<H2> Ratings, Awards and Credits </H2>

Web Artist is not responsible for the content of the rotation banners on Heartland Meadows 7880.

Link Exchange
LinkExchange Member Get your Free Home Pages at Geocities

Index Page, Entry Point to Site | Our Home Page; Next Step from Index Page | Our Site History | Page Dedicated to Our Son, Chris | Faith and the Armour of God | Favorite Links | Sometimes God says "No" | Page Listing our Ratings and Promotion Sites | Simple Plan of Salvation |

Back in July 1997, I barely know what HTML was. Since that time, I have surfed the net and found several references that helped me. Of course, I started with the basic editor in geocites; however, I goofed and converted my page to "Advanced Editor". Oh fudge, now what!
I have not received any compensation for linking to these sites. I surfed and found them and liked them.
This page has links to lots of helps.

For Webmasters Who Want An Edge! - The place to check out for information, reviews and tips on having a Great Web Page. Find everything from building your page to promoting it and earning income with it. It's all FREE!

Found a cool graphics site. JPayne has just added a newsletter that pulls together a lot of help sources. Check out the newsletter.

Graphics Station Title Banner

Help Page Graphic

There are two references that are exceptionally helpful for developing color schemes. Please visit: Doug Jacobson at

Dave's Website is an excellent "ground up" tutorial. Additionally, he is a fellow LinkExchange Member
This is a comprehensive site that takes you step by step in learing HTML. It covers HTML chapter and verse.
HTML  Now!

Web Artist is not responsible for the content of the rotation banners on Heartland Meadows 7880.