Pride in America: by Diane McClain

Ever since September 11, 2001 more flags have been waving. I see more bumper stickers with flags, and pride in our country is higher than ever before. Something in our country has come alive!

In 1978, I enlisted in the United States Navy. I did not join to serve my country, however. In my mind I saw an easy way to get a job without having to put forth the effort of studying in college. I did not know one detail about our American government. I did not even care who our president was, who were our state senators were, nor even how our government worked. I had no desire to vote, nor worry about my future in our country. I did not understand the difference between freedom in our country, versus countries who had no freedoms. I did not even know all the words to the Star Spangled Banner. If you would have asked me in what year the war of 1812 took place, I would have had to stop and puzzle over the question, and probably answered, "I don't know." I know this is an exaggeration but it proves a point, American History was just not that important. I plainly did not care where I was from, just that I was anxious to "Be my own boss!"

Joining the Navy however, shook my life up and reality hit me square in the face. Suddenly I was in a foreign world. I was no longer "My own boss". For the first two weeks I am ashamed to say, I cried every day to go home! I quickly learned I had one choice, shape up or be miserable until I did shape up. My life took a sudden change. I quit fighting this alien world, and turned to God. Suddenly, a big weight was off my shoulders. I determined to get through Basic training, and be the best I could be. It was then I realized that I was an American and what it meant to be an American. That freedom I had enjoyed did not come without a price. I learned to words to the National Anthem, and several other patriotic songs. Every time we saluted the flag, I felt a swelling pride to be a part of our country. It was like walking into a pitch black room and having the lights suddenly come on! I was proud to be an American!

Upon leaving the military service, I was privileged to serve as a Navy wife, supporting the man God gave me as he served our country. We lived in Japan during Desert Storm, and watched the military men and women drill and prepare to leave. Once again, reality struck that freedom was not free. Thousands of men and women were stepping up to the plate so to speak, leaving for the Persian Gulf into the unknown. Some would never return, giving the ultimate sacrifice. I saw what families went through when loved ones left for the unknown. Although my husband was not one who had to leave. these were my next door neighbors leaving to serve our country in a real war. I saw what their families went through not knowing if they would ever see their loved ones again.

Thoughtfully I listen to the news now and watch some of the war events on television. I also see those who are criticizing our men and women, our President and anyone else they can think of just to make a statement. The handful of Hollywood "Stars" who so loudly voice their opinion, are like spoiled children who have not had the blessings of discipline. By the grace of God, I could have been just like them. I must stop and remember to pray for them. They remind me of those who cried out long ago, "Crucify Him". Those who "voiced their opinion" thinking they could stop the plan of God. No matter what they said or tried to do, they could not stop God's perfect plan.

Around 300,000 men and women are over in the Persian gulf area now. Just as a few "voice their opinion", the troops press onward toward that one goal: To keep America free until the day of Christ's return. I am not only proud to be an American, but I am extremely proud to be a Christian. Proud for the freedom to worship and extremely proud of a Savior who ignored the protests and gave His life for me.

A thousand thanks to every man and woman who are putting their lives down for me, for my freedom. Eternal thanks to God for laying his life down for my eternal freedom! God Bless America!

Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?