Hi! I am Trevor Watson, Jr., but everyone calls me TJ. I graduated kindergarten today!!!

My teacher's name was Mrs. Johnston. The best thing she taught me was that learning is fun!! We always learned in a fun way, even math! She even took her time to read to us during the first grade journal time. The only bumber was we had to stay at school an extra 40 mins., but it was fun and I learned alot.

This summer I plan on swimming alot at my friend's house and at my Auntie's house. I like to swim and play with squirt guns. Mom and Dad got me a super soaker for graduation!

I am also looking forward to Vacation Bible School. My teacher is a great singer and we play Bible Baseball and soccer with the big kids.

Oh, and I am going to start playing soccer this year!! Mr. Tremore, my older friend, Tyler's dad, gave me soccer shoes and shin guards, so I am all set!


I also want to tape every episode of Blue's Clues and Winnie the Pooh! I just love those two shows. So does Mom!!

Here are some pictures from my two favorite shows! Blue's Clues on Nick Jr. and Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, on the Disney Channel.

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