My Family

Now I'd like you to meet my family. My parents, Vivian and Richard, met in Israel in 1968. They work VERY hard. (I take after them. ) My father works in computers and my mother is the principal of a Hebrew School. They have always been there to support me throughout the years. Their guidance has helped me stay true to myself.

Brian is the best brother anyone could have. We are very fortunate to have gotten along so beautifully our whole lives. We are not only siblings, we are friends. I loved being with him at Binghamton this past year; I will miss him next year.

Brian shares his love for music with my mother and me. He is a very talented clarinetist. :)
He is also a very busy guy. His freshman year he was the Social Vice President of his residence hall, and next year he will be the President of Dickinson Town Council, his residential community's government. He is very interested in political science, particularly in international affairs.

Now meet my grandparents. Grandma Edith and Grandpa Harry live right here in New York. I like coming for dinner and tossing the salad. :) They have an uncanny ability to get upset only over the truly important things in life. They are ALWAYS happy and optimistic, and for that I give them a lot of credit.

I do not recall seeing Grandpa Jack mad, either. Family is probably the most important thing in his life. I enjoyed going to his house in the country; it was so quiet and peaceful. I remember playing ball outside with my brother and father, and we always loved the knockhockey set. I miss my grandfather now that he lives in Florida all-year-round. (But we'll be sure to visit. :) )

Now I'll send a special hello to other relatives of mine: Renee and family, Auntie Charlotte and Uncle Jack, Stevie and family, Aunt Lily and family, Uncle Cary and family, Tami and Caryn, Susan and family, and all the cousins in Florida.

I'll also say hello to my relatives across the world: in Canada, South America, Belgium, Holland, England, Israel, and Australia.

Come see pictures of my family and me.

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