortable with, the issues raised and the resources supplied will be helpful to anyone involved with small group leadership. The very title stresses the underlying principle: changing lives.

Paperback, 191 pages Published by Zondervan Pub House Publication date: July 1, 1996 Dimensions (in inches): 11.06 x 8.48 x .57 ISBN: 0310205956

Listening & Caring Skills in Ministry by John Savage.

Whether you are a small group leader, a couselor, or merely want to be a better friend, learning to listen better will help you communicate more effectively, with fewer misunderstandings. This book goes beyond the popular "paraphrase" technique, and offers a number of different listening methods, which can be used in combination as the situation warrants.

Paperback, 152 pages Published by Abingdon Press Publication date: May 1, 1996 Dimensions (in inches): 8.95 x 6.03 x .45 ISBN: 0687017165

Empowered Evangelicals : Bringing Together the Best of the Evangelical and Charismatic Worlds by Rich Nathan, Ken Wilson.

A description of a church movement also referred to as "the third wave", that brings together the best of both evangelical and pentacostal traditions, rather than viewing each other with suspicion and judgement. Without getting hung up on labels or terminology, the authors also suggest questions for pastors to ask themselves, so that their churches can build on the various strengths of both traditions.

Paperback Published by Vine Books Publication date: September 1, 1995 Dimensions (in inches): 7.93 x 5.13 x .82 ISBN: 0892839295

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