Karen Lee
of Minneapolis, Minnesota
proud owners of....


Shih Tzu Photo (13K)

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(R.I.P. May 2, 1998)

I found Ernie during the last major snow storm here in Minnesota in March of 1995. I truly believe that he was brought into my life to slow me down and to appreciate life because that's what Ernie did best. He wasn't like any other dog my husband and I have ever owned. He didn't come running for the house when you went to let the dogs in. He just took his time and studied everything in the yard that he found interesting. He would even let himself in or out if the backdoor wasn't closed all the way. He was the first dog I'd had that followed me where ever I went. And he also did something for me that I have so rarely experienced; he loved me unconditionally.

Unfortunately for Ernie & myself, he continued to grow old and started to developed eye problems which at one point required surgery that left him completely blind in one eye and with partial vision in the other. In May of 1998 he wandered too close to another one of ours dogs food dishes and was blinded in the only good eye that remained.

I had always maintained that when he became completely blind I would have to put him to sleep because it wouldn't be fair to him to leave him to live without sight. I just didn't think that I would've had to do it so soon. I miss him tremendously and the husband and I are in the process of getting the other dog some behavioral help.

Thanks for letting me pay my respects for a precious gift that God allowed me to experience if only for three short years. Ernie was approximately 11 years old.

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