Gold Links

See the bottom of this page for links to some great Chief Petty Officer pages. I won't try to imitate or duplicate the terrific work others have done.
This page contains some CPO pictures from my files and a listing of friends and people I've known or served with who earned the title of 'Chief'. The intent is to honor the position of Chief Petty Officer and in so doing, the people I've known, who earned that position, are honored as well. Included in the list are some for whom I had the greatest respect. They were the ones I tried to emulate when I wore the hat (and still try to).
The list is in alphabetical order of last name. No matter how hard I try, I know I'm going to miss some. Please don't be offended. Perhaps I didn't know you made Chief. If I knew you, (or you knew me), E-mail me and I'll add you.

Before I start the list, a true CPO story:

It was at NAS Pax River, shortly after I'd retired. A friend had made Chief and I went to his initiation. Of course I was in civilian clothes. The judge had everyone stand as he began assessing fines. So much per stripe for officers and so much per star for E-8s and E-9s. Then he said, "All Chiefs be seated". I sat. He continued assessing fines to those that remained standing in civilian clothes. When he finished, he asked if he'd missed anyone. Everyone seated near me hooted and hollered, pointing at me. The judge ordered me to stand and identify myself. I stood and said, "Retired Chief Joseph, your Honor". He asked why I had sat down. I replied, "You said 'all Chiefs be seated', that's a title earned for life, so I sat". The place went wild again, this time with 'hoorays' and hoots and hollers of approval! The judge banged and banged his gavel. When order was finally restored, he said to the Master-at-arms, "Pay that man. No fine. PAY HIM!"
In all the initiations I've ever attended that's the only time I've ever seen the court pay an attendee.

When I told that story to MMCM Greg Peterman of 'The Goat Locker', he gave me the phrase,
"Once a Chief, Always a Chief".

The rate given after the name (if any), is what they were when I first met them.

