


In my effort to gather more and more information, I have found others that have ran the gauntlet and have much to share. Without a free unselfish exchange the work of the search would be nearly impossible, with it doors are opened. Through this active study, corresponence and liberal exchange, success in the search has came many times with a more complicated maze of ancestry than I imagined possible in the beginning. The collected works of others that I have contributed to and have at hand of published family Histories are;

"The Studebaker Family in America" (1736-1976) which takes my wife's origin to Germany.
"The Merandas" (Miranda) a genealogical study compiled by Frank Hartley which links colonial businessmen (Indian Traders), Frontiermen, and American Indian with generations of European Jewry.
"The Harshman Family" Volume I and II by Col. C. C. Harshman and his wife and most able Collaborator, Mavourneen (Harshman) Harshman (an Ancient German Family (Andreas Hirschmann) imigrant to Philadelphia, October 16, 1751 & his descendants to 1976.
"Addington, The Family of Henry and Sarah Addington" beginning in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Compiled by Veda Addington Linsey for the Addington Association, copywrite 1996
"An Addington/ Chalfant Family History" by David Vern Addington copywrite 1992
In future works, an update of earlier publications of Philippi Du Trieux (1586-1653 and His Descendants by the Association of that name presently gathering data and publishing a quarterly News Letter. This being a family history beginning in the Walloon community of northern France (Roubaix, France) through the Netherlands port of Amsterdam to the Dutch Colony of New Amsterdam in America to the present.

In the same vein inwhich history is preserved through publication and distribution I have attempted to document and wrote for presentation studies undertaken to give to the public historical facts concerning first;
The Burial Grounds of the Tharp Family located on the old Tharp Farmstead in southwest Randolph County, Indiana
The Old Veterans Cemetery on Race St., Ridgeville, Randolph County, Indiana.
Burials at the Old German Baptist Church Cemetery or Mississinewa Church of the Bretherern Cemetery, Union Township, Delaware County, Indiana
The resulting manuscripts of these studies have been given to the respective County Historical Societies. These Societies has it available for study to all that seek the societies material for research.
I have presented to the Randolph Co., Historical Society material for their latest Biographical and County History, published 1990. Submitted were two biographies; Bio. & Genealogical Report of Adolph P. Tharp Bio. & Genealogical Report of Clarence L. Tharp

Last update 7-18-97

Cecil E. Tharp

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