
Torsten Lantz, Sweden. Updated 04-10-03

1. Revival Perspective 1984-2004

2. Come together!

3. The Lord speaking to Sweden 1984.

1. Revival Perspective 1984-2004

When Kenneth Copeland 1984 visited Sweden he
talked about the time and the future.
The prayer initiatives and services are the
very foundation to what God is doing all over
the world, especially in Scandinavia, Great
Britain and the rest of Europe. When God
bring this together it will be a big explosion.

Now is the time for the greatest outpouring
of the Holy Spirit in the history of man,
Kenneth Copeland said already 1984. My comment:
Ten years after, we know what happenened, The
Father's blessing started in Toronto and spread,
The Holy Fire started in Pensacola and spread,
and yet ten years later India and China now
are opening for God's Word

2. Come together!

The Lord says 'Come together - now is the
time for the final battle, come together'!

Satan can not take us all - we are too many
when we come together. But if he can split
us, make us to do our own business, then he
can make us ineffective.

Kenneth also asked the Lord, 'What is
the greatest problem in the Body of Christ?'
The Lord answered:
-Your stubborn decision to reprimand each other.

Continual reprimand feeds un-unity, suspicion
and broken relations between the believers.

3. A prophecy Kenneth Copeland shared
during his Sweden visit 1984, translated to
English from the Swedish paper:

"I have been sitting over this nation as a mother. You are so precious for me, says the Lord. I am your God and I will not leave hold of you. I will not allow darkness to take over this country. Darkness has no power before my face. I have the power over the darkness. I am the light of the world, says the Lord, no darkness can make me to run away.

This is the time I have longed for. I have longed for bringing you to myself. I am longing for destroying your sickness and the destitution among you. I am longing for blessing you and give my people prosperity. I am calling people all over the world. I am calling them to come to you. I will send them to you with the gifts of light. I will send to you words of deliverance, power and destruction of the activities of the enemy.

This is the time you have prayed for. Many will the blessings be among the people. I have told you, Says the Lord. No government can stop me. I am the Lord, your God, and I will not let myself be stopped. These are the days of my deliverance.

You will see the works of my hands in the sky. You will see the works of my hands on earth. I will work among you. I will anoint your sons and daughters. I will bring my Spirit over them. I will open heaven above and I will pour out my Spirit over all flesh. People will go to every parts of the world and bring forward the beautiful gospel about Jesus Christ. They will proclaim that now is the time, the time of deliverance, the time of the Glory. All the earth will be filled by my Glory, says the Lord. This is the days of my Glory.

Now there is that group and this group and that group and this group and that group and this group. But when my Spirit goes through the country these groups will become one thing. Winds of doctrines cannot split you apart. The blowing will continue, but will have no effect to the castle of God. These are the days of my glory.

In these last days I will pour out of my Spirit over all flesh. And I am doing it now. But you will see that you are a part of the action when you pray and intercede: 'O, God, pour out your Spirit!'

Remember that I have said in my word that from your innermost will flow streams of living water. You are at the bank of this river. When you pray and serve me in worship and adoration, living water will flow from your innermost. Then your river is flooding and some other's river is flooding and yet another's river is flooding and it will grow and grow. This is a river coming from the Spirit of God.

The light will begin radiating in one city after another. Then the lights will come together and rivers of lights will flow out from this country. The word will go out from this part of the world: Go to Sweden, there you will be recovered. Go to Denmark, there you will be recovered! Go to Finland, there you will be healed! The old gods will kneel before the living God! This is the time of my glory, says the God of the glory.

The world will recognize my boldness through that spiritual power which will flow from this country. Do not fall away from the mission I am giving you, I will use you in a great and mighty way. These are the days of my glory. I will get a mighty people. Those words I have emitted will fill places all over the world.

You will recognize my love, more than ever. You will know me more intimate the any other on earth. The time is now! Now is the time for my outpouring. The revelation in the Spirit will grow so strong in this country. Revelation will flow as streams on a river bank and where it is flowing it will cleanse and sweep clean the dirtiness from religious traditions. So many are hungry for the life in the Spirit. When they shout to me, I will feed them as the good shepherd.

I must urge my work, the hour of ressurrection is coming closer. Great things must happen, because of that my house must be filled. Show tolerance to each other in love. Keep each other precious and strive for coming together in the unity of the Spirit in faith.

The day of glory has come. The prayers are answered. Don't say in your hearts 'I see revival coming soon'. Say: 'Thank you God, it is here now. It is over us. We are abundantly blessed by the Spirit of the living God'.

Be bold and attack the strongholds. They will fall defeated before your feets. Have no fear. I will not let you fall. I will not let your words fall. I am your boldness, don't fear. Be bold and cast out Satan. Never let anyone despise your boldness.

Some will mock and accuse. Saying: 'They indeed believe they are something.' But you shall say: 'We are something! We are the warriors of the Almighty God and our weapons are love instead of fear. We do the actions of God because of that we are following in his footsteps.

This is the day of glory, says the Lord. I am sending angels to this country, hosts of angels. Are they not servants sent out to serve? I am sending them to this nation to fight mightily in the heavens.

The rulers of this world are defeated. When you continue to go out and carry my light, they will flee from your presence. Your faces will shine with my glory. Signs and wonders will appear in your presence. You will ride on the wings of the Spirit.

The greatest wonders will happen when you preach my Word, because of that it is the Word which will make the great work. A period will come, when the Word will enable greater miracles than laying on of hands.

The words coming out from my people will cause big force. Out of the mouth of the babes and sucklings I have established a might. Great might will flow from the lips of the believer. Enable the great power from the God Almighty to emit with healing and deliverance in the norther countries.

I will do great miracles among all races on earth. The big and the small will know that I am God. This is the time for my glory, says the Lord.

End of prophecy.

Source: Hemmets vaen No 37, 1984.

Responsible for this page is Torsten Lantz
Last modified 4 October 2004

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