The Henhouse Grade-A Award

Lefty, a white leghorn hen

An award for outstanding webpages
by Women on the Web

"The cocks may crow, but it's the hen that lays the egg...."
Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain

Because women provide so much of the excellent content on the web, this award spotlights selected pages by them. In the spirit of political correctness, we have awarded the "Henhouse Grade-A" award to men, but the primary goal was to recognize the contributions of women.

If you will continue on to the next page, you will find the guidelines we used to award the winners. We know there are many great pages done by women, but, unfortunately, we are not awarding new sites because of other commitments by several of the hens.

Hens aren't always serious and don't always deal with weighty matters, so we have one resident hen who is in charge of fun. It's amazing the amount of hen fun that is out there on the web!

We managed to scratch up this tune somewhere around the barnyard, and hope you'll take time to listen to "The Hen's March." Thanks to Barry Taylor for his 6K midi of this traditional Scottish tune.

[The Hens] [The Rules] [Hen Fun] [Meet the Hens] [The Winners]

Thanks to Barry at Feathersite for letting us use Lefty as our mascot.

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