  • AEC Charlie Badger. VP-30.
  • ATC R. Bellmore. AT1, VAW-12 & 33. An expert electronic technician. Taught me a lot. Never knew him as a CPO, but I know he made it.
  • YNC Gene Bischoff. YN1, VP-30. A friend and former business partner.
  • AFCM Grover C. Bowling. AMCS, RVAH-14. Grover is 2nd from your left. A great Leading Chief.
  • ATC Richard Brown. ATW3, VAW-33; NAS Key West; NAS Pax River. A close friend and former business partner. Became a LT.
  • AVCM Jim Burke. VP-30. My Department Chief.
  • AMEC Ken Burke. AME1, VP-30. No relation to Jim.
  • AQC Harv Burkett. AQ1, RVAH-14. Harv is on your right, 1969. Became WO1. Retired as Lcdr.
  • ATC Norm Busby. AT1, RVAH-14. Norm is 2nd from your right.
  • ADRC Bill Cassaw. NAS Key West. My division Chief and a friend.
  • AZCS Lloyd Collier. Did not know while on active duty, but a recent professional associate.
  • ATCS Malcolm Craig. VAW-12.
  • ATC Jim Crampton. NAS Albany.
  • AEC E. Crissman. RVAH-14. Criss is on your right. Was this the night his hat got put on report? Not him, his hat!
  • AEC C. W. Furlow. Did not know while on active duty, but a former professional associate.
  • ATCS Arnette Gaddy. ATC, RVAH-14. One of my best friends in my entire Naval Career.
  • ATCS Bob Gotshall. Retired. I bought his two-way radio business to retire in to.
  • ATC Terry Heineman. AT1, VP-30. A good friend.
  • AOC Ben Hill. VP-30
  • AVCM Bob Hodges. ATCS, RVAH-14. Bob is 2nd from your right. My most respected E-9 and a friend.
  • AMSC Paul Hurtt. Liasion between my current group and the Navy while on active duty. Also worked for same company as me for a while after his retirement
  • ATC Fred Hutchison. NAS Sanford & Albany. A former business partner. Did I spell it right, Fred?
  • AMHC J. F. Johnston. AMH1, RVAH-14.
  • ATC Charlie Joseph. I can put myself on the list, can't I. I'm on your left in the picture.
  • AXC Al Kavaky. ATAN, NAS Brunswick; NATTC Memphis; NAS Pax River. A friend.
  • ADJC Joe Kendall. RVAH-14. Joe is on your left. 1969.
  • AMHC Mel Koonce. AMH1, VP-30.
  • AMSC D. L. Lassiter. RVAH-14. 'Las' is 2nd from your left.
  • ADRC G. 'Frenchy' Laforcade. VAW-12, Det 48 CPO.
  • AVCM Dave Liska. AX1, VP-30. A friend also.
  • ADJC Virgil Ray Mason. ADJ1, RVAH-14. Ray is 2nd from your right.
  • ATC Billy Menees. AT1, RVAH-3. Brother of Charlie. (next name)
  • ATC Charlie Menees. AT1, RVAH-3; VP-30.
  • AMEC R. Micheliche. AME1, VAW-12. A great mind.
  • ATC Harlon Mills. AT1 NAS Albany. My right hand in the cal lab and a friend. Became a LT.
  • ATC Cliff Mollyhorn. AT1 NAS Albany. A former business partner.
  • AQC Mike Money. AQ1 RVAH-14. My right hand in the ASB branch.
  • ATCS Art Moore. NAS Albany.
  • ADRC Muzzi. NAS Brunswick. Hangar Divison CPO.
  • AECS J. Neel. RVAH-14. Neel is on your right.
  • ENC R. A. Nuss. My boot camp company commander.
  • AOC Tim Perkins. NERF. A former professional associate and a good friend.
  • AQC Jerome Petritcsh. AQ1 NATTC Memphis, B School; RVAH-14.
  • ATC Charlie Philips. NAS Brunswick. Avionics CPO.
  • ATC Ed Pike. AT1 NAS Key West
  • ATCS Glen Pollreisz. VP-30. My division Chief and a good friend. See DEDICATIONS.
  • AFCM M. Rankin. AMCS, RVAH-14. Marion is on your left.
  • ATC Frank Richardson. AT1, RVAH-14. Frank is 3rd in from either direction.
  • AQC Roger Rix. RVAH-3.
  • ATC Bob Rock. VP-30. Bob retired when I joined 30. His retiring was why they needed me.
  • ATCS J. J. Rossachacj. AT2, NAS Brunswick; RVAH-14. May have made AVCM.
  • ATC Gene 'Doc' Savage. AT1 NAS Albany.
  • ATCS Leroy 'Scottie' Scott. ATAN NAS Brunswick. I don't remember how I know, But somehow, I know you made it, Scottie.
  • ATCS Steve Serokee. AT2, VAW-12 & 33; NAS Pax River.
  • AVCM Harry Shaw. RVAH-14. Our first Maintenance Chief. Harry is on your left.
  • PHC Gene Smith. RVAH-14. Gene is in the center.
  • ADJC Ed Stewart. ADJ1, VP-30.
  • ATCS Al Vinson. NAS Pax River. A friend and a great E-8.
  • ADRC Walker. VAW-33. Det 39 CPO.
  • ATCS Gene Walker. ATAN, RVAH-14. Ran into him in Pax River after I'd retired. He had been one of my greenies in Heavy 14.
  • ATCS Ken Walrath. AT2, VP-30. A close friend and a current professional associate. Ken is on your right. This is 1978, NAS Pax. His and Lee's initiation.
  • ATC (W something)ski. AT3, VP-30. Even if I could remember it, I couldn't spell it. Ski had been one of my flight tech students. After I retired, I visited Glen in Jax. Ski was a Chief and had my old job.
  • AQC Jeff Widman. AQ1, NAS Albany. Was a classmate in college in Albany. Became at least a LT. Ran into him at Test Pilot School in Pax River.
  • ADJC Dan Worden. RVAH-14. Dan is on your right.
  • AVCM Gus Yannayon. ATCS, VP-30
  • ATCS Lee Zufelt. AT1, NAS Pax River. A close friend and a current professional associate. Lee is on your left. 1978 Pax River. His and Ken's initiation.

    I had an advantage with RVAH-14. I have a cruise book. Every place else I had to rely on memory. This is significant with VP-30. I had many CPO friends there, but no way to jog my memory. So again, don't be offended. E-mail me as a memory jogger.

    Real CPO Mess, USS JFK CVA-67, 1969
     CPO Mess, USS JFK

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    ATC Charlie Joseph USN (retired).
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    CPO Links

    The Goat Locker. My favorite CPO site.
    The Chief's Place Nice looking site! See The Chief's POW/MIA page. It's as beautiful as his sentiment.
    The Poop Deck The originator of the CPO Ring.

    Hey, Guys! How about a salute for the Chiefs from the other Sea Service.
    The US Coast Guard.

    USCG Chiefs Association

    Gold Links

    Background Music is Sousa's "ANCHORS AND STARS"
    A Fitting Tune For Chiefs

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