Abrewin Rottweiler's Home Page

SafeSurf Rated All

This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.


New Litter on the ground

Our Other Links:

Blackwood's Coffee Break FCI Rottweiler Standard
Ch.Blackwood Dante Legend V.Loki CD American Rottweiler Club Homepage
Loki's litter Newport Dog Shows Home Page
Blackwood De'Storms Abrewin MB-F Dog Shows
Abrewin's Carmel Candy Jack Onofrio Dog Shows
Welcome to the AKC Rottweiler Fact's
Institute for Genetic Disease Control Our Site Awards.
Emergency Treatment for Bloat Luree's Graphics Index
Lew's Herb Page The Ball Boutique Free Graphics
Canine Health Sites Our Chat Room
AKC Rottweiler - Breed Standard Hoflin Publishing
Camelot Farms "Buried Treasures...."
"Tails .. A Dog Show Game" To Apply for our Site Award.
Dogglink Dog Rings

This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.This gif was created and copyrighted by Dogglink. Please don't take without permission.
©1997 Site and background designed by: Helen Richards  

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You are visitor from August 7,1997

Last updated June 23,1998

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"Helen Richards"
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I was put in the dungeon by my best friend Marsha BOO HOO. I threw my best friend in the dungeon heeheehee!!!!.
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