This page is dedicated to all who gave their lives or the best part of their lives in the service of our country. The first section consists of links to some very fine sites that I won't try to immitate.

Doc's Pages

The second section is specifically for my friends and acquaintances. I will try to include pictures and anecdotes with each entry. If anyone who knows me, and knows of someone I know or served with, that passed away, please E-Mail me.

My List

ATCS Glen Pollreisz. Originally from Missoula, Montana.
Glen was my boss in VP-30 in the early to mid 1970's. One time we had a flight together from Pax River to Bermuda and return. The flight was delayed getting off, so we grabbed a bite to eat. Without thinking, I ate an order of Chili. Anyone whose has ever flown, knows you don't do that before a flight. Needless to say, I was not pleasant to be around on the trip to Bermuda. Glen teased me endlessly on the flight. We were again delayed getting off from Bermuda. So we went to the NAS Bermuda gedunk to grab another bite to eat. I was first in line and took special care to choose non-volatile food. When the waitress asked Glen for his order, with as dead-pan a face as you could ever see, he ordered "Franks & Beans. Large Plate"! Glen got his revenge! That may not be too couth a story about a man whom I respected so much. But it was funny and whenever I think about Glen, it comes to mind.
Glen retired in 1975, turned his hat around and came back to work as the civilian head of FRAMP training for VP-30. He moved to Jacksonville with them and held that job for several years before his final flight.

 Not Dead, Till Forgotten

The Navy Hymn, Eternal Father, Strong To Save plays in the background.
TAPS will load slow and play once automatically.

Grapics on this page courtesy of DOC
Photos by Annie

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