Amy's Frog Contest

Factual Frog Information Contest

Amy is the owner of a WONDERFUL frog page, and is looking
for "factual" information on frogs to add to her site. Okay, this is a
very general catagory, and will be very hard to judge.... but I will leave
that up to Amy. :)
I have tried to add some sub-catagories, to help catagorize entries.


Please Enter your name:

Please feel free to enter an "alias"name, a name in which I can post on on
this site, while keeping your actual name hidden from other viewers.
Enter alias name here:

Please Enter your e-mail address:

Factual Frog Information:

Although this contest is set up to help Amy get information for her page, I would like to use the information submited, for this page (especially any information relating to frog illness and disease). Please note that any information entered may be posted on web sites. So if you get information from a copywrited source, please be sure to give credit, where credit is do.

The Prize

The prize for this contest is a new copy of John Coborn's book:

White's Tree Frogs

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