Studebakers in America

First and Second Generations

Compiled by C. Tharp

Peter Studebaker settles in the Conogocheaque and Hagerstown area in the back country of Prince George County, Maryland. n November 10, 1740. Peter Studebaker received a special warrant for 200 acres called "Bakers Purchase" in Prince George County, Maryland. He made additional purchases in the next six years, Baker's Lott 100 acres, Baker's Lookout 100 acres, and it would seem Peter had acquired 75 acres (dated December 6, 1749) that joined his original purchase, this was sold to Shoemaker and was called Shoemaker's Purchase, dated April 28, 1750. Surveyed to 63 acres. It seems Peter Studebaker also had a parcel of land (150 acres) called "Strife" which he sold to Peter Rench September 9, 1749. Both Peter and his wife Susannah signed the Deed. In the next year Peter again sold land (100 acres) which was a part of a tract of land a called "Studebaker Lookout" to John Long. Dated February 14, 1750-1 (?) Signed by Peter Studebaker and his wife Susannah. One of the witness was Jonathan Hager. On March 20, 1751, Peter's wife signed a document registered in the Will and Deeds Office of Frederick County, Maryland wherein she released her right of Dower: giving all to her children, heirs of Peter Studebaker. It would seem Peter was dead.

In the document last mentioned, Peter's heirs were named: Daniel, David, John, Peter, and Christopher. This list seems incomplete as Peter was married twice, first toAnn Margaretha Aschauer while in Germany. To them were born eight children. Three were daughters who all married into the Long family, Abraham who married and has many descendants. The remaining four all died before the settlement of the estate. Peter's second marriage also produced eight children. In 1751 when Peter's wife released her right of Dower, Jacob had not yet been born, nor the daughters, Susanna and Christina. Some think Peter may not have died until 1753. This is possible. What has been thought is that in about 1753 several members of the family died including the mother. Peter's death is stated to have been due to an epidemic ravaging the family, Susannah's and Peter's children surviving the period was but two sons: Peter born 1740 and Jacob last child born in his first marriage. Second; Peter by his second wife, wife Susannah, had their son Peter Jr. was born about 1740 and died 1790, his married was to Mary Miller. Their son Jacob is recorded as the only descendant of this marriage. Jacob married Salome Nette Grable and they were the parents of thirteen children. The third child of Peter and Susannah was Jacob, born 1752, in Frederick County, Maryland, now Washington County, Maryland. Jacob married Mary Snider, born January 22, 1756, daughter of Jacob and Margaret ______. Mary died November 15, 1832 in Miami County, Ohio. Jacob's death was before March 13, 1813. On that date his Will was proved in Bedford Co., Pennsylvania. The "Will" having been written on May 5, 1812. Jacob is buried in Snider-Ritchey Cemetery, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. His last residence was Providence Twp., Bedford County, Pennsylvania.

The line of descent which we are following contains the descendants of Jacob and Mary Snider Studebaker and their son David Studebaker. In all Jacob and Mary had 13 children, all it seems reached maturity and married. David the second child and first son was born in 1774 and died in about 1831. A second date for his birth is given as 1780. In the listing of Jacob and Mary Studebaker's children the first is stated: Catherine born April 24, 1774, David born 1774, Susan born 1776, Barbara born 1780, Elizabeth born 1782, Jac born 1787, John born 1787, Abraham born 1790, Maria born 1788, Hannah born 1792, Samuel born 1796, Sarah born 1800, and Margaret born 1803. All were born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. It is possible that 1774 date is most nearly correct for the birth of David. He moved to Miami County, Ohio in about 1811 in company with his brothers and sisters. David married about 1800 to Mary Elizabeth Ullery, born August 3, 1783, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Elder Samuel Ullery and Mary Elizabeth Brumbaugh, died April 16, 1861. Mary Elizabeth Brumbaugh (1767-1822) was the daughter of Johann Jacob Brumbach (1728-1799) and Mary Elizabeth Angle (1740-1806)
To continue see:
American Studebaker Ancestors, of, Mary Jane McKinley Tharp, 1736-1900
Studebaker "The German Origin", 1570-1736

Last update 10-05-97
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