The photograghs shown here are in the .gif format and maybe downloaded, some of which I have identified. To download photographs click on the highlighted text below. When the full size photo appears use you right mouse button and click on the image. Then save target as...... and choose a directory you wish to place this file. Use the Back button on your browser to return to this page.
Note: individuals appear left to right
-top row left to right-
1.(James McKinley 1865-1944), 2.(Samuel McKinley 1868-1934), 3.( William I. McKinley 1862-1940),
4.(John W. McKinley 1864- ????), 5.( Creed C. Broadwater 1870-1954), 6.(George M. McKinley 1873-1943),
7.(Robert A. McKinley 1875-1953), 8.(Hugh A. McKinley 1899-1997), 9.(Thomas M.McKinley 1869-1950)
-second row down left to right-
1.(Carrie Turner McKinley 1869-1940), 2.(Ella M. Rarick McKinley 1870-1963), 3.(Andrew McKinley 1901-1975),
4.(Cathrine Driscoll McKinley 1868-1923), 5.(Benjamin McKinley 1839-1924), 6.(Arah Bryan McKinley 1835-1916),
7.(Ethel Trowbridge McKinley 1871-????), 8.(Mary McKinley Broadwater1871-1947),
9.(Verle Broadwater 1872-1936), 10.(Pearl M. Melvin McKinley 1882-1959 ), 11.(Mina Adams McKinley 1880-1929), 12.(Millie Rarick McKinley 1872-1936)
-third row down left to right-
1.(Mildred McKinley 1892- ), 2.(Bergie McKinley 1890- ), 3.(Florence McKinley 1897- ),
4.( Carl McKinley 1896- ), 5.(? McKinley), 6. (? McKinley), 7.(Fred McKinley 1894- ), 8.(Ray McKinley 1890),
9.(Kemper McKinley 1892-1969), ( ? McKinley), 11.(Milo McKinley 1887- )
12.(Opal McKinley 1897-1981), 13.(Fern McKinley 1894-1979)
-front row left to right-
1.(Leo McKinley 1898- ), 2.(? McKinley 1898- ), 3.(Pearl McKinley1898- ), 4.(Lloid Broadwater 1895-1970),
(Mark Broadwater 1898-1943), 5.(Russell H. McKinley 1899-1976)