Fort Collins, Colorado


Photo Gallery

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May Day fun! We met at City Park with flowers in our hair for a May-basket craft, sack lunches and a Maypole for the kids! 
Enjoying a "Mom's Night Out" at Bennigan's. Mom's Night Out is usually once a month. Activities include things like playing Bunko, going to dinner, a movie, a coffee house, or even hot tubbing at a member's house! 
Showing off our creations. Some of our members got together and made puppets on "Make A Difference Day" for children at a women's shelter. The puppets were needed to help the children share their emotions with the counselors. We had a great time making them and helping the shelter at the same time. 
Some of our beautiful kids 
having fun together!
Our annual Kids' 
Holiday Party!
Family camping 
trip in Wyoming.

Some of our members with spouses and kids 
chowing down at our family picnic! 

A recent Mom's Night Out at a cooking class to 
learn about some healthier alternatives to our old menus.
Wine Tasting Party! Another Mom's Night Out hosted at a member's home. We had a buyer from a local store come teach us some of the finer points of wine tasting 

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