
Bill has worked in the oil field installing and servicing submersible pumps for over 25 years. Because of his job we have lived in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and California.

Bill has always loved motorcycles. For most of our married life we did not own a motorcyle. However, now we are the proud owners of a Gold Wing. We have been able to make a couple of long trips (over 3000 miles) with some other friends. We attended the Gold Wing rally in South Carollina a couple of years ago. We are charter members of the local CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association).

Amateur Radio.

Bill's call is KA5JGF. Bill holds an Advanced license. He has been a ham for almost 18 years. Today he is not as active on the air as he would like to be. He used to spend many hours on 2 meters and 40 meters. Bill still likes to listen to the NARF net. NARF is the missionary net for the Church of the Nazarene.

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