White's Owners...

Some "Hoppy" Owners of White's tree frogs

Please send your new White's (or old) name(s), and pictures


NOTE: I have a scanner, and if you would like to see your precious little White's picture on this page, I can scan pictures for you. Free of charge of course, and I will pay for the return shipping of the pictures. I guess I should state though, this might be a limited time offer (depending on the response and condition of my system). If interested in having me (and my frogs) scan pictures for you, type a quick e-mail


and I will send you information of having me scan pictures for you.

Some White's Owners

The Giddens are the prowd owners of two glorious White's named "Ladelada and Der Glumph." Click HERE to see a few pictures of these plump little guys.
C.J. is ecstatic to announce the arrival of Prince Dauntless into her home Justin has a White's named Mooman and another named eep.... a.k.a. the Blues Brothers
Angela is the proud owner of two White's: Kermit and Bentley "Cadet Chaplain Crystal Parker" has two White's tree frogs, Sticky and Tiny, and has raised Tiny from a partial tadpole. Tiny "was shipped too early to the Petsmart that I was working at. Thanks to Sticky's help. Tiny is a very fat, very contented frog, and Sticky is just looney tunes."
SmokinBKS is the proud owner of a White's named "JUMPER" Danielle Swanson is the proud owner of a "deep" voiced White's named Caruso.
Sterling is the proud parent of three glorious White's named Mister Speck, Frogger, and Soozie. Randy S. is the proud owner of a White's named Mellow (Melly for short), and his wife Colleen is the proud owner of two white's named Bernie and Lima.
Lyndsay Henderson is the loving owner of three White's tree frogs who's names are: Romeo, Juliet, and Benvolio ("I have a Shakespeare theme going on!!!"); and is currently looking in to getting some Fire Bellied toads. Janine L'Heureux is the loving parent of a White's named "Bub"
Nichole, Chris and family are the proud pets of a White's named "Doublemint" Karen Gowell is the new parent of a playfull White's named "Maggie"
On A VERY sad note, Karen and George Adams have lost their pet White's named "Harvey" to what sounds like a bacterial infection. I always feel deeply sad when a fellow frog lover looses a pet!!!..... ..... but on a happier note, George and Karen have adopted a new White's named Wallace. Who seems to be doing GREAT!
Rafe Scahefer, the newest U.F.O. (Unnamed Frog Owner), has chosen a name ("Sampson") from the 3rd "Help Name The Frog" contest. Click HERE to find out more information.
Julie Arnalod is the proud new parent of a White's, named Frog Filippo Lippi or "Pippo" for short, and a local Alabaimian brown tree frog named Botticelli (which means 'Little Jug' in Italian)
Jamie Ann just got another White's named "Peanut" Ashely Moore (Doug Moore's daughter) was a U.F.O. (unnamed frog owner) ....until 9/12/97, when Ashley chose the name "Herbie" from the contest that was run..... Click HERE to find out more information.
This contest was made available because of the hard work, and love of animals of Karen and George Adams. :)))))
dkmerlino (from Guestbook), is the "hoppy" new owner of two White's
named Willie and Kermit.
Christy is the new owner of a fine White's. Thus, the inception of the "Help Name A Frog" contest came about. But with lack of contact with Christy, I held a random drawing to choose a winner. Click HERE to find out more information.
This contest was made available because of the hard work, and love of animals of Karen and George Adams. :)))))

Elbert Joshua Chu is the proud new owner of a juvenile White's named "Hijinx" Jamie Ann has just adopted a White's named "Mr. Peabody"
Karen and George Adams are the proud new parents of
TWO White's tree frogs named "Harvey" and "Grommit"
Mary has just adopted two wonderful White's!!!
Eric is the proud new owner of a White's!!! Jeremy, just became the proud owner of two little Whites!!!
oppps, make that THREE Whites!!


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