Formative What I've Learned From This Site The Infantilist
Support Club Forum |
About The Infantilist Support Club Forum
The focus of the Infantilist Support Club Forum is not concerned with the various types of infantilistic practice, but rather it is concerned with the reasons that we practice our infantilism, and its practical impact on our lives as adults. It has been established in the hopes of providing a place for like minded people to meet. Hopefully those who might be interested in dialoguing in a constructive manner about infantilism and to deal with their infantilistic tendencies. Hopefully through the greater shared understanding that might evolve, it will help us to find a better grounding in reality and less of a tendency to be enthralled by fantasy. By entering into such a dialogue, it is hoped that we might be able to gain a greater understanding of our selves, and therefore a greater respect for ourselves. Meanwile, perhaps we will also grow in our understanding and respect for those around us. The Infantilist Support Club Forum is the one part of this site which many find to be the most valuable, especially those who post in the forum. It is my hope that through the process of the dialogues of the Infantilist Support Club Forum that we may be able to find the strength and support we need to deal best with what may at first appear as a major problem in one's life. While by its nature, infantilism seems to foster feelings of low self esteem and shame, it seems to me that most of the other infantilists I have met on the net are rather fine people who somewhere along the line came to associate the state of infancy with a lost state of acceptance and love. Right now the Infantilist Support Club Forum is in an unsponsored mode. I apologize for all of the advertising. Perhaps someday I/ we will put everything onto regular commercial sites. If anyone would like to fork over the dough for this, offers would be gladly accepted. Should you desire to communicate individually with any of the other Forum participants by email, emails can be exchanged privately between Forum participants in The Email Exchange Chatroom. By clicking on the links below, you will be taken to the Infantilist Support Club Forum Agreement For Posting Page.